well it's been quite a few days since pokemonlet’s go pikachu and let’s go eevee have been confirmed and with all that time to reallysoak in this new information i gotta say i’m really hyped for these games. the flashy up to date graphics, better scalingof pokemon, differently sized pokemon, motion controls, and how can i forget the specialnew never before seen pokemon coming with these new games. there’s just so many things to be excitedfor. and with all of these new features to be addedto pokemon let’s go one can only hope that these games will meet the hype.
and hope is the perfect word to use for thisvideo, because i have a lot of that for pokemon let’s go. so much so that i have devised a list of mytop 5 hopes for pokemon let’s go pikachu and let’s go eevee. now incase you guys don't understand whati mean by hopes, i essentially am talking about features, mechanics, storylines, orjust ideas that i would hope to see in these upcoming games. if you guys enjoy the video be sure to leavea like subscribe and share this video with a friend and with that being said let’sget started
5when totem pokemon were introduced to us in pokemon sun and moon it came with a lot ofcontroversy. some liked the idea of changing things upa bit while other thought this strayed too far away from the original theme of pokemon. but no matter what opinion you have aboutthese totems i think we all can agree that these challenges gave us a very difficulttime to get through. that’s why for pokemon let’s go i reallyhope gamefreak considers bringing back this idea. i think what turned off most haters of thetotems was the fact that it completely replaced
gym battles. and to be honest i kind of agree with thatside of the community. that is why, with this rendition of the totemsi suggest using these totems completely differently. instead of being a replacement for gyms letsjust add it alongside it as a final obstacle to clear when finishing up a certain areaof the game. for example once the trainer has gotten throughthe viridian forest instead of just exiting the area and travel up to pewter what willbe meeting you at the very end is either a totem beedrill or butterfree depending onwhich version you choose. and all the major areas of kanto will havethis.
rock tunnel, mt.moon, the pokemon mansion,the pokemon tower and of course victory road. i think this idea can keep the fans of totempokemon happy while also pleasing the hardcore fans that love gyms. it’s just another added challenge that ithink would make the games even more fun to play 4ever since character customization was introduced to us back in generation 6 fans have adoredthis amazing feature. having the ability to customize your characterto look like you adds even more dimensions to the games and helps immerse yourself inthis incredible world.
but the thing about the past customizationfeatures is that there just isn’t enough variety. hairstyles are barebones at best, t-shirtsare just color swaps, and besides skin tone we can't really change much else physicallywith our characters. but with the giant hardware improvement ithink gamefreak can take character customization to a whole new level. i’m talking more hairstyles, more hair colors,variety of t-shirt designs, and even adjustable age height and weight scales. i mean with the upgraded scaling in thesenew games can you imagine actually having
accurate overworld sprites to yourself inreal life. that would be insane to see. now i could finally make my guy short andfat. maybe i could even roll instead of walk likeelectrode. can you imagine the scenes. to be honest all im hoping for here is tobuild upon a foundation that is already good and make 10 times better. because the more variety we have the betterthe game can be. 3now although i am a big supporter of the gen
7 games a point that i can’t really refutefrom the haters is the fact that there aren’t really a variety of shiny hunting methods. a lot of the new methods of shiny huntingthat was introduced in generation 6 was subsequently taken out for pokemon sun and moon and therewasn’t really enough new methods to make up for that. that is what i'm hoping for in these nextpokemon games is for gamefreak to either bring back a lot of the old gen 6 shiny huntingmethods, or continue adding more and more new ones. but not only that i also thought of anotherfeature to make shiny hunting even more fun
to do. remember when pokemon let’s go rumors werestill surfacing around the web and we found out the word ultra shiny was trademarked? well what if we add tiered shinies to thesegames called, ultra shinies, and we make these maybe twice as rare to find than a regularshiny. this could be a great way to revisit someof the, well awful shiny colorations and change them into an actual cool design. i mean can you imagine a shiny mewtwo thatlooks similar to shadow mewtwo? now that’s something i would gladly giveweeks into shiny hunting.
2wow remember when mythical pokemon actually used to matter in the pokemon games? i mean we always used to get these awesomelittle side events in order to obtain these pokemon like victini in liberty garden, arceususing the azure flute, or even the keldeo event. while all of these events weren’t the mostamazing things about the pokemon games it was definitely a lot better than what we haveright now. at least back then gamefreak tried to makesomething cool for these mythical pokemon, but now what do we really have.
throughout the entirety of gen 6 and gen 7mythical pokemon have taken a serious backseat and are now literally devolved to just beinga set of codes given to you at the end of each games lifespan. like do any of you guys remember magearnaor volcanion or even marshadow. these dudes are some of the most forgettablemythical pokemon simply due to the fact that we get them months after the games releaseand there isn't any task or event to get one. all i ask here gamefreak is to please justmake mythical pokemon relevant again try actually doing something with these pokemon. for example with let’s go mew seems to bethe only mythical pokemon in these games so
why not do some event revolving around it. maybe you have to travel to the sevii isleto research mew and maybe the finally location of mew can be under a certain truck. it would be a great nod to gen 1 players andhelps make mythical pokemon feel important again. it’s a win win situation here. 1and finally the number 1 hope i have for these next pokemon games pokemon lets go pikachuand lets go eevee is to branch out and make this kanto region different than anythingwe’ve ever seen before.
and i don’t just mean add more cities andchange up the layout of towns. what i mean by making this region differentis add those things i’ve stated before, but also make these games less linear. a big problem i’ve always had with the pokemonfranchise is how linear and one way these games were. so why not add more gyms and new cities? regions don't have to just contain 8 gym leadersthere should be different paths you can take to achieve the same goal. and again with the hardware gamefreak nowhas to play with i don't see why they cant
add 10 or 12 gyms to one region. with this idea in mind it can increase thelongevity of the games because of the many options you can choose to go with. plus it also branches out from the boringcookie cutter linear style which only further improves the pokemon games. all in all sure this idea may seem unlikelybut i don't really care it's my hopes so screw you. thank you guys so much for watching if youguys enjoyed the video be sure to leave a like and let me know in the comment sectionbelow.
if you haven’t already subscribe to thechannel to become an eryibro today. i honestly have to say that i'm so excitedfor these new games to come out and really enjoyed making this video. so if you want to see more let’s go contenton the channel make sure you let me know by leaving a like on this video. if you want to check out the previous videoi did be sure to click the annotation on the left. if you want to see some more let’s go videosclick the other annotation on the right. and with that being said i will see you guysnext time.