welcome back trainers. so, you may know howto evolve your new pokã©mon, but are they equipped with the exact four moves that youwant them to know? worry not my friends as your very own pokã©mon professor is here tohelp with little devices known as tms and hms. there are one hundred tms and five hmsspread across the kalos region, each one containing a move that could mean the difference betweenvictory and defeat for your pokã©mon. and i can help you find them all. listen closelyas i take you on a tm tour across kalos. the first tm, number 83, is automaticallygiven to you once viola, the gym leader of santalune city, is defeated. as you continuealong your path, professor sycamore's aides, sina and dexio, will give you tm27 in lumiosecity's southern gate. continue onward to the
professor's laboratory and go to the thirdfloor. speak with the female scientist on the right side of the room. if you've spottedenough pokã©mon on your travels so far, she will reward you with tm54.there are other tms that can be found in lumiose city though. however, you have to buy themat the pokã© mart. it's unlikely you'll be able to afford them all right away, but keepthem in mind since you can buy tms 78, 18, 76, 11, and 75 here. once you leave lumiosecity for route 5, you'll be able to find tm01 which can be reached by grinding on the railswith your skates. once you reach camphrier town, stop by cassius'shouse and talk to one of the girls. she'll give you tm46. travel along to route 6 andmake your way up the center path to parfum
palace. but before you enter the palace, takethe path to your right. make your way through the tall grass to the southern edge to findtm09. in the rear garden of parfum palace, you'llfind the first hm in kalos, cut. it's in the bottom left maze. once you corner the owner'sfurfrou, his butler will reward you with tm17. the next tm cannot be found until you reachroute 8 and even then you won't be able to reach it right away. you'll need the hm forsurf to reach a small island in the top left corner of the ocean. that's where you canfind tm19. in ambrette town, you can obtain two tms.the first, tm94, is given to you by a man near the pokã©mon center. the second, tm96,is given to you by a person in the hotel ambrette
lobby. when you reach the glittering cave,you can find tm65 if you take a left at the third branching path.continue along in the game until you reach cyllage city. enter the hotel and talk tothe young man sitting at a table in the lobby to receive tm44. then talk to the girl sittingwith him to obtain tm88. at the top of the bicycle path, you'll find the gym leader,grant. he'll give you hm04 which contains strength. and you receive tm39 from him onceyou defeat him in battle at the gym. before continuing on, enter the connectingcave at the top of the bicycle path. using strength, push the first boulder you comeacross to get tm40. then head south and talk to the man standing next to the boulder toreceive tm21. strength will also come in handy
once you enter route 10. push the nearby bouldersin order to reach tm73. just past route 10 is geosenge town and insideits pokã©mon center is a man who will give you tm66. on route 11, you'll need to usecut in order to get past a thorn bush and collect tm69. in reflection cave, you canfind two tms. tm70 will automatically be given to you by tierno while tm74 is a bit morehidden. rather than take the upper path to the exit, take the lower path deeper intothe cave. head up the pathway until you see the mirror. if you head left, you will seean opening that you can enter reflected in the mirror. on the other side is tm74.shalour city has another pokã© mart that sells tms. this time it's tm28, 07, 84, 20, and37. you can also obtain tm98 by defeating
korrina at the gym. after defeating her, youcan reach the upper levels of the tower of mastery. one of the people in the upper roomswill give you tm47. finally, you can receive hm03 from your rival just as you're aboutto leave the city. this will teach your pokã©mon surf.on route 12, at the skiddo ranch, you can speak with the child in the nearby house toreceive tm45. you can also take a slight detour to azure bay. head to the western edge beforetraveling south to find a grass-filled island; at the southern tip you'll find tm81.back on the main path, you'll come across coumarine city. in the lower section of thecity, near the hotel, there's a woman on the seaside cliff. she'll give you a little quizon moves and if you guess correctly, she'll
give you a tm. however, she only gives onea day so you'll have to revisit her. once you do, she'll give you tm62, 63, 92, and100. when you enter the seaside station, professor sycamore will give you hm02 which containsfly. the final tm in coumarine city is obtained once you defeat ramos at the gym. he rewardsyou with tm86. the tm on route 13 can be a little trickyto get. you need to grind the rails on the upper left of the map when the wind isn'tblowing against you. that way you can build up enough speed to cross. once you do, followthe path and use rock smash to get past any small rocks in your way. at the end you'llfind tm57. after saving the kalos power plant, enterthe room with all the employees. one of them
will reward you with tm43. then you'll finallybe able to return to lumiose city. with the rest of it open to you, you can find a fewmore tms. the first is in hotel richissime on the top floor. speak with the lady in oneof the bathrooms to receive tm49. another is found in lumiose museum. talk to the purple-hairedboy on the first floor to obtain tm82. the final tm in lumiose city is received fromclemont once you conquer his gym. he'll give you tm24 for your victory.route 14 is your next destination. you can get tm06 from a hex girl that's near the surfablewater and the exit. travel to the right and past the fairy tale girl to find a thornybush. cut it down and on the other side is tm61. exit route 14 to the north to reachlaverre city. as soon as you enter, talk to
