[voiceover] - 1996, 1999, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2013, and in 2016... an all new pokemon adventure. pokemon sun and pokemon moon. (gasps) - i’ve figured it out. (laughs) i've figured it out.
everything, everything makes sense. i need, i need... (dramatic music) (rapid phone booping) - pokemon sun and moon... (phone rings) oooph, what? no, no, ahh who is that calling? (whimpers)
lockstin? - toby i’ve figured it out!! - lockstin what are you doing it's so early - - toby there's no time to rest i’ve figured everything out! - lockstin i'm 8 hours ahead of you, it's the middle of the night. have you forgotten your meds again? (suspenseful tones)
- all of it. - mate, what are you going on about? toby, i know everything there is to know, about pokemon, pokemon sun and moon, it all comes together, every pokemon game, the anime, the movies, the card game! it all leads to this one moment!
and now i have the ultimate pokemon theory. - go on then. - toby….. sun and moon are the last pokemon games!!!! - what? - well, that is, i mean, of course due to the sequelization and milking of basically every intellectual property there are bound to be more pokemon games later on.
but i mean the entire story arc of pokemon as a whole comes to a close in sun and moon. meaning after this pokemon may be fully rebooted. - okay, lockstin, you are going to have to explain this one to me. - gladly! get on skype! (theme music) - ok ok ok ok ok ok.
- so toby, this may all sound crazy at first, i haven't slept in days, but hear me out, there’s been a huge pokemon conspiracy from the get go, but first of all what do we know about pokemon sun and moon? - um, it's based in the alola region, which is based on hawaii, uh, the legendaries are emissaries of the sun and moon, two of the starters look really good.
- and there are many of references to alchemy. - what? i mean i’ve heard about solgaleo. - precisely! solgaleo is the pokemon emissary of the sun, so everyone assumed it would be fire type, but then it winds up being psychic steel!? whats up with that? - well, as you explained in your video, solgaleo is based on an ancient alchemic symbol,
a lion eating the sun, which in alchemy represents the purification of metal, which often leads to the creation of steel. - yes! and in solgaleo's description it mentions an ancient civilization! and people in ancient times, particularly ancient europe, who were also the practitioners of alchemy,
believed that the sun was a large ball of molten iron, rather than fire. meaning solgaleos typing has to do with alchemy! - cool, so solgaleos typing is very well thought out, what of it? - can you think of any other pokemon with as deep of meaning in it's typing choice?
- well no….. so are you saying that this deep design is all part of an overarching plot? but now hold on to that bit of information! tack it onto the virtual corkboard, conspiracy theorist style, we will link this back into everything soon and everything will connect! it all comes full circle. next let's talk about the alola region.
four main islands, based on hawaii. do you know the names of these islands toby? - i know one of the names was shown in the japanese trailer, and it translated to melemele island. - melemele is hawaiian for yellow. there are 4 islands. this is pokemons 20th anniversary, and as part of its celebration they released
the original generation one games onto the 3ds. how many gen 1 games are there? - ooo four! green, blue, red and yellow! so you are saying the names of these islands will be references to the original pokemon games? - well again that's really cool! paying homage to their first games like that. - it all comes together.
- what? - their sun and moon reveal trailer, it goes through the entire history of the pokemon franchise before saying “it all comes together in pokemon sun and pokemon moon.†- yyyeaaah? - tack that onto the corkboard too. i’ll be referencing that a lot!
and you watched the pokemon e3 presentation right? - of course. - i took notes. - of course you did. - here are some interesting quotes, “these legendary pokemon tie into the story in a unique way that legendaries haven't before†and “alola is a region with immense life force†next bit, time for a lesson in hawaiian mythology.
- o-okay. - so in hawaiian mythology, there are four great gods, though some sources claim they are a trinity, just because one of the dudes kinda sucked compared to the others, but, convoluted details that don't matter. they are more commonly referred to as the four great ones. they are kane, kanaloa, ku, and lono.
