pokemons, let's go pikachu and let's go eevee have officially been announced and you've probably seen some of the footage by now they're kind of like pokemons go 2.0 on the switch. this is very controversial and a lot of people think these games look terrible. they're very upset they want a gen 8 and there's other people that are saying you know what this is exciting it looks like a new fresh take to the pokemon series today i'm gonna give my opinion on these games and tell you why frankly. i'm really excited for them. so let's jump into it so i sort of preface this really quick by saying i've played in most of the pokemon games. i haven't played son or x&y there's some ones i missed out. i didn't have a 3ds i just got 3d as recently as i plan to actually go back through some of those
let me know if you'd want to see me play through the pokemon game on a livestream or something i think it'd be fun leading up to the new ones but anyway, obviously as a young young child i played through pokemon red and then i played through yellow and so the let's go pikachu and let's go eevee games are going back to kanto they're going back to the original games, i guess you could say and there's this picture so it's really interesting i'll put it here so you guys can see it that i thought was really cool
which it was showing the original games the firered and leafgreen version and now what let's go etm eska pikachu were gonna look like i wasn't call them. let's go games i don't wanna keep repeating both our names each time. but anyway, i really loved pokemon go. i did love the simplicity of it i thought it was something where it was fun to go out and get pokemon and not have to worry about battling them continuously while i would have liked that i do get the idea of hey this is gonna be a quick like you can just go and just swipe just catch and then spend time battling it gym battles is also super easy. it's just a real time tapping and then choosing your special attack and while there is a meta game bear with the different ivs you can get and all that kind of stuff for the most part pokemon go was a simple game now
let's go games get announced and all of a sudden you see that hey, you're gonna be flipping up at them the same way you do to catch them in pokemon go hey, it's not going to have traditional battles you're not gonna be able to go into the grass and find random pokemon and it's gonna have a different feel to it. some people are really disappointed by this they thought that this year there would be an amazing new switch game that was just blew everyone out of the water and i was actually one of those people that thought that originally however out the announcement. they announced that that game is coming in 2019 and that's one of the coolest things about these new games if game freak and
nintendo have figured out how to get a pokemon game to come out every year even if it's a different version like let's go games. so excited about that i that's just amazing to me because it just means more pokemon if we're still going to be getting the same quality level that we've been getting in all the previous pokemon games every other year ever three years or whatever and then we have these let's go games coming out in between i'm so down for that cuz more pokemon is more pokemon in my eye. so for me, that's a big part of the discussion yeah, we're getting more pokemon games and we've ever got before and that's awesome and as someone who really like pokemon go there are a few exciting things about the integration of pokemon going to this game that really excite me for instance
you'll be able to transfer over any of the first kanto pokemon from pokemon go into your game which i basically completed i happen to miss mewtwo because i wasn't playing pokemon go at the time and i'm really bummed out about that so i won't have from youtube but other than that i'll have every other pokemon from kanto region to be able to put over if i need them to complete my pokedex which is super exciting for me on top of that my wife really got into pokemon go and she's not really a gamer one of the most exciting things about these let's go games as they are co-op so i can go around with my wife in this game, we can both be trainers. we can both get our pokemon. you can co-op catch pokemon together i don't really understand how that's gonna work entirely but that sounds super awesome. you'll be able to go into fights together
so my wife and i can explore kanto together catch pokemon together fight different trainers together, and that's super exciting to me i think it being more casual is actually gonna benefit us in the long run because since my wife isn't a big gamer she's not used to turn based combat. she's not used to the strategy that goes into an rpg like that even though pokemon has always been a very simple rpg even for kids to play but i think just happy having this jump in feel to it's gonna be really exciting to play with me and my wife and of course, like i said, i think this is gonna be a great combination in between the core pokemon game this is gonna give us a chance to go back to kanto to experience a new story to experience this world in this 3d environment i think the graphics are pretty good yeah, they're not like a gigantic leap
but i think they're beautiful for a pokemon game and being able to explore the world and that 3d aspect i think that's gonna be a lot of fun and really enjoyable and wait to see what they do with the game because i can't imagine it's just gonna be us the same refresh as the original games with this new pokemon go mechanic i'm sure there's gonna be stuff that we don't know about yet that's gonna be really exciting to see and i think iii will hopefully show us that and as it gets closer to coming out we'll see more and more about the game, but i think that integration is gonna be a lot of fun i think this is gonna be a game that you're gonna play and be really surprised with to be honest it's not gonna have the same kind of combat
