roms gba android

roms gba android

hello, this is the webmaster of one of the great things about getting into video game emulation is that (1) you can playgames in english that were never officially released in english, and (2) play your favoritegames in a whole new way with rom hacks. rom hacks such as hacks that increase the game'sdifficulty or swap the dialogue with perverted humor. in any case, to have these experiencesyou need to apply a patch to a rom. sometimes i prepatch the rom for you to save you thetrouble of patching, but not for everything. so here is my tutorial to show you how topatch a rom. it's very easy. so here is my snes9x folder. and in the roms folder is where i have all the goodies. so for this tutorial we'll be patching dual orb 2 with the englishpatch. so i have here the dual orb japanese

rom, the dual orb 2 english patch, and i have lunar ips, which is the patching utility that i offer in my so there are two methods to patch a rom. the first method is auto-patching, and i'll show you how todo that now. now auto-patching, it's a feature only available on snes9x and zsnes on windows.and i believe it also works on snes9x on mac. so to do auto-patching we need to extractthe rom from the zip file first. now i have winrar installed so your zip files won't quite behave as mine do with this pop-up. by default windows uses compressed folders. and to usea compressed folder is the exact same way as using a folder. you just double-click onit, and it opens up like a folder does. and you can copy and drag out the files from let's do that. let's extract the dual orb

2 japanese rom from its zip file. and nowto extract the english patch which is "do2v15.ips". and the next step is to rename the englishpatch ips file with the same exact filename as the rom. so to do that i am going to right-clickand pretend to rename the dual orb 2 japanese rom just so that i can copy the exact filename.and i am renaming the ips english patch. paste the exact filename as the rom. so that's done. double-clicking on snes9x.exe to open it up, and test out the rom. go to file and loadgame. double-click on "dual orb ii (j).smc". and there we go. it is successfully auto-patched. so now for manual patching.

to do that we need to open up lunar ips. so i'm going to extract it from its zip file. and i am double-clicking on lunar ips. and the first step is to clickon apply ips patch. and i already have the roms folder open so i'm just going to double-clickon "dual orb ii (j).ips". and now i'm double-clicking on the rom, which is of course already extractedfrom its zip file. and the file was successfully patched! so now that i have done manual patching,i don't need to leave the smc super nintendo

rom file out of its zip file so i can putit back into a zip file. so i'm just going to rename it to "english..." okay. and i'mgoing to put it back into a zip file. and now i'm going to test it. opening up snes9x. going to file and load game. choosing dual orb 2 english. and it works! so that's howyou do manual patching. and now for a few important details about patching. so most of the time when you download an english translation or a hack there will be one ips patch in thezip file, but sometimes you might have multiple

ips patches in there. so which one is which?and what do they do? you just read the readme. the readme will shed some light on why theauthor created multiple patches. sometimes different roms require different ips patchesand all that. so just do some reading. and another thing, when you load a freshly patchedrom or a rom that you downloaded, particularly one from my website, you might see a bad checksum or chksum fail error on the bottom in white text. that's fine. everything's fine. thatjust means that the english patch or the hack increased the size of the rom hence the checksumis different. so as long as the game starts up fine after this message then everything'sfine. on the other hand, if you patch a game and all that you get is a black screen whenyou load it up in the emulator. that could

be tricky. but in most cases you missed adetail in the instructions. so just go back to the readme and make sure that you haveeverything that it needs. that you have the specific version of the rom or any other detail. and that concludes my tutorial on how to patch a rom. if you have any further questions thefastest way to reach me is to contact me via when you click on contact.if you message me here on youtube you may not get a prompt response. anyway, enjoy patchingwhatever rom you want! yay!