and they are all gods of a lot of different things but i’ll go through the important ones. kanaloa is the god of destruction and death. lono is the god of life and fertility, as well as rain, plants and the earth. ku is the god of war and the moon, kane is the god of creation, life, and the sun. - so hawaii really was the perfect fit for this with all of its sun and moon mythology…
but then again many mthologies had deities based on the sun and moon, it's nothing special. - oh but it is! because the other two have a lot to do with this also! and again, remember, four of them. - okay... but explain to me- - so tack it onto the corkboard because we will get back to this! - hmm
- a few more points quickly, pokemon x and y had zygarde in its programming but it doesn't give any fancy backstory or introduction like the main legendaries usually do. plus we only see its 50% form. now in sun and moon we are getting all the forms. also the plot and legendaries of x and y are based on norse mythology. the four stags in the middle
with jewels in their antlers made of branches fit. the eagle on top peers into the souls of others, and the serpent below, nidhogg, brings justice to the dead, among other things. xerneas is the pokemon of life, and yveltal is the pokemon of destruction, or death. zygarde is also the guardian which maintains order in the ecosystem, and thus is seen as the pokemon of the earth.
earth's guardian. - hold on, so back to the hawaiian gods, life, death, moon, sun. yeah? - you got it! - now, in x and y there was this immortal character named az, or az, who was based off of the french king louis the 14th, who known as the sun king.
and i might as well bring this up now, kane, the hawaiian god of the sun? he’s also the king of the gods. so sun king, kind of gods, and the sun, uh, yea, there's that point. the latest games we had were pokemon x and y, as well as omega ruby and alpha sapphire. we see that in these title logos the mega evolution symbol and the primal reversion symbol are prominently there!
so it is very likely these weird diamonds we see in the sun and moon japanese logo's will be very important in sun and moon! what could these be? well there are a few theories. you did a video on this didn’t you? care to summarize? - uh...well it’s likely a new form of evolution. possibly something to do with
ash’s greninja and az’s floette. when an fact we've seen these trainers that have deep bonds with their pokemon, and some that even dress up like with them and share their strength, like the blaiziken hero, alan from the xyz anime, and even harly from way back when. and there's this one guy in the pokemon episode “wake up snorlax!†where he wears a green outfit.
he's lazy, he's sleeping, and will do anything for a bite of food, and has to be woken up by the pokeflute, i've talked about it before. and he also happens to own many snorlax, their personalities fit well together. and if you look at his necklace it's very reminiscent of the diamonds from sun and moon. he even mentions the word moon…
- [snorlax man] this one wakes up about once a moon. - so there is already a bit of deepness here as well, but that's not the only possibility, another one is that this is some sort of magical revive? as it is the same shape as the life saving revive item. but that's not too important for right now, so for now just put that on the corkboard also. another thing to bring up is the sundial in x and y, specifically in anistar city,
whose gym is based in an observatory by the way. the poster for the current season of the pokemon anime has this sundial in its center despite ash having already left anistar city in the whole previous season, meaning the anime isn’t finished with this just yet. - yeah, i did a video on that also, an npc in the city also mentions that there is a moondial somewhere else in the world
some npc’s say the dial was put there by aliens, and others say it's by a mythical pokemon. which i theorize could be diance because of the diamonds, or hoopa because of the gold ring. also actually the sundial is right against the ocean which means it would have easy access to alola if alola's moondial was facing the other way. it should be worth noting that the famous observatory in hawaii which
is also in the alola region by the way, is a jointly owned observatory between canada, france, and hawaii! france of course being where the kalos region in x and y is based. it’s also worth noting you can see the islands off the anistar peer which you really shouldn't be able to see this. potentially this could be some kind of
anistar, sundial, and aloha moondial, portal, hoopa related thing, but that's yet to be seen. - right right, also everyone was expecting perfect zygarde to appear in x and y, since it is the z, xyz. xerneas, yveltal, zygarde. it makes perfect sense. but now we now know that these forms will be in sun and moon instead,
it reaches its perfect more humanoid form, and we also know that zygarde has an important role in sun and moon and remember, zygarde is the guardian of the environment, the guardian of the earth. and each of its later forms fit perfectly with norse mythology again, the canine fenrir, the serpent guarding the tree of life at its roots, and the giant goddess hel,
who rules over the underworld and forces order and justice upon it. - so.. locksitn… where are you going with all of this? - soon you will see all in good time, for now just plaster that onto the corkboard! - uuuughg - don't you ugughughg me! this next point will finally blow your mind! what do we know about this upcoming pokemon movie?
- well, we know that the bad guy is after eternal life, and that volcanion is chasing after magearna to keep it from revealing some mysterious secret of an ancient civilization known as azoth. - there's that word again… ancient civilization. - lockstin… i'm not sure i can handle a ‘mind blowing’ right now its like 4 in the morning and- - “azoth†is a thing in alchemy. - whaaaaat?
