nintendo eshop pokemon sun

nintendo eshop pokemon sun

lets do thiiiis!!! good day guys austin here and in this onetoday we're gonna be setting up the citra emulator now this is an emulatorwhich brings us that in tendo 3d s to our pc in this one today we're not justgonna be setting up and get our games working we're gonna be setting up andpushing it to the absolute maximum so you can get full resolution pushed allthe way to okay 60 frames per second wherever possible and of course we'rejust covering pushing everything for the maximum as always yep it's gonna be alengthy while probably pushing up to about 25 minutes but this one will coverevery game so you can get everything

from the 3ds up and running on your pcof course if it's compatible with the emulator now this emulator has beenpushed to the limit from the actual developers you don't need a beast of apc to run this anymore in fact you can pretty much run this ona fiber classify as a potato pc by this kind of standard so i threes you're allgood internal gpus you're all good and we'll cover that in more in depththrough the emulator i don't just give you the fish i'd give you the fishingrod so you can eat as many fish as you want for the rest of your life so by theend of this tutorial today you will know exactly how to work the 3d s emulatorhow to get the absolute maximum out of

it so in other words those of you whowant to sit on the couch with a controller on the big screen and seethese games in all the crystal-clear beauty we're gonna get doing that todayand to be honest this one is epic so without further ado let's get stuck in so to get this set up on our pcs thefirst thing that we're gonna need to do is go to the official citra website toget this emulator downloaded now there is various other locations such asunofficial builds and builds that have been made by other people and you maysee some joy and all that kind of stuff but to be honest the official citra isthe most up to date and for me i get the

most performance from it of course thereare ones specific to a certain game this is an open source program so people canmake and do things however they want but for me to get the most performance outof all the games and that the most stable i use the official build so thisis the website links in description down below it will guide you to here now bythe time you're watching this video obviously things may have changed maybedifferent pictures the layout might be slightly different but the overall vibeand theme shouldn't change that much so at the top we've got all the tabs peruseat your leisure but for us we're gonna get stuck straight in and download thisso for me i've got a little tap here

saying download for windows so i'm gonnaclick on that it will guide you to this section of the website where i canactually download it peruse all let's go fit your own leisure i'm sure it's veryinformative but for us we're gonna get stuck straight in and download it thereis no 32-bit support for this obviously for those of you on ancient computers orlower end systems yet it can run on a potato now but we can't run on that badof a potato so once that's downloaded then go to whatever it's downloaded toand run the program this will basically launched the citra emulates of wizardwhich will guide you through everything that is needed to get it up and runningon your system so as you see welcome to

the citruses of wizard there is a taphere called settings but don't really mess around with anything in here thisis more for advanced users so you don't need to care about that what we want todo is click on next then what we want to do is tell it wherewe want to install citra you can put it wherever you want but for me for theease of this video i'm going to install it on my desktop so well it's easy forme to get amongst and show you guys so i'm gonna click on browse i'm gonna goto my desktop and then i'm gonna make a folder on my desktop called citra so i'mgonna click into here and then i'm gonna put select folder as you can see it'snow put the location to that and then

asana to do it on next now at this stagethere is two versions of sitri that we can download we've got one called thenightly and we've got one called canary now i want to highlight them bothnightly is the most stable version of sitri if we hover over it it should giveme a little box as you can see the nightly builds of sitri are the officialtested versions of sitri that are known to work so in other words these are themost trusted versions of sitri it's got all the enhancements and everything thati've been around some time everything's been tested the developers and most ofthe people in the community know exactly what's happening in here and it's gotthe most support however what it's not

got is many of the new features that arepushed out almost daily and that is in the actual canary build and that's whatwe're gonna focus on today because yep it's not a hundred percent i would saystable but what it has got is often better speed increases it's got betterenhancements there are options yep from time to time you make it unlucky anddownload a bill that isn't as compatible for the old system or i've got a fewbugs in there but to be honest i get the most performance and the most joy usingthe canary build it used to be called the bleeding edge i wish to just call itlike the beta and the most stable version then people would know what itis but let's focus on these and download

them both so make sure they're bothticked click on next this bit is for the general publiclicense so in other words this is an open-source emulator so anybody can workon it people can do whatever they want except things that aren't in the licenseso peruse this at your own leisure make sure you enroll up to date on itclick on eggs at the license that go next and this bit is just as you wouldwith any other windows program it's asking you do you want to make a startmenu shortcut i'm believe every for the standard clickon next then it's gonna say well let's install this puppy so i'm gonna installand now it's gonna go to the official

