Pokemon Rejuvenation - Walkthrough - Introduction

Hey there! My name is KDS, I'm an avid player of Fan Made Pokemon Games and I'm here to write a walkthrough for one of my favourites, Pokemon Rejuvenation.

Pokemon Rejuvenation is a fan-made game by SuperJanBro, based off of the Pokemon Reborn universe. Bear in mind before you start playing, this game has quite a few adult themes and may get too real too quickly for some people. You can find this game HERE. I'll copy and paste a bit of the description here as well: (I am writing this guide as of version 5.3 and playing on Intense Mode)

The Aevium region has experienced peace for 50 years after a mysterious event caused the region to shatter into pieces. However, an unknown organization is determined to finally shatter the streak of peace. Can you, the child of the former Pop Idol Yancy, travel to a new world? Take on the unknown forces of an evil organization?
The only way to find out is to start your journey.
And your journey starts now.
-All of the starters will be available to catch.
-All 721 Pokémon will be able to be caught.
Customized Over-world Characters
Difficulty Modes
IV/EV Checker
-Customized Shiny Pokémon
-Increased Shiny rate (250/8192).
-18 Gyms.(Four in Current release.)
-Quick Save.
-Tons of custom characters, and sprites.
-Amazing music by GlitchxCity and other composers!

Anyway, some general tips before you launch into the game:
1) Save often - there are plenty of times in the game where you are surprised with very tough battles. Money is scarce is this game, and you don't want to be throwing it away from losing battles

2) Use a Pokemon with the ability Sturdy - every time I play though this game I use one, for the simple fact that they can endure a hit and get off crucial damage/status moves on the opponent (you'll see why this is important later on). I recommend Nosepass as it gets access to Thunder Wave, otherwise earlier in the game grab yourself a Geodude/Carbink.
  • Other Pokemon that are useful to have in this game include:
    •  A Pokemon with Pickup is often useful for spare items/evolution stones. This is the only current way of getting a Sun Stone, Moon Stone which you will need if you plan on using a Heliolisk/Nidoking/Bellossom. The earliest one you can pick up is Aipom through headbutt trees, however this is a rare occurrence. Zigzagoon/Linoone become more readily available later in the game. 
    • Pokemon with status inducing move/Leech Seed. These will be handy when you face a more difficult opponent. Examples of these include: Deerling/Cherubi/Ivysaur for Leech Seed, Butterfree/Oddish/Bellsprout for Status Inducing moves, 
3) This game takes a very long time to play through as it is played through RGSS Player/RPGMaker - meaning you won't be able to speed up the game for training, long dialogue portions, etc. be prepared to spend hours on end on this game.
  • A way to get around this problem is using Cheat Engine - there are many tutorials for this on YouTube if you are interested. I do not take any responsibility for any damage use of Cheat Engine may cause to your save file/game, and strongly recommend backing up your save before you use Cheat Engine (This will be in C:/Users/[Your Name]/My Games/Pokemon Rejuvenation). Personally I have used Cheat Engine a few times without damaging my save file, but it is very finnicky to use.
4) Field effects play a crucial part in this game. Read up on these when you need to and adjust your strategy accordingly. Certain moves which would not usually appeal to use during gameplay (Haze/Rain Dance/Smack Down/Magnitude).

[I'll update this list more when I think of more stuff to add]

I'll add general stuff here as I go, but for now let's hop into it!