- i’ll send you a picture of it, this is azoth. - oh, a sun, moon, a lion! and... a bird thing? well i guess lunala is a flying thing, it's more a bat than a bird but….. - so ku, the hawaiian god of the moon, which lunala is the emissary of… ku is the only feathered god of the great gods.
oh and it gets deeper. we could stretch this into being a battle between solgaleo and lunala despite this obviously being a bird and not a bat, but no there is another way to interpret this, and it fits even greater. so solgaleo is based on an alchemic symbol, well lunala is based on a symbol in astrology. and by the way,
in ancient times you couldn't study just one of these, if you studies astrology you also studied alchemy. they were heavily, heavily, connected, which is why they share so many symbols. the the moon in astrology is often associated with cancer, the crab, but also at times, a crescent moon with bat wings as it's symbol. which just fits perfectly doesn't it? so no, this bird here isn't a stand in for lunala,
this bird is another common symbol in alchemy, it's a phoenix! - ho-oh! ho-oh is a phoenix pokemon, and a few other pokemon fans have brought up that some of the clouds look like ho-oh and lugia, the legendaries from gold and silver. and these pokemon would make sense being in sun and moon as well,
since phoenixes are often symbolic of the sun, and lugia is the pokemon of the ocean current, or the tides, which the moon controls! - you pick up info fast! the symbol of azoth has a lion fighting a phoenix, the phoenix in greek mythology is also the emissary of the sun. so perhaps solgaleo and ho-oh will fight at one point sense they both represent the sun in some form. also as you mentioned,
lugia being the ocean current and lunala being the moon also goes hand in hand, as the moon controls the tides, which has a massive impact on ocean currents. and to once again quote the reveal trailer… “it all comes together.†plus by the way, in alchemy, the sun also represents gold, and the moon, silver. and the sun and moon also represent,
heart and soul. - ppphhhhoooo…. man… at this point there no way these are just coincidences. - the phoenix is also a symbol of death and rebirth. as well as overall purification. bringing me back to my earlier point… - what point…? - that this is the final pokemon game,
or at least the final one until a reboot. - hmm… i still don't see that connection lock, but i suppose you will now explain it. - azoth in alchemy goes by many other names, such as… the universal medicine, the philosophers stone, the elixir of life, the ultimate life force… infinity. whomever manages to master it
will attain all of the knowledge in the universe, and attain perfection and immortality. the azoth is analogous to the mind of god. it is the ultimate unifier of the entire multiverse! the azoth is all! and what did the reveal trailer say? - it all comes together… - it gets deeepeeeer… - no!
- and according to a highly regarde occultist named aleister crowley, it represents both the beginning….and the end. as such, in its natural form it has a very peculiar spelling. he specified that azoth, when properly spelled, is is spelt with a combination of symbols, including two greek symbols. alpha, and omega. it is also spelled specifically
with the latin alphabets, z. latin of course being the foundation of our modern alphabet. x y z! zygarde is in sun and moon, the z pokemon. - okay lockstin, but what about the th in azoth? these pieces can’t all fall together so perfectly! - th or thao is the last letter on the hebrew alphabet, and also th on the periodic table of the elements
is the symbol for thorium, the element named after the norse god thor, (chuckles) there's norse mythology again! - not to mention the periodic table is the foundation of chemistry, and what is alchemy? - it… alchemy is the medieval forerunner of chemistry... - yes...
