pokã©mon sun & moon’s appearance at e3 2016provided a look at the early stages of the story. and while much of it is similar topast generations, there was enough new elements on display that it was easy to get excited.now this is normally where we would come in to take a look at every last inch of the newtrailer and treehouse demonstration. but the treehouse already did that for us, pointingout the new touches in the user interface, how the game will play, and several otherchanges to the pokã©mon formula. that doesn’t mean they showed everything though! so let’sfire up the old analysis machine to see what remaining secrets and hidden details we canfind. however, be sure to watch our 10 details you may have missed in pokã©mon sun & moonvideo as we won’t be touching on the points
mentioned there. the new trailer for sun & moon gives us ourfirst look at three new pokã©mon, each fulfilling a common role from early in the game. we’vealready talked about pikapek, yungoos, and grubbin, but the trailer also provides thefirst proper introduction to magearna. as was revealed before, it is a dual steel andfairy type with the ability, soul-heart. and thanks to a small demonstration by the trailer,we can see what soul-heart does. each time another pokã©mon in the area faints, its specialattack will be raised by one. but the pokã©mon website provides more informationon magearna. it’s described as a mythical pokã©mon that was created by a scientist ofuncommon genius 500 years ago. this lines
up with the upcoming movie where that scientistwas given the name, eliphas, which we covered in our pokã©mon theory video. the websitegoes on to explain that magearna has the power to perceive the emotions, thoughts, and feelingsof other pokã©mon and if a pokã©mon is injured, magearna will feel the other’s pain andsuffering and will try as hard as it can to save that pokã©mon. it also has the abilityto transform itself into the appearance of a pokã©ball, both when it sleeps and apparentlywhen it’s sad. magearna’s real body is the spherical constructionin its chest called the soul-heart, which was created by gathering the life energy frompokã©mon. if you’ve seen our theory video, then you know how important this line is.while magearna’s role in sun & moon is largely
unknown, we do believe it’ll be significantin some way simply because of its creation. it’s a pokã©mon made up of the life energyof other pokã©mon, which could be referred to as azoth, and that has to mean something. and while we can’t be completely positive,we do believe we have an idea of how magearna will tie into everything in sun & moon. duringthe demonstration, just before the battle between the player and hau, they are met byprofessor kukui and lillie. and lillie’s bag begins to shake and says the word, “pew.â€no doubt there’s a pokã©mon inside, but which one? we think it could be magearna. why? because of the way lillie was describedon the pokã©mon website as well. remember,
she’s said to not be fond of making pokã©monfight in battles. and this ties into how magearna can feel other pokã©mon’s pain and suffering.perhaps lillie feels this way because of her connection to magearna. going one step further,could the reason that lillie is so mysterious be because she’s a descendant of the scientistwho created magearna? right now, it all just seems to be loosely connected story threads,but we do believe that both lillie and magearna will be important in some way to sun & moon’sstory. before we move on from magearna, we want topoint out that it’s fleur cannon is likely a fairy-type move considering it was supereffective against pangoro. but the site confirms something about pokã©mon distribution thatmany people have suspected. thanks to the
new qr scanner functionality, players merelyhave to scan the corresponding qr code in order to obtain magearna for themselves. the trailer also showed off the new battleroyal multiplayer mode. and while the treehouse demonstration showed off exactly what thatmode was like, there are a few details we’d like to focus on. for one, as the treehousestated, we finally have confirmation that different clothes will be available in sun& moon. the female trainer has a different hat, a blue tank top, differently coloredshorts, and the same shoes. meanwhile the male trainer is wearing the same hat, a poloshirt, the same cargo pants but in a different color, and the same shoes. it looks like mostthings will able to be changed though we still
don’t know for sure if hairstyles and shoescan be chosen as well. however, battle royal mode may have also shownus the official names of the main characters. it’s either sun & moon, which isn’t toosurprising, or the more traditional names of elio and selene. but it’s interestinghow both of these names work as well. after all, elio is an italian and spanish name derivedfrom the greek sun god, helios. selene is the greek goddess of the moon who was alsosister to helios. the name even literally means, ‘moon goddess.’ which of thesenames will be the official choices? while both work, we think elio and selene will bethe one’s used in the game, especially if the other gender does end up becoming a characterin sun & moon.
but the battle royal got us thinking aboutsomething else. could these types of battles be in the single player as well? it’s somethingthat could easily be implemented and there’s even a space where they could take place.remember the multi-colored building on the northeast island of alola? we originally statedthat contests could return and take place there. but what if that’s where battle royals’take place within the game? or at least where the multiplayer mode is initiated. while we’re on the map, the treehouse demonstrationalso provided us with a look at how things will unfold in the beginning. before we evenleave the player’s house, we can see a door in the background that we failed to mentionbefore. where exactly does this lead? is it
a simple as your mom’s bedroom? more thanlikely, but then we see your house proper from the outside. and we can even see thatit has a garage. looking at the alola map, we can actuallymatch this up with one specific building, the one right next to the pokã©mon centerthat we thought might belong to hala. nope, that is the player’s house. but rather thantake the path to the left, the player goes to the right. and we think we know why. asthe player loops around the outskirts of the island on route 1, he comes to a crossingwhere the left path would have met. and in the background, where the path continuesto the north, we can see that it’s completely blocked off. if we had to guess, similar blockadeslike this will prevent the player from heading
to the pokã©mon center or using the alternateroute. why are these blocked off? we suspect it’s due to the town festival that’s aboutto take place. okay, we’re almost done here, but thereare still a few small things we’d like to point out. for one, the trailer shows a doublebattle against a lass in some kind of flower field where we can see the return of eevee,pangoro, and krookodile. but the treehouse demonstration also shows that the first battlethe player’s popplio takes part in pushes it to level 6 just like always. popplio willalso learn the fairy move, disarming voice, at level 8. whether or not this hints at hisfinal evolution is just too early to say. finally, we see that the pokã©mon switch screenin battle now showcases the pokã©mon’s moves,
hp, and typings, allowing the player to bebetter informed when sending their next pokã©mon into battle. but what’s most interestingis the fact that there seems to be an extra space here for a fifth move. that’s notpossible though, especially since there are still only four spaces for pokã©mon movesduring the actual battles. so what is this extra space for? could it be for mega evolutions?that seems unlikely since ledian can’t mega evolve. or maybe it’s related to this synergyrumor that has been going around. it could mean that trainers can synergize with anypokã©mon on their team. obviously, we can’t say for sure, but that extra space has tobe used for something. pokã©mon sun & moon is striking a balancebetween the mysterious and the familiar. while
there are a lot of elements that we can’tfully grasp yet, it’s obvious that the developers are attempting to make the games more invitingby clearly showing all the battle information that players need to know. the new pokã©monfit their roles well while still standing out and battle royals look like a fun newtake on battling. it’s all shaping up quite well and, as always, we look forward to seeingmore. of course, let us know if we missed anything in the comments. if you liked thisvideo, be sure to subscribe to keep up with everything we do. thanks for watching andmake sure to stay tuned to gamexplain for more on pokã©mon and other things gaming.