citro download location and download itto your pc so yeah by using citra again we're using the canary build todaybecause i get the most performance out there if there's something that's justbeen released it's straight in there and i have not had a problem in a couple ofyears of me running this from using those type of builds yeah we may getunlucky from time to time but 99% of the time we're good to go so once i stunthen click on finish it will exit out of the energy you see on our desktop we'venow got a folder that we just created and have the emulator in there obviouslyif you look in a different location travel to whatever it is you installedit and then get inside the folder and

the first thing you greeted with is themaintenance tool now it used to leave a little shortcut on your desktop toactually launch all this kind of stuff it doesn't seem to do that anymorebut we don't really want a bubble with this it basically takes care of itselfso every time you launch it citra it will check on the website see if you'reusing the most up-to-date version and if you're not then it'll try to to actuallydownload and well install it it takes care of itself which is absolutelyawesome so as you see we've got two folders in a while called canary and gotone called nightly for us like i said we're going to be focused on canary sowhat i go into here now you've got three

application files one called citra qti'm on old room now for the actual emulator and the one that we want tomake the magic with we want to use citra qt and to make things easy for herselflonger there is highlighted right click create shortcutand there we go now i can drag this up to my desktop and so i don't need to gothrough all this gun and all this crap to actually just play citra so ever donow is rename it so citra canary and you can all some it won't be knightly youcould have put down that route also but we're gonna focus on this so i knowexactly what it is that i'm launching each time so first things first what wewant to do is set up everything with the

emulator so it's ready to rhumble to behonest so you've got various tabs along the top i wanna focus on the emulationtab there's one on there called configure and it'll bring you a boxsimilar if not identical to this one i wanna stretch it up so i can see all thetabs at once and as you can see we've got various tabs we'll run through nowto get it all set up the first one you don't really want to mess around withbecause it's all set up as default you won't get no added performance bymessing around with a little from here in fact by disabling cpu jit you'll seebut basically a powerpoint presentation when you all playing the game cuz it'srunning so slow make sure that is

enabled region doesn't really messaround with it put it on auto select beam wise if you click on to dark thenit basically makes this darker so it's not as bright on the screen i'm gonnakeep those default next thing then system got on all your personal detailsif you want to in this bit make some difference whatsoever for the actualgame next bit setup your controller now some controllers may need to be turnedon before you actually launch up etc so if your controller isn't beingrecognized when we're doing this bit now exit out of sitri and turn on yourcontroller then come back into citra and your controller should be recognizedcontrollers that i believe are

acceptable from this emulator oranything that's x input or direct and put anything along those lines basicallyif windows can if windows could use your controller in any of your games oranything like that you should be good to goi'm not heard of anybody with any crazy stories of not being able to get this tobe configured so once that's up running then i'm going to turn my controller nowmine's pretty compatible i'm using an xbox one s5 by the waynow thing is controlling your setup your controls if you're using the xboxcontroller remember that this is the nintendo layout so the a and the bbuttons and the x and the y buttons are

the opposite way around so for me withmy xbox pad i'm gonna put the a button as b i know it sound crazy b button as ax button as y and the x button sorry y button as x next thing there and bumperbuttons i'm going to do the left bumper button right on the buttonelectrica right trigger c stick this is the stick test to the right of thescreen on the 3ds so i'm going to be using my rightmost analog stick so youcan't go through it and do it this way however to get the proper sensitivitywith all this click on set a lipstick and it says after pressing okay firstmove your joystick horizontally in other words left or right and then use it andthen vertically so up and down so i'm

gonna click on okay then i'm going topress it to the left and then i'm gonna press it up and as you can see it's beenat all for me directional pad this is just your d-pad on your control and soleft right now see stick or circle pad oh sorrycircle pad this is your analog stick so the leftmost analog stick on yourcontroller so it should be the exactly same as like we did with the c stick soclick on set analog stick click on ok then do it left and then do it up and asyou can see it's configured itself next bit thin for me click on start click onselect and once i start then click on graphics so at this stage this is wherethings are really gonna impact and to be