- is there any more? - oh loads. (crying) - plus we aren't even done connecting the dots on azoth. crowley also specified that azoth is the end of all things, a unifier that brings in all things, a synthesis of opposites, an absolute cancellation of all. another interesting fact is that in some languages,
specifically slavic ones… y’know, norse, as well as, of all things, french! azoth is the name for nitrogen but the etymology is different, as in it comes from the greek word “ἀ+î¶ï‰î®â€ which directly translates into... “no life.†(glups) so aleister crowley,
the guy that thought up all that stuff about azoth, started an occultist and alchemic religion known as thelema. part of what they teach is that there are a number of deities, but there is a trinity of all high ones. these three all high divines are nuit, hadit, and ra-hoor-khuit. - those sound familiar
- that's because they are based an egyptian gods, and guess what they symbolize!? - the sun, moon, and earth. - exactly, though not fully in egyptian mythology, but in thelema, yes. i read their entire religious text to figure that out! - oh geez! - it’s actually not that long. but interestingly not only are they the sun moon and earth,
but also, all of the stars, souls, life, and war. they are everything, and nothing. oh and one of the end goals of the thelema is to find or grow the tree of life in order to gain immortality. and again, this tree in the alola region, which is under ho-oh most definitely looks extremely large and important. - it all comes together…
- you know, speaking of coming together, have you noticed zygardes unique coloration in it's 100% form? it has its usual black and green, but its special colors are these particular shades of red and blue, and two more shades of red and blue, and then a different shade of blue, along with orange… x….y….omega ruby…
alpha sapphire… sun… and moon…. and what was sun and moons reveal trailer say? like that white spot right in the middle... - (maniacal laughter) - little scared lockstin. are you okay? there's more isn't there? - there's so, so much toby! are you aware of chimeras?
- greek mythological animals made from a lion, goat, snake, and sometimes dragon? - that is the chimera, but chimeras are a product of alchemy, when you use alchemy to merge multiple animals together, sometimes even humans. sometimes humans get mixed up in there. and well, the manticore is a specific type of chimera.
its consists of a lion, a bat, and a scorpion. - the lion and the bat, that's solgaleo and lunala, and when they come together they form an eclipse! but… what of the scorpion? - i theorize the scorpion will be the third legendary here. i mean it just fits perfectly, especially when you look at how scorpions fit into alchemy and astrology symbolically.
so in astrology, which is hand in hand with alchemy, scorpio represents both sex, and the inevitability of death. in other words both death and, fertility, new life. death and rebirth. and guess, just take a guess, what an eclipse symbolizes? when the sun and moon come together it is called an alchemic marriage.
celestial sex. they become one, it symbolizes the perfect combination of all things, especially opposites, the masculine and the feminine, the sun and the moon, all of the elements the infinity, celestial sex, all of this again, death and rebirth. the third legendary pokemon will likely be a scorpion eclipse representation.
- by helix… so there will be some sort of eclipse in sun and moon then? - oh most certainly, in fact eclipses are extremely important in both astrology and alchemy, in fact when any number of planets align it is extremely notable! and note that in ancient astrology, the sun and moon both count as planets in this case.
as planets align the powers of alchemy increase, and when enough planets align, earth can have it's own spiritual energy reversed, reborn as it were. in fact many astrologers and their followers had what they call a harmonic convergence in 1987. where the sun, earth, moon, and six planets all aligned so they mediated in mass in hopes that it would
rebirth the earth anew. so when all of these planets align it represents a chance for the earth to be born again. well, there's that reset symbolism again, and what did team flare in x and y want? to wipe out all life on earth, essentially hitting earth's reset button. and speaking of team flare, in alchemy, burning something is considered to be
the best way to purify it. and plus every planet represents a fundamental element in alchemy and so when they align that elements power is increased. and plus game freak filed a copyright on another new pokemon named marshadow, terrible terrible name, but it represents mars, so who’s to say there won't be a new pokemon for every alchemic planet?
and so the bad guys want to reset the world with the power of alchemy and astrology right? hehe, how convenient than that hawaii is famous for it's space observatory that is also very prominently placed on the big island in the alola region! of course they would want to make sure the planets all align properly before going through with their plan,
just to make sure it works! - so... lockstin. this is all very...incredible! it's amazing, but how do you know that this means the end of the pokemon franchise? - all in good time toby, tack those points onto the corkboard. - so the japanese magazine corocoro when revealing the new pokemon iwanko specified that
all three starters and iwanko would all be connected in some mysterious way, and important to the plot of the game. - yeah.. - what if i told you they are the keys to everything? here, take a look at this picture. - earth, fire, water, lead… are these alchemic symbols? - spot on. - alright i get that sulfur is fire, but how is the grass
type rowlett representative of earth, or salt? - in alchemy, plants are also considered part of the earth, so there's your grass-earth connection, but also salt specifically corresponds to the representation of earth as a whole, specifically in alchemy of course. also, sulfur is fire, and mercury is both water and air. and of course these are the three elements that are referred to as the heavenly substances in alchemy.
