pokemon lune soleil

pokemon lune soleil

*opening* hello everyone, i am the ermite moderne last may, new pokã©mon games were announced, pokã©mon sun & moon,which means we reached the 7th generation the only problem is: the game will be released in november. in the meantime, i could very well spend my time playing... *japanese yo-kai watch opening* but who needs to play a video game when you can watch crazy fans fighting each other on the internet ? because each time a new generation is announced, i observe the same phenomenon i called... the pokã©fans' cycle ! *gaspard* hey, hey ! what's the pokã©fans' cycle ?

*e.m.* well look at this diagram, it always happens in the same order. first, the fans will kill each other about the beauty of the starters. *nostalgic fanboy* they're uglier with each generation ! give us charmander back ! *pro-nextgen fanboy* go back to your retirement homes with your black and white game boy ! old hags ! they beautiful ! (ouch !) then they will analyse every screenshot and every millisecond of the trailers with the analysis power of 150 conspiracist (is that even a word ?) sh erlock holmes ! *spooky music* i-i see three black pixels poking out of the right-hand side of the screen... it's a new pokã©mon ! contact the press !!! then there will be tons of ugly fanarts and photomontages that will pretend to be leaks and at least 50% of people will strongly believe them

*cyrix's weird voice* blastoise had two cannons on his back, so why not an owl with minigun coming from his ass ? i am dismayed by your lack of faith ! *e.m.* then the fans will kill each other again, but this time, about the aesthetic coherence of the legendaries... *nostalgic fan* those aren't pokã©mon, but digimon ! they're ridiculous ! mewtwo forever !! (yeah !) *nextgen fan* oh yeah ? you say that everytime, and at least they aren't freezer rip-offs ! (oooh popopo!)

*e.m* then we'll see that the more infos we have, the more hasty judgments there will be. *plus fangirl* pff... this game will be the worst in the series ! there aren't enough changes compared to the previous ones ! *minus fangirl* gnn... this game will be the worst in the series ! there are too many changes compared to the previous ones ! *both fangirls* they don't listen to real fans anyway ! *e.m* and finally, because people will only speak about it, everyone will buy the game and shut up, so all of that was pointless. *cyrix's grampa* well look at that internet generation's militancy ! *e.m.* so all the hype will advertise the game, which will be successful, and will encourage nintendo to announce a new one 2 years later and the whoooole cycle will restart. *gaspard* oh ! i see ! just like how water becomes steam, cloud and rain, the fans' boiling makes the pokã©mon machine's wheel turn ! i get it now, thanks ! can i see my family again, now ?

*e.m.* of course my little gaspard ! but first, you'll have to cross the bridge of destiny... *1997 pokã©mon commercial* "grab a cable a friend with a game boy, and with two cartridges, you can catch 'em all!" *gaspard* you... you want me to balance on a link cable ? but i'll die ! *e.m.* cross iiiiiiiiiiiit !

as for this generation's starters, we have a mix between an owl and an easter egg, the kitten version of shadow the hedgehog, and oshawott 2 the time corridors(text: no! this one's ugly.. i ain't drawing.) yeah, because for each generation, there's always at least one starter pokã©mon unfairly less loved than the others. *oshawott* don't worry, they didn't like me either at first... but then...

*demonic voice* they learned to respect me *demonic laugh* no seriously, they seem cool there is already a theory on this trio's theme in the 6th generation, it was the rpgs, with the warrior, the mage and the assassin for the 7th one, we think it might be the circus ! *circus music*

we have popplio, the sea lion balancing on balls with a clown outfit but we can also imagine litten, who already has stripes, will become a tiger jumping through a fire hoop ! and in the middle of all this, rowlet, who already has his bow tie,

will be the leader of this spectacle ! he only needs a top hat, a suit and, most importantly, a whip to show who's the boss here ! pffff... on the other hand, errrr... i already see the really dumb comments, i mean, before, it was this: *old-fashioned protester* yeah, but pokã©mon, when you look closely,

it's clearly a metaphor of poaching and cock-fighting !" *captain shut-up* falcon punch !!! *e.m.* but now, instead, we'll have comments like this: *other, just as dumb protester*yeah, but pokã©mon sun and moon are a direct parallel with the horrors of the circus, you don't know what they do to the elephants, not to mention the big cats who feel depressed during winter in their tiny cages and are constantly abused !

*cries* i think it's scandalous that nintendo supports that kind of things ! and i think we should make an avaaz petition to tell them to replace the- *captain shut-up* kick ! *e.m.* now that we talked about the starters, let's talk about the new region: exotic, paradisiacal and sunny ! it's based on hawaii and i can't wait to explore it. what's its name again ? *game freak's cyrix* we need a name for the new region.

we need a good inspiration, what do you think of when i say "hawaii" ? you ! *employee* errr... flower necklaces ? *cyrix* m-meh. you ? *other employee* errr... shirts with a flower pattern ? *cyrix* ... and you? *sasha* errr... the touristic busses with one piece characters on it ? *cyrix* get out. anything else ? you ! *e.m* well... i think of the word "aloha", you know, which means, "hello", "goodbye", "welcome", "love"...

