shiny pokemon are some of the most soughtafter creatures in the entire franchise. some of these shinies make it well worth the waitto get. for example there’s ho’oh, rayquaza, charizard ponyta, ninetails, and oh my godwhat is that thing!?! is that a shiny? oh oh god i think im gonna puke *gags* *cutsoff mid gag*. well today we are not going to be taking a look at the best shiniest,in fact we are going to be doing the exact opposite... we are going to be are going tobe talking about *sigh* the worst shinies. now i did make a list about 4 months ago coveringmy top 5 worst shiny pokemon. but since then pokemon sun and moon has come out and whilethey do have amazing shiny pokemon, some of them are sub par to put it nicely. (play spongebobmovie my eyes) so with that being said welcome
to my top 5 worst shiny pokemon in pokemonsun and moon. and if you guys are curious i will be making a best shiny pokemon videoto counter this as well so don’t worry. if you guys enjoy the video be sure to leavea like subscribe and share this video with a friend and with that being said let’sget started! 5now for this first pokemon i will admit i have a bias against it. bruxish is one ofthe dumbest, ugliest, and the worst excuse for a pokemon to be brought into the new games.it especially makes it worse that this thing is supposed to be based on the reef triggerfishbetter known as the humhumu… humuhumunuku… that thing which is the most sacred fish inall of hawaii. i mean seriously you can get
arrested if you hunt these things. and inmy opinion this thing feels like a spit to the face of the hawaiian state fish. now finallyon to the shiny… eh. this shiny just seemed really all over the place with colors. there’sgreen red yellow white just put the entire color wheel in there why don’t gamefreak.and the colors really dont play off each other that well besides maybe the red and white.and i know its original colors are all over the place as well but i hate this pokemonand its colors so if they do that for the shiny im gonna hate it too. plus isn’t thegoal to make these shinies look desirable? i mean i will say that it does look betterthan its regular form but how hard is it to do that? not very but since it does i haveno choice but to put it lower on the list.
4mudsdale’s shiny suffers from the overhyped shiny expectations syndrome… look it upits common in ⅛ shinies. i'm more disappointed in mudsdale’s shiny than anything thingelse because it could have been so much better. just look at this man look at it. but no wegot the annoying orange here to ruin all my hopes and dreams. fuck you dane boe. there’snot really much else to say about this shiny it’s orange with blue hair and you couldhave looked so cool… so (show fan made shiny) freaking (show fan made shiny) cool… stilllove you though mudsdale… *smooch* *smooch* 3ok gamefreak, i am seriously getting tired of you guys constantly making the pseudo legendaryshinies look bad. i mean just look at these.
(show dragonite) crap (show tyranitar) crap(salamence) fuck off (garchomp) crap (goodra) cra-wait nah no that ones ok… (show metagross)ok and that one is cool too. but none of these pokemon should have bad shinies although thatis completely subjective but none of them should have bad shinies. and when i saw kommo-o’sshiny it was the last straw. who ever thought it was a good idea to combine pink and greentogether for a shiny, arguably 2 of the most hated shiny colors of all time. it’s noteven a good green either its like a greenish yellow. it actually kinda looks like urinea bit if you look at it… no… just me? … you guys have weird colored pee. bathroomfun aside though this leads back to my point about looking desirable. would you reallyput in the time and effort to get a shiny
kommo-o when you know that its regular formis 20x better? i know i wouldn’t 2listen i know what you’re going to say, but trust me i dont hate green shinies…but shiny lurantis sucks real bad, like sucks more than your local hooker… really badanalogy. but hey a bad shiny gets a bad analogy. and i honestly don’t think that the shinyis bad because of the green yellowish color its just the shade that irks me. if you'retrying to give lurantis more of an environmental look then don’t give it these dead colors.up the saturation a bit and maybe play with hue and i think the shiny would look a wholelot better. just look at this i played around with the shiny on photoshop for 2 mins andmade a better version. *wispers* in my opinion.
all im saying is keep the shiny green i likethat, but make it a shade that doesn’t make it look depressing. liven up a little man 1so here we are the number 1 spot. and i know you may be thinking that there is no shinythat could be worse than any of these but trust me there is. there is one singular thatis most definitely undeniably the worst shiny pokemon in all of sun and moon. (plays andthe oscar goes to… drumroll) cosmog congratulations (have cosmog walk up) (have it say i’d liketo thank the academy) wait why am i congratulating you, you suck. i'm sorry but how could younot expect to see this shiny at this spot? look at the two. do you see any changes betweenthe two? the circle cheek things are different
and that’s about it… ehhhhhh- i know thisthing is shiny locked but i dont care fuck this thing and all it stands for. the onlypokemon pokemon that rivals cosmog’s laughable shiny is marshadow, but i didn’t want toput it on the list because it isn’t technically an official pokemon yet. but it still sucksi mean look at it. either way cosmog’s shiny is by far the worst shiny and sun and moonand looking at some of the shinies fans made it could have looked a lot better. shiny cosmogget in the bag and never come out… please. thank you guys so much for watching if youenjoyed this video be sure to leave a like and let me know in the comment section below.if you haven’t already subscribe to the channel and become an eryibro today. i knowthis was a bit of a negative video and i want
to apologies if i bashed on your favoritepokemon in this video. just remember this is purely my own opinion and if you guys disagreewith my opinion that is perfectly fine. in fact share with me why you think im wrongin the comment section below. as long as you respect my opinion i’ll respect yours. ifyou want to check out my last pokemon sun and moon video click the annotation on theleft. and if you want to see that other worst shiny video the link to that will be on theright and with that being said i will see you guys next time.