it's always had but when you do battle trainers, it does seem like it's gonna have that similar turn-based combat. so that's really exciting they've also talked about having gyms. and so there is gonna be some original core pokemon game mechanics in here it's just kind of a combination of pokemon go and the core games and for me going back to kanto having that experience and maybe getting my wife into this and having us be something where maybe in the future she'll want to play more pokemon games. that's awesome to me i've heard pokemon referred to as baby's first rpg and it's very interesting because one of the things that people are referring to this as as baby's first pokemon in the sense of if you don't want to jump into the more hardcore even though pokemon
it's not really hardcore games. you can jump into pokemon let's go eevee or whatever and have an easier experience getting in. there's less of a learning curve you're a much easier to be able to swipe up a catch pokemon. you have to worry about ohyou're gonna have to damage them down to read health and then you have to use a paralysis attack or something and try to get them easier to catch. it'll be a much simpler mechanic. i think that's really cool i hope this is something that gets a lot of new people into pokemon well, i don't think it'll be something where everyone gets to it the way pokemon go was i think if we can just get a few more people and this is going to be a system seller for the switch even if the game is not a traditional pokemon
this is going to be a killer app for the switch we're just gonna get a bunch more people in the switch ecosystems gonna be a bunch more people prepping up for the rest of the games coming out and i just think this is an all-around great move by nintendo a great business move and well, yeah, of course i would have preferred a core pokemon rpg this time around. it's really exciting to me that we have a pokemon game coming out that doesn't a great pokemon go so when i have pokemon go on the go i'm out and i'm playing pokemon going. i'm doing this progression i'll be able to add it to the let's go games and who knows you i'd be super stoked if let's
go whatever came out forward let's go totodile came out even though it probably wouldn't because it's showing i think they don't want starters to be in these traditional ones let's go totodile came out where it was the johto reason and let's go and that integrated with pokemon. go again and so they have these side games. that is the pokemon go mechanic alongside the core games so eventually will be going down to let's go some sun pokemon and then they'll have will be at what jan 11 or 12 by then and they'll be able to integrate these games and maybe the let's go games can be a way to expand the worlds beyond the korra ones are just you know stuck in these smaller things. maybe let's go we'll have something where we have the next let's go game after this will be giotto and hoenn together
because since it's not the game mechanics aren't as deep they're a little bit more simple that we can start to get these bigger worlds and put more into these games there's so many opportunities for them to do something different with these let's go games that i really think that in the long run this isn't gonna be something we're gonna look back and say nintendo made the wrong move making these games i really think that we're gonna look back and say this is more pokemon that's got more people into it this really revitalize the franchise that already sells so much they just they sell a little bit less than mario mario is a bit more of a system seller
but other than that, i really can't imagine in japan especially how big these games are gonna get and when people go in and they're looking at the consoles to buy for their kids and the kids see a pokemon game. they're gonna say mom. i want the switch and i want pokemon and that's iii just i think when we look back at this the next couple years this is gonna be the first moment where we're gonna say this really pushed the switch past its original progression the mario super mario odyssey, really helped it last year well having super smash bros this pokemon game and potentially any other big games that come out this year i mean, we don't think metroid prime 4 is gonna come out and some other stuff, you know
they'll have other first party games coming out for the rest of the year yoshi's gonna be coming out and stuff so i really think i can't imagine at the end of this year the nintendo switch catalog is going to be just absolutely incredible i i can't wait for and let's go i think is going to be a coup and then let's go pokemon games. i think are going to be amazing additions to that catalog. i'm excited for the simplicity i'm excited for the fact that it does blend in with pokemon go and we'll be able to have that integration i mean cited for the pokeball peripheral that is gonna be fun to carry around. it's like a real pokeball overall i just say i'm excited about this. i think the different formula is gonna be a lot of fun it's gonna be refreshing for the franchise and i definitely think it'll tide us over until next year's
new pokemon game comes out that really takes the core series to another level oh, and i forgot to say these games are considered core games in the pokemon franchise. these are not spin-offs nintendo has confirmed that these are core games which is interesting. they're going to be a part of the lore they're going to be a part of what these games mean and adding on to this universe in this way. i don't know i'm just i'm fascinated to see how it works, and i'm really excited for it but of course in these kind of discussion videos, i'd like to hear your opinions as well so let me know down in the comments below how you feel about the pokemon let's go games if there's anything i left out if there's things you'd like to argue about or just have
discussion around or things that you want to know more about let me know in the comments below and if you're new to the channel and you enjoyed this video make sure to hit the subscribe button and whether you knew or not hit the notification ball so it can be notified of all my future videos and don't forget to give that like button some love thank you guys so much for watching and let's continue creating the greatest community in the world i'll see how you guys in the next video