in 2009 the pinnacle of the franchise, pokemongold and silver were remade for the nintendo ds, and with the remakes came some added contentthat they decided to throw in, one of which ended up being strangely disturbing. the event is triggered if you visit the ruinsof alph with a special event pokemon who can only be acquired in a one time in-store giveaway. a researcher bumps into you and brings youdown into the ruins, where he says something feels different, and the uknown hieroglyphicson the wall seem to be staring at him. if you aren’t familiar, uknown are thesemysterious pokemon that represent letters of the alphabet.
this is where things get weird. you suddenly hear a high pitched laughterand the screen fades to black. you’ll next find yourself in a dark temple,supposedly far off from anywhere you’ve been before. after some exposition, you’re brought backto the temple and asked to choose one of the ancient circles on the ground. upon choosing, your pokemon will float tothe center of the room and a horde of uknown will swirl around you as you’re engulfedin a huge light. this animation is graphically not like anythingelse in these games, giving you this surrealistic
vibe, but it gets weirder from there. creepy gregorian music starts playing, andwe’re taken through a slideshow of the creation of the universe, using real life photographs. i’ve always found the use of mixed mediumsto be creepy, and this is no exception, seeing man-made cities from our world just comesas a shock after looking at an entire game’s worth of this one specific art style. the event ends with you being given this eggcontaining a new pokemon, before reappearing in the ruins and the researcher explains thatyou just disappeared and reappeared before his eyes.
the mystery deepens. while we’re still on the ruins of alph,they are pretty creepy even under the game’s normal circumstances. once you get near the ruins, you can startto pick up a strange signal on your radio. it’s so broken and distorted, it soundsmore like part of some pokemon creepypasta than an actual part of the game. the player is tasked with completing theseancient block puzzles, each depicting an ancient prehistoric pokemon. the completion of these puzzles opens up atrap door, leading to the underground tombs
where uknown will start to randomly appear. the question is, who could have built thisplace all those millions of years ago, and for what purpose? even after completing everything, the mysteryof the ruins is never fully solved. another creepy location in the series is n’sroom in pokemon black and white. n was an orphan adopted by the evil team plasmaand one of the more interesting characters in the series. he poses the idea of liberating pokemon fromtheir trainers as an animal rights type of thing, but it turns out that his superiorswere just lying and trying separate other
pokemon trainers from their pokemon so thatthey would have all of the power in the world. seeing n’s childhood room shows how manipulatedhe was. they’ve spent tons of money to keep himoccupied, but everything in the room is there to keep him entertained by himself withoutthe need for any friends. he has a trainset, basketball hoop, dartboard,even his own halfpipe. you can go back to the room in the sequels,which take place 2 years after team plasma betrays n. now the room seems to have been destroyed,most likely by n, in a rage after discovering his faux father’s true intentions and howhe was used.
the music box in the room also seems to havebeen broken, as the soundtrack sounds much more sinister. perhaps the creepiest part about n’s roomthough, can be seen if you examine the half-pipe. the character observes that it has been damagedby the scratches of pokemon. did n’s father give him potentially harmfulpokemon, as part of his plan to turn n against the union shared by pokemon and their trainers? we never fully find out, but it looks grimbased on the evidence presented in the game. while we’re on the topic of harmful pokemon,there are many that look innocent, but actually have extremely dark descriptions.
others are just downright terrifying. “cofagrigus. it has been said that they swallow those whoget too close and turn them into mummies. they like to eat gold nuggets.†“they pretend to be elaborate coffins toteach lessons to grave robbers. their bodies are covered in pure gold.†so this pokemon, cofagrigus, literally hasbeen known to swallow adults whole. it makes you think twice as the 14 year oldprotagonist of these games whenever you encounter one while exploring.