honest it depends on the pc that you'llrun into what kind of settings we can put in here and again it depends on thegame that were run in how intensive it is what kind of pc so there's a lot ofvariables so it's not really worth messing around too much at this stageuntil you get it run in a game and then you can kind of see what kind ofperformance you get in and as we'll see in a second how far we can push itdepended on your computer but for now i'm gonna keep everything as standardthere's nothing else i need to mess around with here except the layout ofthe screen default is one big screen at the top the little screen at the bottomfor me i like to have the big screen as

big as i can so i'm gonna go in thisdefault i'm gonna put this on large b so i got a massive main screen and a littletiny hello screaming the bottom round corner next thing then go into audioleave this default you don't really mess around with anything minute otherwiseyou may have issues with audio camera this is a new addition you can actuallyuse your webcam now as it would be on your official 3ds so choose which coveryou want to mess around with me i'm gonna do it with the front camera andthen if you've got a webcam it will short here if you've not then put it onblank but you can also end it on what game you're playing and utilize your thecamera from the 3ds in virtually

different ways so if you haven't got awebcam and you can upload a picture of yourself and pretend that this is apicture taken from your webcam or you can actually use your camera itself anddo it that way pens on your setup but i'm gonna leave this as standard asnormal next thing then don't miss run with anything a debug unless you'repretty advanced user or you been doing this for a whilesting then he has got online play and we'll talk about this more end of thevideo too much for now let's play that way and then click on ok and all thosesettings will now be held on your pc so when now should be able to at least runagain so first things first double click

on answer add a new folder to the gameslist so now what citra does is instead of just adding a game or looking for yougame you can actually get them all to display in the emily to itself so doubleclick on it now what i want to do is go to the location of where my games up sofor me it's in 3ds games so as you can see on my desktop i've got variousdifferent games in here and these are in various different format now for thegames you want to be getting them from your 3ds you can dump them yourselfagain in the description down below or per link to this place here which isfrequently asked questions we've everything revolved in around such orhow to get things working involving get

any games and all that kind of stuff putin here is a section on dumped in your own games so he can officially downloadthem from your 3d s again links are in the description i'll guide you here talkthrough it all or you can actually get ones that installed on your 3ds in thewords a shop games and they come in a different format also cx i games arenormally games that i've been installed from the eshop and your 3d dot 3d sgames are ones that are dumped from the carts let's say now obviously you canget these on the internet a lot kind of stuff but we won't cover that because itdepends on what country from legalities all that kind of stuff so it's somethingthat i can't cover that in this video

but the official way of doing this isobviously downloading it three free d s now i've got icons on mine that'sbecause i've got a program that actually recognizes these 3d s files so that'sreason your mazal different yours are probably blank or tied to anotherapplication that you've got that recognizes don't worry about the iconsfor now and as you can see we've gone to the location of where we just put a bittoo if i do select folder it will now import all those games that we justlooked at into the 3d sorry to the citra andyou can see drawl now here they're all got the title it tells you thecompatibility where it's from the file

type and of course the size of the gameand you've also got some nice little handy icons to keep your eyes happy nowfor us we're all set and ready to rumble now we should be able to launch gamesfrom this moment on but hang on before you start clicking off the video becausethere is other stuff that we need to do for certain games but for testing let'slaunch game up just to make sure everything is running now i believe ifyou've got a pad that has got touch input you can use it to be your actualtouch input on the screen but for me i use my mouse and this acts as on theright-hand or deep the bottom screen on this 3d s which is emulated on the righthand side on the emulator if i touch it

in a certain location then that's as ifi'm pressing it on that screen so let's get into the game it should give me ascreen on the right hand side there we goso if i were suppressed somewhere on the what would be the bottom screen on the3ds then i can click on whatever i want to in here as you can see or of coursemost games have it so you can use your controller and there we go got the gameup and running and ready to rumble but for us what we want to do is certaingames when you launch let's say for example mario kart 7 as you can see itneeds certain files from your 3ds in other words on your original 3ds you'vegot a profile that is held in a certain

locationobviously the citra team cannot give you that because first off it's your fileand your profile so they can't really mess around with that also many of thefiles and folders that are in there are actually copyrighted to nintendo so it'sunable for them to actually share it but again legally you want to be dumpingyour own and also you want to be using your or anyway because that's yourprofile before your saved games or your profile from your freed yes and you getan all-round better experience doing it that way so what we need to do now isexit out of here so exit out and what we want to do isadd that folder to our citrus setup

