pokemon let’s go pikachu & eevee have beenconfirmed to be main series titles, but not main series titles as we know it. they seem to be the start of a new line ofmain series pokemon titles, meaning that from here on out we’re gonna have two lines ofmain series games. it’s kinda like how mario has both its 2dand 3d main series games, and while both are different they’re both main series titles. now since they are the start of a new mainseries and not the continuation of the previous one, i doubt that this is gonna cause anymajor changes for ash’s journeys in the anime, but for a variety of different reasons,i do think it may cause changes for certain
characters in the anime, and potentially evenstart a new pokemon anime series that airs alongside the current anime that we alreadyhave. what leads me to believe this? well you’re gonna have to stay tuned tofind out! what’s going on guys hybridhero here! i hope you guys are all having a wonderfulday! like i just said we’re going to be talkingabout the different possibilities that pokemon let’s go pikachu & eevee open up for theanime. these games are an all new adventure in kanto,and the pokemon company already has merchandise
lined up to support and advertise the releaseof these games, and the anime has always been huge advertisement for the video games. but since the main series anime probably won’tbe affected by these games, i think a new animated series will air alongside the currentpokemon anime. the pokemon company is huge and definitelyhas the budget to run two animated series at once, and they have had other animes besidesthe main series. pokemon origins and generations are good examples,but they have also had pokemon chronicles and the mega evolution specials which areshows that are different from the main story and don’t follow the story of the gamesbut still manage to be directly intertwined
with ash’s adventures. now i think ash will have something to doin this series so i do think it will be a series similar to the mega evolutions specialor pokemon chronicles as again, they probably want all the advertising power possible. finding away to include ash into the serieswould be a good way to sell the games, and bring fans of the current anime and gamesinto this new anime series. but how can they add ash into the series withoutmaking him the main character? and who can they make the main character ofthis new series? well the mega evolution special had alainas the main character of the show which ended
up being one of ash’s greatest rivals. chronicles had recurring characters, and didn’treally have one set main character. however a lot of the main characters of eachepisode knew ash in some way shape or form. now jumping all the way from the anime tothe games… if you remember, both set of the 7th gen gamesheavily referenced the kanto region, and in fact! at the end of the games a friend of ours evenleaves on an adventure to kanto! lillie if you’re playing sun or moon, andgladion if you are playing ultra sun or ultra moon.
well uh… he says we’re not friends, butthat’s just cause he’s edgy deep down he knows that we’re friends. the timing of having a brand new set of kantogames around the time where these two leave on an adventure to kanto is very coincidental,and i’m not one to believe in coincidences. the sun and moon anime has been going in theroute of the games, but at the same time it has been taking things its own way as ashand his friends went to poni island and did the whole thing with solgaleo and battlinglusamine before even reaching ula ula island. so there is a chance that either lillie orgladion could leave to kanto before ash enters the pokemon league.
lillie doesn’t return in sun and moon afterleaving to kanto, but gladion does return to alola after leaving to kanto for a fewmonths. so i’m thinking that there’s a chancethat gladion could leave to kanto in the main anime series, which will start up his ownanime that runs parallel to lets go pikachu & eevee, and then when that anime concludesin a year or so before generation 8 arrives gladion could go back to alola to face ashin a 6 on 6 battle similar to how he does in the rematch of the ultra games, alain waskinda an edgy character so having gladion be the main character of a new main serieswould kinda fit. however i don’t know if that will sell theseries too well, and gladion doesn’t have
really have a team that fit the series. kids will be wondering how to get an umbreonand silvally in the lets go games after seeing gladion use it too so gladion uses some pointsthere. however! lillie on the other hand is a character thatcould sell the games and the series really well! on top of that she has an alolan vulpix andshe might be getting another alolan pokemon soon which means she will have a kanto orientedteam and pokemon that you can actually obtain in the lets go games through the go park,of course this does mean that the main anime
series will lose lillie in the main cast,but her story is looking like it’s mainly done, and i think they’d be willing to takethe hit to have lillie star in her own anime. her character is main protagonist worthy afterall. she doesn’t have to stay in kanto foreverlike the games though, and could make a return to aloa so there's that possibility. these two options are the main two optionsthat i wanted to bring up for the possibility of the anime, but there are a few other thingsthat could happen as well. we could always get a mini or web series starringlillie or gladion similar to pokemon generations, or the mini videos that were made to advertiseblack 2 and white 2 as well oras.
or maybe we can get a whole new main or minianime series with the main protagonists of the lets go games. we could always have lillie and gladion goon a sibling adventure together in kanto to show off the co-op feature of the lets gogames which i think would be a pretty cool idea to link both the stories of sun and moonand ultra sun and ultra moon as well. the main cast of the sun and moon anime couldgo back to kanto for a few episodes for another trip, though i doubt that. or… maybe the let’s go series won’taffect the anime at all! again these are just possibilities since thepokemon company will probably be looking to
add some kind of animated series to go withthe release of the new games. i’m kinda hoping that we get an anime starringlillie and/or gladion, but that's just me. do you guys think we’ll see a new animeto parallel the let go games? why or why not? if you do, what kind of anime do you thinkwe’ll see? be sure to let me know! and also be sure to comment down below withyour thoughts and opinions of this video. be sure to hero punch that like button ifyou enjoyed the video and hit that dislike button if you didn’t.
let me know how you feel. share the video around if you wanna help supportthe channel, and finally subscribe and hit the lil notification button if you wanna stayup to date with all my content! thanks for watching guys! i hope you enjoyed! take care of yourselves have a wonderful day,and i will see you on the next video! later!