- heavenly… sun and moon. - these three elements along with some powerful magick, is how an alchemist would manage to gain the power of the azoth. - toby… hoo, chilling, but... what of iwanko then? - one of the main goals of alchemy, beyond eternal life and such, was transmuting lead into gold. lead in alchemy is considered to be
the absolute basic metal, and is also related to death... and transformation. as such it’s used in most alchemical processes. - death… alchemy has a lot to do with life and death doesn't it? - well it is the combination of science and magick essentially, magick specifically having to do with souls and the occult.
in fact the ultimate weapon in x and y may very well have been an alchemical weapon. because in alchemy, in order to bring anyone back from the dead, you need to use the souls of countless others. which is exactly what az or az did in order to bring his floette back to life. we know now that this weapon is part of a, project azoth, and that name works perfectly,
as azoth is the life energy that drives people to perfection, it’s the life energy, and its infinity, so of course the “life energy†in pokemon is called infinity energy. project azoth as stated by the bad teams in the delta epilogue in omega ruby and alpha sapphire, was to be used by them to reset the entire pokemon world.
bring it back to the beginning. by using the ultimate weapon and a rocket full on infinity energy to destroy the earth and give it new life. the ultimate weapon also created the mega stones that allow pokemon to mega evolve. and remember, the azoth is the life energy that drives us all to attain spiritual and physical perfection,
but it’s also another thing… - it’s the energy used in any and all transmutation. - and that explains mega evolution then! all that infinity energy, or all that azoth was put into the mega stones, and now is being used to transform pokemon beyond their normal limits, inching them closer to perfection! - and might i now add in another tangential point?
that the gym leader in anistar city is olympia, a psychic trainer, and just look at her. all those stars all over her, and as we mentioned this gym is an observatory, and the city it's in has the sundial. olympia here perfectly fits right next to lunala, she evan has this moon shape on her knee. plus nuit, one of the three gods in the thelema religion, is described as the queen of infinite space,
or our lady of the stars, and even the lady of the starry heaven. now don't these just all fit together so perfectly? plus olympia is a french name with its roots in the greek olympus, the mountain on which many greek gods reside. the greeks were an ancient civilization that were practitioners of alchemy and astrology, mount olympus is a special place in astrology,
many astrologers in ancient times would climb it to be closer to the heavens. and that sundial. the sundial was invented by either the egyptians or the greeks. but either way, they both fit here perfectly. and another point, during the e3 presentation we learned that in alola they have a festival
to honor a deity named tapu koko. one of the presenters said that while she can't give us any details, we should pay attention to that name because it's very important. and so i did some digging and i've gotten the translation and i've seen plenty of other fans who have translated it and came to the conclusion
that it means "sacred place" or "god's blood," and my personal favorite, "spirit gorilla." - ha ha ha, spirit gorilla, i love it. - when it comes to translation there are often multiple things you could translate it too because these words are in multiple languages. and even within those languages they can have multiple meanings... but if you translate in the context of all of this
i now have the answer. tapu is polynesian, which is this area, so hawaii is in there. and koko is just hawiian. tapu means, spiritually forbidden, or taboo, when something is seen as wrong just because a god tells you it's wrong. this description fits alchemy perfectly, especially during its modern rise in the 1800s.
alchemy was frowned upon greatly because the bible, among other religious texts, tell us that spiritism and the occult are terrible things. but what of koko then? it's translation from hawaiian to english is interesting. it means blood but not our physical blood. rather it's referring to a sort of spiritual blood
that runs through our spiritual umbilical cords that attach us to the spirits of our ancestors and the gods. so tapu koko is a spiritually forbidden connection to the gods. the alchemic goal of the tree of life and the azoth! oh and transmutation circles, the magic circles drawn around alchemic reaction are of course extremely important to alchemy.
and let's just take a look at this map of luminos city from pokemon x and y. and now let's overlay a transmutation circle on top of it. they fit perfectly. - lockstin, please, listen! i get it! pokemon has gotten deep! in fact this is the deepest it has ever been! but i am stressing out over here!
i understand that all this theorizing is leading, essentially to you spoiling the plot of sun and moon, but i don't want any more of these tangents! fill those holes you left open! please, what is magearna’s hidden secret and how do you know this is the end? (creepy suspenseful tones) - very well. - thank you…
- so tell me toby, what is azoth again? - in pokemon its the name of an ancient kingdom, and in alchemy it’s the infinite energy, the life energy that drives us all to perfection. - so in pokemon could you say that its, “the power that's insiiiiiide?†- you did not just go there. yes i suppose you could. - so in alchemy, gold is considered
the highest metal, it is perfection. it is pure, the ultimate metal! and the alchemic symbol for gold is…. - no… no no it's a bloody pokeball! - what happens to pokemon when they are inside of a pokeball? - they, they get turned into energy and stored inside. - could you say that they are transmuted into energy alchemically?
