nintendo pokemon sun

nintendo pokemon sun

one of the trickiest side quests in pokã©monsun & moon is finding all of the zygarde cells and cores. it doesn’t begin properly until you meetdexio and sina on akala island. after that, the telltale sparkle of a cellor core will appear. however, while the game lists how many you’vefound total, it doesn’t track where you’ve discovered them or if you have all of themon a particular island. this guide will show where and when to findeach core and cell in alola, going island by island in roughly the same order that youtravel through over the course of the game. let’s begin with melemele island.

core 1. go to hala’s house in iki town and headto the right room. the zygarde core can be found on the nearbyporch. 1. in the center of iki town, the cell can befound next to the old man near the entrance to the mahalo trail at night. 2. use tauros to break through the rocks on route1. travel down the ledges until you find a solitarytree where you can find the cell.

3. take the upper path of route 1 to find thecell past the second patch of grass. it’s found on the northern edge. 4. on the right side of kukui’s lab, you canfind the cell. 5. enter the trainers’ school at night to findthe cell in the play area on the first floor. 6. the cell can be found next to the hau’olicity pokã©mon center at night.

7. enter ilima’s house on the western edgeof hau’oli city. immediately go to the left to find the cellat the end of the hall. 8. go to the hau’oli cemetery and make yourway to the northern edge. the cell can be found just before the patchof grass. 9. go to the hotel on route 2 to find the cellin the left corner. 10.

make your way to the verdant cavern and goto the northernmost pokã©mon hole. there you’ll find the cell. 11. go through melemele meadow and seaward caveto reach kala’e bay. as you go outside, turn left to find the cellin the corner. 12. travel past the entrance to melemele meadowto find the cell near the rock wall during the day. 13.

go to the southern edge of route 3, just beforeit becomes route 1. make your way through the grass to find thecell near the tree. core 2. after completing the main quest, startingthe game again will put you in your bedroom. behind you is a zygarde core. 14. go to the ruins of conflict to find the cellon the right side of the entrance. that’s all 14 zygarde cells and 2 coresthat can be found on melemele. next is akala island.

go inside and to the back left corner of thetide song hotel. travel through route 4 and follow the pathup the incline. the cell is across from the nearby breeder. go to the lower area of the paniola ranchat night and cross over the first ramp to find the cell on the other side. make your way to the lower area of the paniolaranch to find the cell in the northern corner just above the the southern ramp. outside the pokã©mon center in royal avenueat night, you’ll find the cell tucked in the corner behind the bench.

travel to the thrifty megamart’s parkinglot to find the cell between the blue and red trucks. when you reach the route 7 beach, surf aroundthe nearby rock wall to the north. follow the coast to find the cell hiding nearthe rock. go left of kiawe’s trial area and down thepath. jump down the second ledge to find the celltucked in the corner. go to route 8 and head to the trailer. you’ll find the cell next to the stairs. on the way to the lush jungle, you’ll findthe cell near the solitary rock during the

day. return to the lush jungle once you have themachamp pok㩠ride. head to the eastern area and push aside thegiant stone. go inside the cave that you can now enterto find the cell. go south of the lush jungle entrance and makeyour way west to the rocky area. as the path curves, you’ll find the cell. the cell can be found just outside the dimensionalresearch lab on the left at night. go to hano beach to find the cell underneathan umbrella behind the man riding the stoutland. 15.

during the day, travel along hano beach tofind the cell next to the lifeguard tower. 16. in diglett’s tunnel, make your way to theexcavating tools near the exit to find the cell. core 3. go to konikoni city’s stone shop and headupstairs to find olivia’s room. in the back corner, you’ll find a zygardecore. 17. go to the far end of konikoni city to therow of pikachu at night.

you’ll find the cell to their left. 18. go to the akala outskirts on route 9 and walkpast the black belt to find the cell just before the ledge leading down. that’s all 18 zygarde cells and the onecore that can be found on akala. next is ula’ula island. go to the malie garden and make your way tothe northwest corner to find the cell. during the day, go to the fire departmentin malie city next to the pokã©mon center to find the cell between the two trucks.

enter the malie city community center at nightand go to the end of the hall to find the go to the recycling plant on malie city’souter cape during the day to find the cell next to the building. travel along route 10 during the day to findthe cell next to a bamboo patch and ace trainer on the right side. go inside the hokulani observatory at nightand enter the hall with boxes everywhere. head down the left side to find the cell nearthe magnemite. make your way through route 11 at night untilyou pass the black belt. nearby is the cell.

during the day on route 12, cross the firstpatch of rocky terrain to find the cell near the tall grass. on route 12, cross the second patch of rockyterrain and keep to the right path to find the cell next to the pair of punks. once you reach the geothermal power plant,you can find the cell on the right side near the sign. go to the secluded shore and make your wayto the left corner of the beach to find the head to the secluded shore at night and goto the eastern coastline. go to the left side of the hotel on route13 at night to find the cell tucked in the

corner. on route 13, travel to the southern edge ofthe oasis to find the cell next to a trailer. go south of the pokã©mon center in tapu villageto find the cell next to the fence. go to route 14 at night to find the cell nearthe collapsed road and the fisherman. travel along route 14 to the far right cornerto find the cell on the beach. make your way to the aether house and enterthe left playroom to find the cell in the 19. go to the beach on route 15 to find the cellon the southern coast. 20.

go to the haina desert and find the area withthe old man next to a fern. beside that fern is the cell. 21. since haina desert’s layout changes daily,talk to the old man in the oasis next to probopass for a clue on how to reach the ruins of abundance. once you make your way through the desert,you’ll find the cell to the left of the ruin’s entrance. 22. go to the pokã©mon center on route 16 andhead left.