who knew that your adventure could come toa close at any moment? literally. let’s look at another. “gengar. to steal the life of its target, it slipsinto the prey's shadow and silently waits for an opportunity.†it’s pretty unnerving to consider that somethingcould be watching you from your own shadow. especially if you are the pokemon clefable. many have theorized that gengar is actuallythe dark version or at least the shadow of
clefable, haunting it wherever it goes. given their identical shape, it’s possiblethat the name gengar is short for doppelganger because gengar is the ghostly double of clefable. if such a thing exists, it’s chilling tothink about what else is out there. do humans have a shadow entity following themas well? moving on. sandygast is a ghost/ground type pokemon resemblinga sandcastle from pokemon sun and moon. it’s evolution is called palossand and theycan be found on the sunny shores of hano beach. sandygast’s entry reads as follows: “ittakes control of anyone who puts a hand in
its mouth. and so it adds to the accumulation of itssand-mound body.†that’s creepy enough on it’s own, butlet’s look at the description of the evolved form, palossand. “buried beneath the castle are masses ofdried-up bones from those whose vitality it has drained.†these tropical beaches don’t seem quiteso bright and cheerful, after learning that. it gets worse when you consider the context. hano beach is a public beach right next totwo huge resorts.
the place is covered with unsuspecting tourists,and young children can be found playing at the resort. don’t fall asleep on that beach chair, becauseyour kid could end up as a pile of bones beneath these sunny shores if you aren’t careful. not all the creepy pokemon are ghost types,however. “beedrill. beedrill is extremely territorial. no one should ever approach its nest - thisis for their own safety. if angered, they will attack in a furiousswarm.â€
that might not sound that scary, but let’snot forget that beedrill are 3 foot tall, 65 pound poisonous bugs with giant stingersfor hands. i think wasps in our world are already scaryenough as it is. i do not need a swarm of child-sized beedrillcoming after me with their glowing red eyes. the thought of that is enough to make me neverwant to go outside again. with that being said, let’s take a breakfrom the creepy pokedex entries, i think we all could use one, and go inside to some ofthe creepy buildings that the world of pokemon has to offer. take cinnabar mansion for example.
it’s the burned down… well, they callit burned down, but i guess it’s just burned… mansion of a researcher who had been studyingthe legendary pokemon mew and attempting to replicate its dna. his journal entries can be found in the mansion,that is if you make it past the mad scientists and burglars who have come to scavenge theremains. the journals tell of approximately a two yearperiod where researchers found and captured mew, cloned it, and gave birth to mewtwo. mewtwo became far too powerful for them tohandle, destroyed the mansion and fled into the wild, eventually settling in at ceruleancavern.
mewtwo is the strongest pokemon in the game,so much so that only the pokemon league champion is permitted entry into the cavern. as for the researcher, i think it’s prettyobvious what happened to him. in our real world with emerging technologiessuch as cloning and ai, it’s scary to think about these things growing more potent thanmankind, and what type of damage could possibly incur. the most universally recognized creepy locationin the pokemon world of course, is lavender town, with it’s creepy headache inducingmusic frequencies, ghost hands resting on your shoulder and… no these aren’t allghost type pokemon, some of them are real
ghosts of deceased pokemon. the rest of the horror community here on youtubehas done a fine job covering lavender town, so i’m not going to spend too much timeon it, but it does tie into the next topic… death of pokemon. one theory says that after you defeat blueon the ss anne, since he didn’t have access to a pokemon center, he was unable to healhis raticate’s injuries properly in time. the next time you see blue, in the pokemontower, the final resting place of pokemon, he makes a comment wondering why your characteris at the pokemon tower, seeing as how none of your pokemon look dead.
when you proceed to battle him, the raticateis missing from his party. i guess you could say that you eraticatedthe competition. ok, that’s horrible. another haunted location can be found in thefourth generation games where you can find an abandoned house deep in the eterna forestknown as the old chateau. many of the characters who you meet in thatarea of the game express fear and anxiety about the old chateau. even the gym leader, supposedly the strongesttrainer in that nearby city refused to go any further than the front gate.
inside, you’ll find an array of ghost typepokemon, and while there don't seem to be any actual ghosts of dead pokã©mon here, whatyou'll find may actually be more disturbing. from time to time you can spot the ghostsof the little girl who once lived there and her butler floating around the manor. the girl can be seen in the next room overif you go into one of the bedrooms and the butler can be seen occasionally on the farside of the dining room. it’s not possible to reach and talk to eitherof them, but they lack the same walking animations that all of the other characters have in thesegames, and instead, just float across the screen.
there’s also a painting that watches youand a flickering old tv despite the fact that power would have long since been cut off fromthis location. there’s also a book you can find in thelibrary. all of the pages are blank other than thisone: something so peculiar should make off with the mother. we don’t know much about the family wholived in the old chateau, but it seems like after some dark spirit made off with the mother,something happened to the daughter and the butler causing the father to flee the mansionand never return. we see another human ghost character in pokemonblack and white.