alchemy has all sorts of things that say you can capture the souls and energy from a person and move them from one place or another, and then reanimate said soul elsewhere. however the only way to do that is with pure alchemy. pure, alchemy, the power of a pokeball. what is the secret volcanion is trying to step magearna from revealing?
magearna is theorized by many to either be a living pokeball, or the first pokeball, or both. others have even theorized that magearna may even hold the philosophers stone. perhaps, magearna, who was created in the ancient city of azoth, was the first attempt of humans trying to create a pokeball, trying to capture the soul of a pokemon and trap it in a device, but instead in their experiment
they accidentally attached the soul onto the device…. and do you know the name of the scientist that did so? - wasn't it eliphas? he’s someone important isn't he? - he literally wrote the book on modern alchemy and azoth. - oh arceus! stop being so right! ooo, i'm terrified…. - speaking of arceus, being the god of pokemon,
it would make sense that it would fit into all this too…. and well, it does! perfectly even. but to understand and connect this point, i need to bring up another. - more tangents? - not quite, and i'm sure you will love this one. so gamefreaks director of consumer marketing said last august that the next pokemon game
will have a lot to do with flowers. - mmmkaaaay - so most of the major characters in x and y have names that share root words with many types of flowers. and with omega ruby and alpha sapphire being remakes, you can't exactly rename the characters to make them fit that, but the few, the very few they did add...
yeah, their names are also derived from flowers. more importantly, these two characters from sun and moon, hau and lillie are also flower names. so remember, flowers. now then i’d like to read you this excerpt from the secret teachings of all ages by manly p hall, a mystic author who delved heavily into astrology and alchemy, as well as spiritism. and for context he is talking
about azoth and its relation to ain soff, which is the hebrew god before he manifested himself, in the pokemon world this would be arceus before created said pokemon world. "the universe is surrounded by the sphere of light or stars. beyond that sphere is shamayim (שמי×), the hebrew word for 'heaven', who is the divine fiery water,
the first outflow of the word of god, the flaming river pouring from the presence of the eternal mind. shamayim, who is this fiery androgyne, divides. his fire becomes solar fire and his water becomes lunar water in our universe. shamayim is the universal mercury or azoth, the measureless spirit of life.†solar fire, lunar water…
two opposites split from shamayim, which is the hebrew word for sky, or heaven, the sky of skies. - shamayim certainly sounds a lot like the mythical pokemon shaymin, the pokemon with a flower, and a ‘sky forme.’ - and shaymin is androgynous. - well so are most mythical and legendary pokemon. and shaymin is right next to arceus in the pokedex.
oh, these connections are all getting overwhelming. - hey, it’s a lot to take in, i understand. this rabbit hole goes deep. care to go deeper? - noooo! i would loooove to go deeper. - great! so ever wonder why zygarde is covered in hexagons? i mean hexagons isn't exactly earth-like.
- i think the popular answer is that they represent cells. - that is the common answer, but cells come in all sorts of shapes, most commonly circles and pentagons, not hexagons… and well... hexagons play an important role in alchemy. transmutation circles are drawn around every alchemic action, in order for said action to take place.
the hexagon is the shape that is capable of creation, changing something into something different. like iron into steel, or lead into gold, or air into water, it's perfect for maintaining a balance of elements. order in the universe, and for constructing things and changing their construction further into different forms.
zygarde does have a lot of forms it keeps transforming into! plus zygarde's 50% form looks kinda like vishnu. - what!? no! don't you bring in another religion! vishnu is the hindu protector of our world. the guardian you could say. vishnu also has tons of forms. significantly more forms than most hindu gods.
and vishnu also preserves cosmic order. - ugghhhhh.... - and you know what? while the x and y legendaries do fit into norse mythology they also fit well into hinduism. the hindu trinity, their all high gods are, brahma the creator, and god of life, vishnu the preserver and maintainer or balance,
and shiva the destroyer who brings death. already you can see the similarities in their roles. in fact, their roles here match up perfectly! whereas their roles in norse mythology are a bit of a stretch. so it could be that this legendary trio's physical forms were mainly inspired by the norse tree of life, while their roles and actions
were inspired by hinduism, plus you know how x, y, and z are part of the 3d axis, and since this was the first 3d pokemon game, and it was on the 3ds, it makes a ton of sense to name the game after this fact right? x and y, well yea! plus their roles in hinduism work out too,
because in hinduism there are gods of directions, and these two just so happen to be two of them. granted it is just these two and not all three, and granted these directions are not the x, y, and z axis, but how many religions in mythology have gods of directions? - so, we were just all wrong in assuming the norse connection was it?
