Pokemon Rejuvenation Walkthrough - Part 1 - ShipSHREKT

When you first open the game, you'll notice how professionally made it is. Even the title screen looks amazing. After the title screen, you'll be given 2 familiar options: New Game and Options. I recommend going into options and setting text speed to Max.

After clicking new game, a screen will show up saying "decades ago" and you'll be introduced to a prologue kind of episode. You control the character Marianette, whose father wishes to see her. Nothing exciting at this point, just follow the instructions from the maid. Walk out of the room and into the corridor where more maids will greet you. Walk towards the end of the pathway on the right and exit into the next room.

In the next room the maid will be blocking the entrance to the next room. Speak to her and she'll let you pass into the next room, where things start to get real fucked up. Walk down the corridor to the end and more dialogue will occur. You can go through the gameplay yourselves, I won't bore you with the blow by blow commentary but yeah, it's going down.

After the episode ends (and the child abuse I might add), the title screen for Pokemon Rejuvenation will appear, and you start the actual game. Different options will come up for difficulty modes:
  • Causal
  • Normal (Reborn Style)
  • Intense

If this is your first time playing through pick Casual/Normal. Intense is actually intense and nearly impossible to beat without hours of strategy and grinding.

The usual Professor Oak intro will occur, but instead of Oak it'll be done by Amaria, a "Scout for the Aevium Region" (whatever that means). You can choose your sex/name here, and then you'll finish up in front of a computer:

Nothing else happens in this room. Walk outside and you'll be greeted by a sailor, who will inform you that your mother wants you to know the ship is arriving soon, and to go back to your room. Feel free to ignore him and check out the rest of the ship. There isn't anything to pick up here or anything, so head over to your Mother's room (last one on the left). There's a bit of diaglogue with your mother about registration and stuff. She'll tell you to go see the Captain Augustus, who's upstairs in a cabin by himself:

After the dialogue with Augustus, you get attacked by a man in a uniform. The screen will blackout and reappear with several holes in the ground, and Augustus apparently dying from a wound. Go downstairs again and you'll notice everyone has been wrapped up in tentacles (there's some cool action shots of people being dragged into holes when you move around). If you head into your mother's room, you'll notice she isn't there. Exit again and the woman trapped on the wall will tell you to not go into storage (which is exactly where you should go):

Storage room is downstairs. If you chat to Colin (Youngster with cap) he'll get dragged into the hole besides him (LOL). Anyway enter the next room and you'll see your mother fighting a Xen Executive. Apparently talking to you gives the Deoxys enough time to weaken you mother's Sylveon, and it faints. Your mother will tell you to leg it, which you should do. Head to the deck on the left hand side, and you'll be surrounded by Deoxys....and then conveniently, you are magically saved by a Talonflame!

The Talonflame will take you to Oceana Pier, where you'll be greeted by Tesla. There's a bit of talking, then she leaves you on the dock by yourself with no Pokemon (no worries).