when travelling across an area known as themarvelous bridge, you may occasionally encounter a young girl, staring off the side of thebridge. if you approach this girl, she will simplydisappear, frightening the man standing to her right. upon further investigation, an old woman willreveal that a young girl with an abra used to play around in the area before the bridgehad been built. we don’t learn anything else until the sequels,taking place 2 years later. the player will stumble upon a location simplyreferred to as strange house, on the opposite side of the mountain that marvel bridge islocated on.
inside the house, you’ll find levitatingobjects, and the random furniture thrown about most of the rooms. in the library, there are several books, pertainingto the link between pokemon and nightmares. in reading each of these books, they explainabout cresselia, the anti-nightmare pokemon; darkrai, the nightmare pokemon, drowzee, thedream eating pokemon; hypno, the sleep inducing pokemon; and some of the moves that thesepokemon may use to haunt the nightmares of pokemon… or people. exploring the house will lead you to meetthe ghost girl when she just appears in front of you, only this time, she’ll speak toyou.
you can encounter her again in a differentpart of the house, where she now has new dialogue. finally, if you go into the bedroom, she appearsone more time. with that, she gives you lunar wing and disappears. you can use it to summon cresselia. it could be speculated that the girl was tryingto summon cresselia herself, because all of her dreams were haunted by the evil darkrai,possibly driving her to the breaking point, and death. that would explain why she had so many booksabout pokemon, dreams and nightmares. there is another ghost later on that i’dlike to discuss, but first, let’s look at
some more disturbing pokedex entries. i’ll start with the aforementioned drowzee. “drowzee. it remembers every dream it eats. it rarely eats the dreams of adults becausechildren's are much tastier.†“if your nose becomes itchy while you aresleeping, it's a sure sign that a drowzee is standing above your pillow and trying toeat your dream through your nostrils.†the idea of waking up to see this horrifyingthing attempting to suck your dream out through your nose is terrifying, not to mention thatdream eater is one of the most devastating
psychic type moves in the game, powerful enoughat times to bring down a behemoth snorlax. getting your dream eaten sounds like one ofthe most painful and scarring experiences imaginable. but the horror does not end there. drowzee evolves into hypno. “hypno. it carries a pendulum-like device. there once was an incident in which it tookaway a child it hypnotized.†so not only do these things look like a creepyold predator, but they are actually known
to come into children’s bedrooms at night,hypnotize them, and lead them back out into the wild, into their nest, where several hypnosand drowzees feast upon the children’s dreams. imagine waking up as a child and being ina dark cave, not knowing where you are or how you got there, and being surrounded byan entire horde of these nightmare-inducing creatures who have kidnapped you and wantto devour the thoughts that occupy your head during a dream. the next one is a personal favorite from theseventh generation of games. “mimikyu. a lonely pokã©mon, it conceals its terrifyingappearance beneath an old rag so it can get
closer to people and other pokã©mon.†“its actual appearance is unknown. a scholar who saw what was under its rag wasoverwhelmed by terror and died from the shock.†so this is a pokemon that nobody has actuallyseen the true form of. except for that one guy. apparently mimikyu disguises itself as a pikachubecause it’s seen that pikachu is the most popular pokemon among humans and it wantsto be loved by it’s human trainers. aww… how adorable. until you remember the fact that what is underneaththat cloth, what lies beneath the disguise,
the true form of mimikyu is something so disturbing,so obscene, so terrifying that the very sight of it, will literally scare the trainer, todeath. but at least the disguise is cute right? no. in pokemon there is an alternate color palettefor each species which are extremely rare called shinies. look at the shiny form of mimikyu. that’s not shiny at all. it just looks like it belongs in a zack snydermovie.
wouldn’t want to run into one of those ina dark alley. oh yeah, that’s the other creepy thing aboutmimikyu. you can only find it in one place, an abandonedconvenience store at the end of a broken forgotten road. when you first meet mimikyu, you go into asecret backroom where your camera turns on all on it’s own. you can then examine the cold, dark littleroom and discover that it’s plastered with all these joyful pictures and magazine clippingsof pikachu. so it seems like mimikyu is either obsessedwith pikachu or absolutely hates them, which
is creepy either way you look at it. then, somehow mimikyu just appears behindyou and initiates a battle. i’m just glad to be the character playerin that situation and not pikachu. imagine you are pikachu. you go into this room and find all these photosof yourself plastered around. ones you don’t even remember being taken. then you turn around… and someone in a costumeresembling you is standing there… blocking the only exit. while pikachu and mimikyu do share some similarities,another interesting pair are cubone and shedinja.