*sasha* huh ! kinda like the pokã©mon language ! *cyrix* ok, great ! it will be its name ! thank you for coming, goodbye- *e.m.* b-b-but no, we can't just pick a hawaiian word, sir, to name a hawaii-based region, it's-it's too obvious ! *cyrix* you're right, we'll have to think really hard to find a miracle solution to this problem ! *2 seconds later* i have a brilliant idea ! we'll replace the "h" ...by an "l" ! and bam ! the alola region *wind noises* and it makes a palindrome, it reads the same in both ways !

alola guys, alola ! *forced claps**sasha* thank goodness i stayed... *real e.m.* yep. it's really called "alola", it's... wow... good job, no really good job, i'm sure you worked really hard to think of that name... what i noticed on the map is that alola is divided in four main islands, kind of like the real hawaii archipelago. it seems to be a great region for exploring. but if we have to use surf every two seconds like in ruby and sapphire... *madstalker* excuse me ! my pokã©mon is in really bad shape, where is the closest pokã©mon center ? *hawaiian saintseya* oh ! the pokã©mon center, you say. it's not far away. you just have to surf straight ahead for 15 minutes

in this lake full of gyaradoses and sharpedos, then to ascend a waterfall against the current for 150... 200 meters, and then to dive into the huge destructive whirlpool at the top. and poof, you land in the pokã©mon center.welcome to alola, by the way ! here's your flower necklace ! *whinings of despair* *e.m.* this kind of thing aside, it's a cool idea to base the new region on hawaii, i mean, i already picture this ! bellossoms in airports dancing the "hula" and offering necklaces made out of their flowers, pikachus with surf, surfing on huge waves exeggutors on the beaches, kidnapping children who climb on them and oh wow...

my story got suddenly really dark... moving on to geography, we can see the starting point of the region is based on the oahu island, one of the most important islands of hawaii and... huh, that's funny, i just noticed something, it's on that same island that the military base pearl harbor is located. the same one that was attacked by the japanese... during world war ii... oh crap... *madstalker* wow ! what is that new pokã©mon ? *misterflech as the pokã©dex* dareplane, the plane pokã©mon. when it sees a potential enemy, *plane noises in the background*this imperialist pokã©mon charges its foe despite its life to plow into its face while shouting- *dareplane* banzaãããã !!!!

*explosion* *e.m.* i think that decision concerning the oahu island can be explained by a particularity that might please the pokã©fans: this is "the lion's rock" one of the island's tourist attractions. stuck on the edge of a volcano, it really looks like a lying lion, doesn't it ? a mythical lion, a volcano, this may be solgaleo's origin, our incandescent legendary lion, don't you think ? the best part is, we can get to the lion's rock by driving through "kamehameha highway" i didn't make this up, "kamehameha highway" i swear to god, that's true. it's on google maps. you think it's a clue, too ? *dragon ball japanese opening* jokes aside, i admit i made fun of pokã©mon sun & moon's hype a little with my "pokã©fans' cycle" thing and all... but keep in mind that pokã©mon, even after 20 years, keeps stirring the emulation up among a community which is still active, still loyal, and still creative.

and this, is a great thing to see. *gaspard* by the way, about the pokã©fans' cycle... *e.m.* yes, my little gaspard, what is it ? *gaspard* while meaning to denounce this cycle, this video is just participating to it, while taking advantage of it, isn't it ? isn't that a little hypocritical-- *e.m.* hey ! you heard that ? that little punk said yo-kai watch is a lot better than pokemon ! *fangirl* everyone on him !*everyone else* yeah !!! *anonymous fangirl* yeah, digimon is better anyway ! *other fangirl* who the fuck said that ?

*ending* *e.m.* thank you for watching this video until the end and thanks to sainteseã¯a and madstalker for the graphical changes on this episode of imagine. if you want my opinion on the new pokã©mon announced for pokã©mon sun & moon, check out the bonus video in the magic box. you can also see us on social media and support our productions financially via my tipeee page and all the voxmakers via the support program. there are only a few days remaining until the japanexpo, so it's now or never if you want to help us organize awesome animations and spectacles. on that note, see you next time for new chronicles. *yo-kai watch title screen music* *fangirl anti-ykw* hey ! what do you have in your hands ? *e.m.* oh ! uh... nothing ! nothing at all ! nothing important ! nothing. nothing. nothing...

please don't hurt me... english subtitles:misterf the nintendo fan