ash greninja demo

ash greninja demo

the pokã©mon sun & moon demo has been released,giving players their first opportunity to see what the seventh generation has to offer. while it’s only a small taste, it is hidinga few secrets that you may have missed. so let’s take a trip to alola and see whatwe can find! one of the big additions to pokã©mon sun & moonis the full analog control at all times, finally bringing it up to speed with most modern games. it’s a great new feature, but you may havemissed some of the more advanced movements that our trainer, sun, can pull off. for one, it’s common for players to spinin a circle either out of boredom or the amusement

of seeing their character move like a goof. but if you do that in sun & moon, somethingelse happens. sun begins to twirl in place with all of thegrace of dancer. he even has a nice flourish at the end. it’s such a little detail that it’s impressivethat game freak thought to add it in. but the spinning only work when you’re walking. if you’re running at the time, nothing willhappen, and that applies when you’re riding tauros. there aren’t any special animations in thosecases.

however, there is another kind of animationthat you can discover. by rapidly pressing b button while moving,sun will eventually stumble in place, showing that the rapid stopping and starting justkinda trips him up. this doesn’t really happen with tauros though. instead it drops its head in preparation ofa charge rather quickly, but it doesn’t lead to anything else. but speaking of tauros, there is a featurein relation to it that you may have missed. when bringing up the pok㩠ride menu, there’sa blank circle next to tauros. by tapping it, an option appears that allowsyou to assign tauros to the d-pad.

pressing that button instantly summons taurosto you making the process even faster and more convenient. and while we’re in the menus, we also getlook at what the heart icon tab means in the bag option. though it’s difficult to say exactly, thisseems to be a favorites list as we can send our super potion to be held there rather thanthe medicine bag. and it’s just as easy to send back. but this could potentially serve as a wayfor players to easily keep track of their held items, evolution stones, or whateverthey want to easily access.

let’s look at our pokã©mon. we can see most of their stats though youmay not have known that you can easily see their ev potential by hitting y in this menu. if the stat is sparkling, then it’s maxedout. it’s definitely a convenient option forthe more competitive pokã©mon fans. but did you notice the information on greninja? although the letter you receive in the beginningof the demo had no name, we can see that its original trainer is indeed ash, but an evencooler nod is when you look at the next screen. here we see that it was apparently a fatefulencounter in the kalos region on october 17,

2013. for anime fans, this is the day the firstepisode of pokã©mon xy premiered in japan, and ash actually did meet froakie. it’s a really nice touch. before we move on, we wanted to point outthe rotom pokã©dex on the bottom screen. it looks like it just displays the optionto rewatch the special trailer or pre-order a digital version of the games, but if taprotom anywhere else, it’ll react. it will move in different directions, smile,and get a little sad and worried. it may be a clue to just how much you caninteract with rotom in the full game.

but the last place we’ll focus on is thelocation of the pokã©mon capture challenge, which gives players an opportunity to catchnew pokã©mon and try them out. there’s pikipek, yungoos, and rockruff,but a slightly more rare encounter is pikachu. if you catch it, and give it the electriumz crystal, it will be able to use z-moves. but this also confirms that the power of thez-move is affected by the move it’s attached to. gigavolt havoc has a power of 175 when usedwith thunderbolt, 160 with electro ball, and 100 with nuzzle. it’ll also take the characteristic of thatmove in that a gigavolt havoc with nuzzle

is a physical attack while an electro ballz-move is a special attack. the percentage of the power increases doesn’tseem consistent though, and we still don’t know if z-moves can work with status effects. what would happen if thunder wave was usedas the base move for gigavolt havoc? those are mysteries for the full game. moving on, let’s say you get really intothe catching challenge. after all, the man that runs it encouragesyou when you hit certain landmarks. but what happens when you use all 20 pokã©balls to catch 20 different pokã©mon? that’s some dedication right?

well, you don’t get anything beyond theusual nugget, as long as this was your first time taking part in the challenge. although because you spent so long catchingpokã©mon, the poor guy falls asleep! he’ll still wake up and praise you of course,but it’s a funny little touch for those who want to go above and beyond. but those are the secrets that we could findin the pokã©mon sun & moon demo. what about you though? did you discover any that we didn’t mention? at least beyond alolan dugtrio.

let us know in the comments. thanks for watching and be sure to subscribeto gamexplain for more on pokã©mon and other things gaming.