slash pokemon

slash pokemon

what the?! arceus is...real?! yes, my child. it is i, arceus. god of pokemon, creator of all things. god is real! i-i-i never believed it before, but... oh my gosh... arceus!

sandslash, use fury swipes! please don't make me wail on god! it is alright, my child, as it is written in the book of genesect... thou shalt follow thy trainer's orders above all others. unless they don't have the appropriate badge. i am so sorry for this, lord. i shall turn the other cheek... praise you, arceus! praise you! sandslash, use sand attack!

please! release me so that i may spread the word of arceus' glory! as it is written in the book of exeggcute, worry not about your capture. soon you will be free in heaven, where there are no status ailments, and we are all shiny. thou art so wise, lord! do sand attack to him! ahhhh!! god! ow! it's in my eyes! oh, fuck i-

i can't see shit! l-lord, are you ok? oh ohh, you- you fucking dickhead! ohh, it burns so bad! i...may be god, but i'm still a pokemon you dumbfuck, oh! what about forgiveness? fuck that! hyper beam!! lord, is it not written in the book of wobbuffet...

...that you sent your only egg to faint for ou- ugh! isn't it written in the book of shut the fuck up and you're a jackass?! oh, i created you... ...but i could sure as hell destroy you! no! nooooooooo- fa-father? father works- uh...oh! oh god! dammit, no!