“cubone. it always wears the skull of its dead mother,so no one has any idea what its hidden face looks like.†“shedinja. a discarded bug shell that came to life. peering into the crack on its back is saidto steal one's spirit.†both of these pokemon hide inside of the skeletonof another pokemon in their evolutionary line, refuse to show their faces and undoubtedlyhave some personal issues. here’s another pokemon that looks like itwould make a great pet, but upon further inspection,
you may want to stay miles and miles awayfrom. “espurr. the organ that emits its intense psychic poweris sheltered by its ears to keep power from leaking out.†“it has enough psychic energy to blast everythingwithin 300 feet of itself, but it has no control over its power.†the eyes on this pokemon are already a littlebit unnerving, and the teeth don’t really help, but if you try to play with this pokemon’sears, the look it gives you is one that will be burned into your memory in the worst waypossible.
yep, the sound you just heard comes from thispokemon, drifloon. “drifloon. stories go that it grabs the hands of smallchildren and drags them away to the afterlife. it dislikes heavy children.†this pokemon might look like a balloon youwould pay too much money for at a fair, but it’s actually a ghost type pokemon, andlike many of the creepy pokemon on this list, it abducts children. what is it with game freak and child abductionanyway? i think we’ve all had the childhood momentof letting go of a beloved balloon.
maybe we should just be glad that the balloonlets go of us. before i get to what i see as the creepiestthing to have happened in the pokemon franchise, let me tell you about something that may havenot been intentionally creepy, but i found rather off-putting anyways. there is an area called mt. moon, which yougo through many times in the first two generations of games. what i never realized for the longest time,was that going through mt. moon square on a monday night in pokemon gold and silverresulted in a special event. so when i accidentally stumbled upon thisand heard this strange music in a location
that i had rolled though many times with nomusic change, i was a bit shook. i’ll just roll the clip. the noises that they make are so disturbing,it’s like there’s some kind of dark undertone. then the way that rock just appears thereis almost like a jumpscare. i guess the story goes that the clefairy comefrom outer space and the rock is a meteor that they summon with their dance. i had played the game for so long before discoveringthat little scene, so it just seemed so unreal to me when it finally happened. alright, it looks like we’ve reached thenumber one scariest thing in all of pokemon.
i’ll just set it up for you a little bit. in pokemon x and y there is a lot to explorein the biggest city, lumiose city. it’s probably the best part of the game:you can roller blade around, the music is great and there’s plenty to explore. then this happens. yep. then she just disappears. it’s never explained. you never see her again.
nobody on the internet has any idea who thisgirl is, or why this happens. i was kind of tired and dozing off when ithappened to me, so i think it shocked me even more. i kind of thought that i had dozed off andhad weird dream. the music stops. the way she just slides across the screenis very unsettling. i actually had to look it up online to makesure it was real. afterall, maybe i had one of those fabledhaunted cartridges. honestly, the only reason i can even imaginethis is in the game is as a response to the
growing genre of pokemon creepypasta online. it seems kind of like something that wouldhappen in one those stories where the cartridge is hacked or haunted and the game behavesin some strange or creepy way. maybe the developers put this in to bait peopleinto writing their own stories and theories, as a sort of viral marketing campaign builtinto the game. if that is the case, then i guess it worked,because here i am talking about in front of you people right now. by the way, i may do more videos on creepythings in non-horror media if you’re interested in seeing them, so let me know by answeringthis poll right now.
i also haven’t even covered half the creepythings in pokemon, so if you want me to do part 2, leave a comment and tell me to makepart 2. and if you’re new to the channel, i’mknown as cz. i make horror films and i do these narrations,so here’s the deal i’ll make with you. if you’re interested in creepy stuff, likeyou just saw, i can get you more of that. all you have to do is two things. first, subscribe to czsworld, for new horrorsevery week. second, ring that victreebel for notifications. if you don’t ring the bell, you won’tbe able to see any of my videos.
that’s just how youtube works now. so, if that all sounds good to you, then iwill see you in the next one. assuming we both survive.