so let's exit out of the emulator andi've got my user folder here so in here we've got all different ones that havebeen dumped from my system so it's exit out now what we want to do is put it inthe location where citric knows where the magics happening so me what i wantto do is little file explorer go into the top tab at the top here and what iwant to put in there is percentage app data app data as you can see that then iwant to do another percentage sign and this will take me to a folder which isnormally hidden by my computer click on there and as we can see is taking me tomy profile on my computer and update a 1 and it take me into roman this is wherecitra basically stores all your user

profile data so as you can see i'vealready got a folder in there that's it repaid when we install the emulatorclick on there and as you can see we've got various little folders that citrahas made for our profile so far just utilizing the emulator itself well whywould i do is put my profile into there so let's go click on and as you can seethe files or folders match up with some of the ones that already exist so i'mgonna copy copy and paste now we'll ask probably do you want tooverwrite certain files because some of them have already been created bydefault sorry came later itself yep i want to replacethem because now that's gonna up my

profile from my 3d s into the emulatoritself which is awesome so let's exit out of there now we're launch it upbecause i've got my profile that i've already made citra may look a little bitdifferent okay let's the once all that it's done then what you want to do isboot up the game again get into a game and now what we can do is start rampingthis up so as you can see i've just booted up mario kart 7 and noweverything is more or less set to default as we well set it up a fewseconds ago so yeah everything is playing and it's pretty playing prettydamn well but to be honest it doesn't look as good as what it could so i'mgonna pause this and now what we can do

is go into the emulation tab configureand now we can start to rump this puppy up now the performance and how far youcan push this again will depend on what kind of system you're running if you'vegot more of a high-end pc then you'll be able to push this a lot furtherthose of you with amd graphics cards you may not see as good performance becauseof the way that it uses opengl that's the driver that runs this emulator andopengl isn't supported very well by amd or at least it's not compatible throughthis emulator using opengl so if you have got the opportunity and it's not upto its full potential and you have got an intel based cpu get betterperformance from disabling your graphics

card through this emulator and utilizingyour onboard one again i'm not gonna go through that in this video becausethat's very troublesome time extensive and that'll be for the few people outthere i'm sorry if it has happened but i'll put a link in the description downbelow that will aid you to actually doing that be self but for those of youwho are doing pretty well and up to this stage then now i can start to rampthings up so i'm now gonna go on to 720p which should clear all this pixelatedmess up and get it looking pretty damn good i know i can push my lot furtherbut for now okay with that as you can see i've justenabled it and now it looks beautiful

absolutely beautiful now for those ofyou who want to take it further most of you should be able to get up to 720p noproblem even on a very low-end pc even on onboard graphics but for those of youdo you want to take it even further now we can start to push you up even furthernow i know for a start then i can go all the way up to 4k now many of you outthere when you say waggle to 4k is just 3ds game and there's no reason to wellyeah texture wise where you won't get muchincreases by pushing it that far especially from i don't know 1080 to 4kbut the way that the game is rendered 3d games should i say you will see a lotcrisper detail on the outlines now even

if you're not running a 4k monitor or tvyou will still see better forms because what's happening is this emulator hasn'treally got aunt eliza nyle post-processing going on so even if yourun it at the native resolution of your monitor which is likely 1080p you willstill see a few jaggies from time to time so push this even further so it'smore or less crystal clear even that running at 1080p then put it on to forkate internal resolution as we're gonna do now will clear up many of thosejaggies so you get the best experience possible so yeah even though you're notplaying it on a 4k monitor you will get better visuals but obviously some of youmay not be able to push it that far

because your system may not be able tohandle it so keep on ramping up one step at a time until you get to a stage whereyou get the best experience possible graphically but also of course you'venot seen any slowdowns whatsoever something that you want to be lookingout for on here is you're in the bottom here you've got speed 100 percent andyou've got the gain 60 frames per second this is a 60 frames per second game thatour games out there that burn at 30 frames per second if you was to turn ona no something like that that gives youstatistics on your system it may show you there that it's run in 60 frames persecond burrows down here is showing 30

