nintendo eshop pokemon moon

nintendo eshop pokemon moon

what's up pokemon trainers i'm pokeymanthis is my wife and today we're opening up probably the craziest amazon pokemondeal that i've ever heard of you guys might have heard of before there's likediscount sites that you can sign up for and if you order through the site youcan get products for really discounted and sometimes even for free. about a year ago we started using this website and just for like normal everyday householdthings like barbecue sets and spatulas and dartboards! we never saw any pokemon products on there we were really surprised when we saw a pokemon producton there and it was on there for $1 let's go ahead and get the boxes out. wait... before we do that i got something

really important to tell them. this is gonna be a deal that is better than all deals all all you gotta do is click that bell iconthat way you can be notified whenever one of our videos gets posted. prettygood deal right? best you'll ever! let's get into this. yeah please.but hit that bell icon because but like really oh reallyyou should. alright so here are the packages you can see amazon yay. i'll even probablythrow up on the screen the deal and the promotion and so you can see. and there you go. you got yours out. and i got mine out. hey they both have the the pikachu theme deck andyours is a mess okay so these are the ones that we got for a dollar. they arenormally $14.99 this is the ultimate

collection 4 box. inside it has 60cards an ex card, a pin, a coin i don't know why i'm going this wayonline rewards card trading card pack and oversized ex card and this ispackage by the fairfield company. um we also have another one here that we bought awhile ago because we're going to do an opening on it and we never got around toit so we bought this one from target for $14.99 we didn't get this onefor a dollar. yeah we got these for a dollar. so alright so let's go ahead and get one of themstarted, so crack into that one. i haven't even watched anybody open one of i am totally brand new to the i've only watched a few. the experience. can i just rip it?yeah. is that alright? get into it. the glue is really

fairfield knows how to glue their stuff man.this like a cracking into a vault alright first get the jumbo out okayright there please be a jumbo we don't haveyeah uh metagross ex? we might, we might. mega metagross yeah that is pretty awesome yeah all right what elsedo i get out i don't know there's there's like just some cards chillin here.oh there's a code. all right it's usually just uh oh this is actually areally good one so hurry up snatch it go ash greninja box. say thank you in thecomments because that's the proper thing to do. are you ready? yeahthere's a mega swampert ex with like

mega damage on the bottom. yeah somebody was just chomping it on it. so yeah a little snack throw that in a sleeve. all right let's see. where's the coin? just rip it all out make a mess oh oh wow well a pikachu coin. we don't have one of those. oh mewtwo!that's actually really cool alright alright so that is gonna be the themedeck. which is an evolutions one. so okay that was really rude. so a lot of people when theysee these collection 4 boxes and they see this on the front they alwaysmistaken this for like a pack. yeah... they see it and they're like oh that's not areal evolutions pack but it's actually not the pack it's the deck box. so if you dosee these in stores don't worry the

thing on the front is the theme deck andthat's the 60 cards it's what they call the 60 cards. yeah so. it's just a theme deck, i really don't even want to go through it because... i'm kind of curious a little bit.all right fine i mean you don't have to go through each card just shift through. oh wow look at that sweet magneton!just shift through it i just want to get an idea what's in here. pikachu and raichu. it's so weird these are like normally holo yeah yeah so seeing them not holo is weird. so there you go thats the evolutions them deck and the world champions card is an acetrainer. so what is that supposed to be? ex card? pin? coin? 60 cards? it's notsupposed to be. it's just bonus it's is there hey cool thanks for the uselesscard alright go ahead and alright open up the

pack. it's an evolution pack. its blastoise. what did you want to open it or something? its fine - you're like looking at me like i betrayed you. its fine. did i betray you? kind of. here. no it's fun. here take it. on - wowi haven't see what happens now you're already right i don't even know whatwere these hard right and thought how many times i going to do this in mylifetime sorry people here we go sandshrew alright magikarp fightingenergy star you dce charizard spirit link kikuna ohhollow energy and farfetch'd alright sleep up that hollow energy thatis pretty sweet painting is that what's

