pokemon magearna qr

pokemon magearna qr

the hell don't tell me crabrawler has a z move too! oh no oh no this this is going to be that this is gonna be bad clash of the z moves alola! guys and we're going to brand new episode of moviez and me this is agni pyro and today i want to complete the first grand trial of pokemon sun and moon you guys probably won't know the first grand

trial of melemele island in pokemon sun and moon is against kahuna hala himself who is also the grandfather of hau whom we have already met earlier in this game as you can see here professor kukui and lillie are explaining me what the grand trial is going to be all about kahuna hala is a fighting-type pokã©mon trainer and his pokemons if i remember

correctly a crabrawler makuhita and mankey so i have chosen my team and let's go and talk to that guy because we really were challenging so this new trial system was introduced in pokemon sun and moon which in which basically you have to complete certain trials in an entire island once you have completed such a number of trials in an

island you will face off against the kahuna of the island will challenge you to a grand trial once you defeat the kahuna and complete the grandtrial your island quest of that particular island is completed and you can move on to next time this is the guide rail system ok one son and as you probably would have known there are four islands on

this in in this game so accordingly there are four grand trials and as much as i know there are only seven trials that is to be confirmed by frame but i guess that's the exact mode ok so kahuna has sent his monkey as you guys who drive north i will send in my bio knee obviously that's my starter so he is my

best and my feeling citing bounty should kill this guy with a water than one shot head is ok use a carotid job which is quite nice then you an awful lot of damage but was nice let's see if we can't miss you offered one shot down and let's do it in water that what maggie survive that's also

okay i'm gonna go shoot up with my leftovers we got some handbag which is nice finally finished making off with a question project is a dad which always attacks first but only has 40 40 damage which is not bad if you want to finish some guy off without giving you a chance to so that bothers you to level 21 yet

even i have a crab brother so i got him in with nate i think enroute to anything route 13 according summer they're so gonna lies about the sending of buddha i think yeah i think value can easily defeat not going to let see if this one is gonna be a one-shot here that's your designing boris dissolving was definitely more powerful and i wanted so

the animations of ionia is really awesome i really enjoy the division all even this right it that's nice sand attack this is not good this is not nice and add mud slab mud then there is a trained and all these sort of my dads usually mess up your pokemon and you're 15 and it is quite bad

so yeah one shot of water and should help me to buy now i have also called another pokemon in three and as i know he is exceptionally rare i'm gonna show him i'm going to show that guy to you but just a moment mr. president learn to make a dream which is nice come on is going sailing grandmother let me send in my quill ah yes guys you're

right i got a cyndaquil on route 3 which is extremely rare and that guy has evolved aquila and i have another surprise for you i'm going to use the force secrets to add guarding the previous sword that is the normally and z and we'll use the zoom segment it's so let's go okay i'm all prepared for this aquila is

getting all soft up with the sea power will ought to think that guy smash them to bits i have never seen anyone's ever seen before oh look at gorillas speed look at your speed oh my god this guy is so do that brother you're gone when the hell don't like my

brother has he moved to all know or oil is this is going to be back this is gonna be back oh my god all-out family this is not good someone has grabbed brother have a team want the help oh my god or home i go hard if you have to trade on the side of a mountain when ella can

you slide this oh my god he just arrived with certain held this is so far outpace the changing table on ground come on come on jerry this is what all this guy is much more popular and imagine how the heavy has he moved so i am again you kind of zoo dude that's just freaking awesome again father a bunch was nice

i only just different this day i got to take that exam again let's do this guy pretty bad guy really scared in the disease i talk back when i was done for mike still can't believe that cupola helplessly you serious okay so grab below ok travel to survive that he's using his year nice difference has followed getting some help using my

enough doors doors you you can easily get in this game if you special hello to pick with pickup which is quite easy to find let's do a quick and business day of us i god here the z move all this time yet 08 in this year gonna holla you're such a cheater you stopped or demand that you would a newsie me this is not fair

ok i got to learn 400 exciting that is nice but as emo seriously you're gonna holla since joe enjoy this pretty much you also the pectorals i just walked he gives me that doors because i am so dying walking with my own legs all right what the hell tampoco oh my god apple computers i think coming

oh yeah he was watching the pied that is so nice ok so here for 25 years like it nice and i am receiving another z question what is it going to be what is it gonna be me oh my god i think this is the fighting's easter i can't quite recall the name ok so grandchild completed and look at that stand

look at that seal from a little island ok this is the first that music for all island ass in the forest island of melon of pokemon sun and moon is officially complete and the fighting z oh yeah this is so awesome ok so this is the move that ended york this is the gesture oh my god basically i need to kick

someones bike with this wall it's so awesome it's so freaking awesome look at how behind me he is looking like so excited okay so with that scene i can even oh he wants with level 25 even though they have been created with me because they have let's see which is so awesome nice tank okay what the hell happened to

the hand is making that noise oh my god look at that guy that guy just give me a hand why is total so my daughter's come down--bloody-- come down don't know i can try to do like that have an idea ok you want doors to join the island challenge your that is sold i is that is going to be so nice

this guy is awesome ok can you give me a light but yes he gave me the right pages that is so freaking cool so i taken outdoors with reliable that is so freaking nice this is also missing make journeys on this island so much more easier faster watching cnn challenge mrs. really fast okay that's not okay so i can take out

the crystal from the right picture and if i pointed towards the sky those who like this is so cool look at my writing your look at that in test set of it is so awesome and look at how he's really exciting for me plus morgenstern out of his bag i don't know why but this is so freaking cool

ok this writing here is just awesome proteus is the light pressure use the whitewater nice and then you need a special outfit okay especially with all four feet ok my bag has been reduced to a show with red polka bondage is so freaking awesome the red and green is a nice color

combination this is so good ok so that's what i'm going to do what is this is this oh my god this is captain you definitely realize back here and zippers lovely yes it is your back against the powers of teaching awesome let's hope you aren't matching the next time we meet me really i born for get you the next time we meet

you and we definitely gonna hold back oh my god this is so awesome alright of new barrel you can use doris match ok which is nice you can feel that the officer route 1 and explore the unexplored places because a new dm false swipe really need something like that this with me catching pokemon so easy as

you know false light hits the pokemon it's football but he is 1 hp left so it doesn't die it makes catching a lot easier trust game so i think this is the end only is coming up to me yellow fever asking what is it maybe was far from home yeah obviously your receiver ok

of course i'll help then whatever you want when you're so nice to me what the hell you're gonna join next and challenge that is so cool yeah definitely joining this is very so gooey locating i think they're doing maybe so today guys thank you for watching you have enjoyed this video don't forget to give me a thumbs up and do subscribe to

my channel for more such videos and you raised