frames per second that's because thegame of the emulator should i say is running at 60 but it will only beoutputs in 30 frames per second does that make sense so it's not into polityin the paper so that word i can't say that whatever it's not basicallyrendering every frame of them 60 it's just rendering 30 of those 60 frames sothat's why your graphics card or something up the monitor in yourgraphics may pick up 60 here even though you'd only get in 30 or in some cases 20spending on what gaming playing down here so hopefully that's cleared up afew of your questions so once you've done that then you're pretty much goodto go your emulator is good you've

ramped it up as far as you can the onlything left to do is going back into graphics again now some games you mayget graphical issues you may get slowed down too may get all kinds of errorsgoing on some games do recommend that you tick these boxes or untick thembasically if you hover over it again you get a little thing saying what it'sabout so this one is correctly handle all edge cases and multiplicationoperation is shaders i wish to put there in layman's terms so in other words somegames require this for a hardware shader surrenders properly so we're runningthis at this moment by ticking this box using our gpu if you uncheck it thenwhat it's gonna do is just gonna burn on

your seat here so you don't really wantto be doing that because then it goes back to the old version of sitri whichran really really slow so you should pretty much always have this tipshowever by taking this some games may break so by on ticking and ticking someof these boxes you will get the best experience depending on that game but tobe honest for the majority of them i've more or less put everything off soeverything is handled by the actual gpu itself for those problematic one so youmay have to mess around with a couple of these saidand again depending on whatever layout you want to use change this and it willdo the different layout as you can see

depending on whatever game you'replaying so to get the multiplayer side of it all set up you have to do have tojump through a few hoops first off click on the furthermost tab in theconfiguration menu it will give you a screen like this so it says by providingyour username and token you agreed to citra to collect additional usageinformation sorry usage data which may include useridentifying information in other words you're gonna be setting up a profilewithin that profile will have your information but just warning you that bydoing it you are going to be sharing that with the team but of course it'syour option if you want to go down that

route so first thing to do is click onsignup it will guide you to a section of the website as you can see here and atthis point you put in your google account or your get help account andthen you can make a profile on the website which will then allow you tomake a token so once you've done all that put all information click on loginexit out and go back to the emulator then once all that's done and you'resigned into the website you can put what is my token it will guide you throughthis portion of the website here and because you've already logged in whenyou go to this section here of click here it will give you a location on theinternet which will have your token or

your cold there i can't click on itbecause then you'll know mine i'll probably get bumped from peopledoing stuff on the internet as it does so click on there it will give you alittle code once that's done then put the code into there but wherever it isusername that you signed up with there click on verify and you're good to gothe only thing that you need to do we need to go on the online thing and it'sopened up is keep it active so even though you're playing in games and stuffthere's a little chat room that you can see everybody online within your roomand whatever game you'll choose to play you sort it out with each other and thenyou're good to go that way it's as if

everybody is in the same room as you andyou're playing multiplayer locally does that make any sense i don't know ifthere is any worries let me know in the comments down below and i'll do my bestto do an in-depth version of this section obviously i can only do it somuch now because i would be releasing all my information but for those of youwho are struggling i can make i don't know a burn account and do it that wayso hopefully now you are up and running but everything configured and you shouldbe good to go if you have got any issues put them in the comments down below i'msure people will get involved i've also got a discord where you canyou know ask people in the community

people who have been along with thisasked about different emulators all kinds of stuff we might discord and ofcourse citra has their discord in there also a link in the description that oneand of course the website there's all kinds of information there there's afrequently asked questions as a forum to get involved with so there is lots ofsupport with this emulator and to be honest the entire scene and communityrevolving around cetera has always been awesomethey just nail it every time when it comes to the way of doing things addingnew features and the way they roll stuff out citra are top-notch people and i tipmy hat to them all so that's about it

for today guys but we've coveredeverything so far again put in the comments down below what you'd like tosee in the future does any other name ladies like me to cover but i think wehave got everything sorted in this one it has been an absolute pleasurebringing this one to you today i've been meaning to do some time but finallywe've got around to it and hopefully that will update a lot of you who'vebeen struggling with the more recent versions and of course those of you whoare new to run in 3d s on the pc also again it's been an absolute pleasureplease make sure you like please make sure you subscribe do all the thingsthat you could ever imagine

in this wonderful world where we get notjust games working on our pc from the 3ds but we post them to the absolutemaximum all the way to 4k 60 frames per second with whatever enhancements youdesire but most of all most of all you have a good day laters