there’s a lot of changes to see in pokã©mon ultra sun & ultra moon. and one of the first you’ll discover ishow your trainer has upgraded his console of choice from a wii u in sun & moon to anintendo switch. now, this isn’t all that surprising. the trainer’s console always gets upgradedto whatever is most current. and we even pointed this out back when thefirst trailer was revealed. but there’s a bit more to this than we firstthought. one of the main antagonists of the game isteam skull.
now they’re never presented as that hugeof a threat. mostly they’re punks and dropouts who couldn’tmake it through the island challenge so they decided to mess it up for anyone else whotries. basically, these guys are losers and kindapathetic, as sad as that may seem. but what’s really interesting is when youfight your way through po town, which team skull has taken over. the boss, guzma, is based out of a mansionthere that you have to work through. and in one of the rooms, we can actually seethat they have tvs and a game console set up.
but it’s not a switch like your trainerhas. instead, team skull still uses wii us whichis just all kinds of sad. is nintendo dumping on their own console byhaving it associated with the losers of the region? or is it just a statement that the notoriouslypoor team just hasn’t had the funds to upgrade to the new system. either way, we got a kick out of this easteregg and hope you did too. thanks for watching and be sure to subscribeto gamexplain for more on pokã©mon and other things gaming.