nintendo ds pokemon sun

nintendo ds pokemon sun

pokã©mon sun & moon has been out for a whilenow and fans have been finding plenty of neat nods to the old games and special touches. it really does seem like a celebration oftwenty years of pokã©mon. so we’re here with five easter eggs of ourown that you might not have seen. let’s take a look at just what sun & moonis hiding. first up is the pokã©mon refresh. this provides a way for players to interactwith their pokã©mon and make them more affectionate toward you. and each pokã©mon has different reactionsbased on what you do.

heck, even your hand will react in differentways to different pokã©mon. touching the wrong spot on sandshrew willfreeze your hand while petting muk will lead to a goopy experience. but one of the cutest is meowth. if you hold your hand to the left, it willeventually give a high five and show a special animation. it’s just a small touch, but it goes a longway in showing how these pokã©mon are alive. and by all means, share other cool interactionsyou’ve had with your pokã©mon in the comments. sticking with meowth though, did you knowthat your mother’s meowth will give you

a gift? all you have to do is return home and takea nap in your bed. a special sequence will play out showing meowthwaking you up and then handing over an awakening. this cat does not abide laziness. get out there and train! but there’s another cool nod in your bedroom. if you examine your tv, it states that themovie playing shows four boys walking down a set of railroad tracks. not only is this a reference to stand by me,but it’s a callback to pokã©mon red, blue,

and yellow, which also had the movie playingon your tv. there’s no denying the classics. next, if you go to the hau’oli city mall,you’ll find a tourist next to a poster. if you talk to her she says that under nothing. why would you ever expect a switch? this is another reference to the first generationwhen you accessed the team rocket hideout in celadon city. a hidden pathway was revealed when you pusheda switch behind a poster. sadly, there’s no hideout in alola.

however, there’s one more reference to red,blue, and yellow. if you return to malie garden, you’ll discoverfive trainers lined up on the bridge. the first trainer tells you that they callthe garden, nugget garden, and if you defeat all five trainers, you’ll get a wonderfulprize. this is an obvious callback to nugget bridgeon route 24 in kanto. even cooler though is the fact that each ofthe five trainers have the exact same pokã©mon as the ones from the original game. once you defeat them all, you’ll be greetedby a veteran who gives you a big nugget before asking if you want to join team rocket.

you’ll automatically refuse and discoverthat he has the same pokã©mon as the rocket grunt from the original game as well. after you beat him, he’ll even say thatyou could be a top ranking leader in team rocket, before he drops the facade, tellingyou about how team rocket’s been gone for years, and they’re just having fun emulatingnugget bridge. though he does wonder what giovanni’s beenup to all these years before all of them disappear. it’s a really elaborate reference to a verymemorable moment from red, blue, and yellow. these are just a few of the easter eggs thatcan be found in pokã©mon sun & moon. there are plenty more out there so share yourfavorites in the comments.

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