the young boy in front of you to receive tm41.you will also receive tm99 once you defeat valerie at the city gym.route 15 hides one of the trickier tms to obtain. first you have to travel to the eastside where the gate to dendemille town is. head south and use strength to enter route16. make your way through the path until you reach the stairs near the fishing shack. gonorth through the yellow flowers and use cut on the thorn bush. you will need surf andwaterfall, which you won't obtain until later in the game, to travel up the river. you'llre-enter route 15 and find tm97 on your left. before leaving route 16, go into the southernentrance of the lost hotel. work your way to the bottom left corner to find a skatergirl who will give you tm56. return to route
15 and go into the lost hotel's north entrance.on the far left side, you'll find a punk blocking your way to the "boss." the only way to enteris by learning all of the skating tricks. all of them are found in lumiose city by talkingto skaters. the parallel swizzle is on the first floorof an office building in the south boulevard. the drift-and-dash is outside in the vertplaza section. the backflip is in the middle of the street in the north boulevard. andthe 360 is in cafã© rouleau on estival avenue. once you have them all, the skaters in losthotel will recognize your skills and teach you the final trick. go to the right and userock smash to find tm95. once you reach dendemille town, enter thelittle house near the windmill and talk to
the young boy. he will reward you with tm42.the next two tms are found to the north of town in the frost cavern area. tm71 can befound outside but you have to have waterfall in order to reach it. surf on the on the smallriver on the west and travel down it to the far right to find the tm. inside the cavern,go to the third floor right before the abomasnow and slide to the path in the bottom rightcorner. follow it to the opening then navigate the small ice puzzle to obtain tm79.anistar city's pokã© mart also sells tms. here you can find tm14, 38, 52, 15, and 25.in that same area is a hex girl who will give you one of four tms each time you talk toher: tm32, 35, 77, and 90. however, she'll only give you one a day and it has to be adifferent time of day. you can also find tm10
if you enter the house next to the clothingboutique. simply speak to the young man inside. finally, you'll receive tm04 once you defeatolympia in the gym. once you discover lysandre labs, make yourway to the western wall. there you'll find the entrance to the barracks where you canrest. if you speak to one of the team flare grunts, he will give you tm12. after sometime, you'll find yourself on route 18 near the terminus caves. go into the main caveentrance and use rock smash to work your way down. in the center, near a mine cart, you'llfind tm30. exit the cave then go into the side entrance on the right by following thetracks. you'll find a small room that contains tm31.as you enter couriway town, head to the train
station and speak with the lady there. shewill give you tm89. next go to the hotel and speak to the person there to take a shortquiz. if you get it correct, you will receive tm55. once you obtain the waterfall hm, returnto couriway town and go to the water's edge near the hotel. use it to climb the waterfalland obtain tm80. speaking of waterfall, you will finally receivehm05 after best shauna, tierno, and trevor on the bridge. before doing that however,you may want to take the steps to the swampy area below. work your way through the swamp,up the stairs, and across the smaller bridge to find tm36.there's an abomasnow in the middle of snowbelle city behind him on the left is a small house.enter it and talk to the battle girl on the
second floor to receive tm08. you will alsoobtain tm13 once you defeat wulfric's gym. before you can challenge him though, you haveto make your way through route 20. you can find tm53 here if you come across an areawith a set of stairs leading up. walk past them and use cut on the thorn bush to getto the next area. after defeating a hex girl, you'll get the tm.the pokã©mon village also houses a tm but you'll need waterfall to reach it. simplyuse it on the river near the unknown cave. at the top you'll find tm29. work your wayback to route 21 and take the small dirt path near the western exit. there you'll find aboulder pushing puzzle that requires strength, surf and cut. your reward for solving it istm22.
you're now ready to take on the elite four,but before you head to victory road continue left to route 22. surf on the small bit ofwater and ride the waterfall down to a small strength puzzle. solve it and you'll findtm26. victory road itself hides two tms. you can reach the first by getting past the rockjumping section then using rock smash to run between them on the lower floor. work yourway to the right and take the bottom exit. you'll be back outside. continue down thenarrow path and enter the cave to find tm03. the final tm on victory road can be foundby riding the waterfall on the right side of the final entranceway. once you reach thetop and get past the hiker, you'll receive tm02. however, that's not all of the tms.some can only be found after you defeat the
elite four and travel to kiloude city.the kiloude city pokã© mart is home to tm16, 33, 50, 68, and 93. go to the house directlyright of the pokã© mart and talk to the little girl on the second floor to receive tm91.next travel to the upper row of houses and enter the one on the very left. talk to thegirl sitting at the table to receive tm58. the final set of tms are all found as prizesat the battle maison. simply win enough bp to purchase them all as well as a lot of othergoodies on the left counter. and that's how you find all of the tms inpokã©mon x and y. some are more challenging to get than others but you can use them toget your team exactly how you want. happy hunting and be sure to stay tuned to gamexplainas we cover more on pokã©mon and other things
gaming too.