- (laughs) yes. hinduism is also deep into spirituality and at it's base is the belief in reincarnation, death and rebirth, as well as the belief that we all have gods inside of us, and thus through the use of chakra strengthening, the spirit energy inside of us,
we can gain a strong connection to the gods and be enlightened. this is also called "inner alchemy" by the way, and it achieves the same goal as traditional alchemy. a powerful connection to the gods that could grant you immortality and ultimate wisdom. but through inner energy and chakra you are taking the natural route. whereas transmuting a philosopher's stone
to take over the azoth is the artificial route. and you know, this is also a theme in various pokemon games. the natural versus the artificial. and bonus fact ying yang, while more heavily used in buddhism and taoism, originated from hindu. and it often features this, the yin and yang are the sun and moon
as a serpentine dragon separates them, giving them order. yin and yang of course being opposites, the alpha and the omega, hello and goodbye. - hello and goodbye? - oh, i forgot to mention! so the alola region, that's obviously a play on the word aloha, the hawaiian word for hello….
and goodbye! having the same word for both hello and goodbye... when opposites meet toby. when opposites meet. and now onto my final point. a butler in the parfum palace in x and y mentions that there is an ancient tome that speaks of how to bring a pokemon back to life. tomes of course are large books,
typically associated with magic, and thus alchemy. az likely used this tome to build his machine, and perhaps eliphas is using a similar tome when creating magearna. new remember, magearna is essentially a living pokeball, it is confirmed to have been created using life energy, or azoth, of other pokemon, and much like the ultimate weapon, it to can absorb a bit of life energy,
as its ability soul-heart (gen ii remakes) raises its special attack when a nearby pokemon faints. this may hint to this theory then when a pokemon faints in battle, it loses a bit of its life energy, and magearna absorbs it. lillie only has a few characteristics specified in her description, she is the professor's assistant, loves to read and has read many books,
and hates pokemon battles. could it be that in her book reading, she has read this tome? and so she knows that a fainting pokemon is losing a bit of life energy? we’ll if she’s so concerned then maybe she should carry around a lot of revives…. (suspenseful music) - revives...
they replenish the “life energy†of a fainted pokemon don't they? and this jewel in the sun and moon logo… - it look like some sort of magical revive, wait, revive... the pokemon fell and then was…. reborn! - hmhmhmhmhmhehehehehehahahaha aloha! - for the last time lockstin! what does this have to do with pokemon ending! - just think about it toby, just think about it!
what has pokemon got left!? the legendaries have covered basically everything, time space, life death, the elements, every human emotion, god!! what's left? and what's the number one complaint people have with pokemon? there are way too many of them! way, way too many.
the 20th anniversary is this year, it's the perfect time for the final game. plus game freak has been inching its way further and further from nintendo as of late, developing more and more games for non nintendo systems. plus... the basic gameplay of pokemon hasn't changed in 20 years! maybe… perhaps it's time…
maybe it's time for a reboot… and nintendo has been overhauling a lot of their games as of late. maybe it's time to hit that reset button on the franchise, as the evil teams in pokemon wish to do. seven generations… to quote: alchemy & mysticism: the hermetic museum among many other books on alchemy…
“it is finished! when seven become one!†- wha--wh----what? - heh…. it's a common saying in alchemy, it is the end goal afterall. physical and spiritual perfection. sitting atop the tree of life, you have all the knowledge and power you could want and with it you are reborn… you have the power to live on immortal…
and you have the power destroy the tree of life, and reset everything… it is finished, when the seven generations, become one solid story, one era of pokemon. it is finished, when one, encompases all seven. infinity, the all, the eclipse, black and white, alpha and omega,
heartgold and soulsilver, yin and yang, â€it all… comes…. together…. in pokemon sun… - and pokemon moonâ€â€¦. (maniacal laughter) - aloha.