nintendo ds pokemon moon

nintendo ds pokemon moon

sometimes i like to go back to play olderpokemon games and lately i was really into platinum. once again i put over 50 hours in that gameand caught some legendary pokemon and a shiny zubat. thats was a suprise because usually i neverencounter shinies. i'm also trying to complete the dex in omegaruby so i need to transfer these mons from generation 4 to 6 and maybe to sun and moon. then i thought, well, why not document mywhole experience with this process. maybe there is someone out there who doesn'tknow how to do it and this video may be a

simple guide. so, let's get started. first, you'll need two ds's or anything fromthe 3ds line. actually, it's better to use a regular dsand a 3ds instead of two regular ds's because eventually you'll need pokemon bank. of course you'll also need a 4th generationgame, either diamond, pearl or platinum, and also a fifth generation game. black, white, black 2 or white 2. i'm going to use pokemon white 2 for thisvideo.

remember you can only transfer your monstersafter beating the elite four. so if you haven't already, you should beatthe game first. and then, you're all set. first, start your white 2 game. you need to travel to route 15, and enterthis building. it's called poke transfer lab. then speak to this scientist. he'll ask you a couple of questions and warnyou about this process being a one way transfer.

it indeed is. once transferred, you cannot return thesepokemon back in their old games. and sadly, you cannot transfer any items. if your pokemon's holding any, the itemwill be transferred back into your bag. after saying yes to any question he asks,put your 4th generation game cartridge inside your other ds or 3ds and turn it on. in the main menu click on download and play. it'll start searching for thesoftware and when its found, confirm to download it.

now, you'll need to choose exactly six pokemonto transfer. no more, no less. and then you'll play a mini-game where you need to recapture your already captured pokemon. why? i don't know. if you fail to catch'em before the timer runsout, they'll be sent back to your pc and you'll have to try again. a little hint; if you shoot this pink cloud,the pokemon will

fall asleep for a short time and they'll beeasier to catch. if you got them all, congrats. now they're supposed to be in your fifth generationgame. make sure all of them got through safely bychecking up your pc, then save your game. if you want to transfer your pokemon futher,you'll need a 3ds, the poke transporter app and a paid pokemon bank subscription. this part is pretty easy. just insert your fifth generation cartridgeto a 3ds, start the poke transporter app and choose your game from the menu.

remember, your pokemon need to be inthe first box of your pc. if they're not, you can go back to your gameand organize. confirm the transfer process and then youcan exit from the app. now you can simply use pokemon bank to transferyour monsters in any sixth or seventh generation game you'd like. but, beware. if you transfer your mons to sun or moon,you cannot put them back in a generation 6 game ever again. so, if you're trying to complete the dex ina gen six game like me, move them in your

generation 6 games first, then back in thepokemon bank, and then finally into your sun or moon copy. okay, actually this process wasn't as painfulas i thought its gonna be but again, why can't we just insert a fourth generation game intoa 3ds and use poke transporter like we can with a fifth generation game? anyway, i hope you enjoyed the video and ifyou did, give it a thumbs and if you havent already be sure to subscribe. see ya!