happeningyeah you painting on feathers he's an artist yes alright let's get into thenext one green has actually let's get into the dollar one yeah let's do theother dollar a dollar so this one is also a tv show one alright jumbo card oh phew yeah i don't think we have that idon't think we do either boy a little bit of the way because i'm so let's outburn we're okay yeah you go there we go you want me to go through what's in whatnot okay yes all right back we had fun though right i enjoyed it yeah hey thisis a really good cut - good luck woohoo how hard can beat you hi and they love awall alright e^x is a mega aerodactyl

that is pretty neat yeah and then let mesee your ear is it my coins gonna be better than your coin probably how theyhit my eyes just peachy yeah i got the pro key and then this istyrannosaurus look like a tracer yeah yeah we don't have this one and we'regonna buy the mega ty res our box just for the pin yeah and sweet good justmove it over yeah alright and see it oh yeah what if it was really sad about ourright to turn over like yeah we really should switched you got charizard sortof the matter okay voltorb tangela poliwag seal no magikarpyeah hunter you guys didn't see anything energy ripple x which the doctor realyou had no clue how are you good i'm

good bro woke a deck box something goodalright alright it's time to get in this last box where we stack in those yeahalright alright last box last box it's mine because i rule boys drool droolboys trullo oh oh telling vintage jumbo right alright sowe're gonna get a charizard jumbo although then cool what original aguitar chomp is pretty sweet no i'm gonna give that away i want thatoh that one's mine you away enough keep that one yeah look at the coin ready oh yes i mighthave that one but i'm still really sweet hermia and then we have the mall whileand that and oh from generations okay

your generation is such a nice day ilove all the art in it alright ah that's the quinn oh sweet hey thanks for theuseless card we should make a show this alright we go through this you guys wantto do this art okay i look like i look like i'm just real quick just sister soagain electric and fighting fury belt that's decent well it was decent yeahmax elicits that exact another look at it max elixir it's like really bad itcould but that's like a $5 card yeah mm-hmmmay have gone down a little bit but faster sweater is naming all thetriggers and reduces i get you open the back energy hii mean you open the other charts are

talking shared i get dinner and i'm notgoing to throw all my i could hear to that you have to make a face i'm gonnamean good thing it wasn't a good thing all rightagain i'm starting off with sandshrew wheedled tangela pony table so duoprofessor oak's it coughing maintenance switch reverse oh sorry sorry headphoneusers all right great alright so that wraps it up for these ultimatecollection for boxes i don't recommend them unless you get them for a dollarlike we did and you can't get them for a dollar anymore so don't buy em ever it'scool getting oversized the oversized cards i'll give it that good yeah bunchof cool random ones cuz i may have to

spend more than that to get an oversizedcard yeah you got to buy an entire collection box right but you also get alot more packs is you do data collection fuck yeah yeah just don't ever buy againand it's littles that think if you want these aspects of a box just save us alittle bit more in fire box by box on amazon user link in description allright so that's going to wrap it up for this again sorry we're not able to leavea link for how to get this for a dollar that deal is already dead but if you arecurious about the website we of course will leave a link in the description soyou can check the website out because they have great views on everything elseso why not check it out and you get

things for really cheap so let's do thegiveaway for this video we are going to just randomly take the lottery like thelottery really bad it so yeah but i'm gonna be really good at it becausethere's three x's so go ahead pick one so then it's me cuz i'm good at i hopeyou know but still be hello it's aaron axel this video we're going to give itaway the mega aerodactyl e^x i have to do two witnesses leave any comment onthis video and we will pick a winner in the next video so good luckspeaking of giveaway winners and if you have anything click righthere to subscribe to our channel and if you want to watch one of our past videoshere's one we recommend it just for you

if you like this video please give it athumbs up and we'll see you in the next all right that's it thanks for watchingget in my package i