23. go to the ula’ula meadow and walk alongthe wooden path to find the cell on the right side. 24. on the other side of the ula’ula meadow,follow the path to the right to find the cell just past the tall grass. core 4. go inside the shady house on route 17 to finda zygarde core in the very back. 25.

beyond the shady house, follow the path tothe right and use tauros to break through the rocks. travel down the center path to find the cell. 26. go to the corner of the outside wall of potown to find the cell. 27. work your way to the po town mansion and headto the left to find a red truck at night. near it is the cell. 28.

head toward the mansion in po town and goeast to the yellow truck. beside it is the cell. 29. after you take the elevator to mount lanakila,follow the path through the first patch of tall grass. on the other side, next to a small rock isthe cell. 30. go left of the pokã©mon center on mount lanakila. you’ll see the cell near some rocks.

that’s all 30 zygarde cells and the onecore that can be found on ula’ula. next is poni island. head to the seafolk village and go insidethe wailord restaurant. the cell can be found near the far left table. in the seafolk village, head to the northeastplatform to find the cell next to the construction materials. go to the beach in the poni wilds to findthe cell between the northernmost rocks. the cell can be found in poni wilds on topof a ledge during the day. travel around through the tall grass to findthe incline that reaches it.

the cell can be found near the sign southof the berry tree in poni wilds at night. core 5. go to hapu’s house on the ancient poni pathand enter the far right room to find the zygarde core in the back. on the ancient poni path, head past the tilledfarmland to the well. next to it is the cell. head to the ancient poni path to find thecell outside the wall near the tilled farmland. go to the poni breaker coast and work yourway around the water spout in order to find the cell in the corner during the day.

at night, go to the poni breaker coast tofind the cell near the totem marking the entrance to the ruins of hope. head inside the ruins of hope to find thecell just outside the proper entrance to the ruin. on the ancient poni path, just before enteringthe vast poni canyon, you can find the cell on the right side near the statue at night. in the vast poni canyon, once you enter thesecond cave, you’ll find the cell near a rock just before the impasse that requiresmudsdale. once you enter the third cave in the vastponi canyon, follow the path down until just

before a pokã©mon hole. when you reach the block pushing puzzle inthe vast poni canyon and clear the bottommost stone, take the south exit. walk through the tall grass to the very endto find the cell. after clearing the vast poni canyon, followthe path south to return to the first cave. push the stone into the hole to reveal a cellthat was hiding behind it. head to the northern edge of poni grove tofind the cell near the tall grass. the cell can be found in poni grove just beforeheading into the poni plains on the right during the day, go to the center of the poniplains to find the cell south of the tip sign.

go to the poni plains and head to the easternside at night. the cell can be found just before the inclinethat eventually leads to the poni coast. go to the western edge of poni plains anduse tauros to break through the rocks. travel down the ledges until the left andmiddle paths converge. in the middle, you’ll find the cell. make your way through the poni meadow untilyou reach resolution cave. instead of going in, jump down the nearbyledges to reach the cell. as you travel through resolution cave duringthe day, you can find the cell just before the entrance to the final area of the cave.

travel through resolution cave until you reachthe final area at night. as you walk through the hallway toward theopen room, you’ll see the cell on your right. work your way through resolution cave untilyou arrive in the final area. go to the center of the open room to findthe cell. on the poni coast, use tauros to break therocks on the eastern edge at night. the cell can be found on the other side, parallelto the incline to the west. head toward the incline on the western edgeof the poni coast. walk past it to find the cell in the nearbynarrow path. once you reach the poni gauntlet, cross thefirst bridge you see to the small island with

the veteran. to the right of her is the cell. near the end of the poni gauntlet, just beforethe veteran, the cell can be found on the final bridge. that’s all 28 zygarde cells and the onecore that can be found on poni. finally, there’s aether paradise. go down to the 2nd floor basement of aetherparadise and follow the path to the very end to find the cell. on the path to the aether paradise mansion,go right and up the stairs.

you’ll find the cell in the center of theplatform. head to the aether paradise mansion and goto the left side to find the cell. go inside the aether paradise mansion andyou’ll find the cell next to small table on the right. go to the left side of the main entrance ofaether paradise at night to find the cell. that’s all 5 cells that can be found onaether paradise. remember, once at least 10 cells are collected,you can go to the pokã©mon center on route 16 and make your way to the nearby trailer. there you can assemble zygarde’s 10% formefrom just the cells in the cube or along with

a zygarde you caught during x or y. likewise, zygarde’s 50% forme can be assembledonce you’ve collected 50 of them. when you’ve collected them all, you’llneed to separate any zygarde’s you had assembled up to that point to use all 100 cores andcells to create zygarde with the power construct ability. using the zygarde cube, you decide whetherzygarde should be in its 10% or 50% forme normally. the ability allows zygarde to become its completeforme if its hp drops below half in battle. you can also use the 5 cores you collect toteach zygarde moves.

they include core enforcer, thousand arrows,thousand waves, extreme speed, and dragon dance. with this, you’re all set to train zygardehowever you want. thanks for watching and be sure to subscribeto gamexplain for more on pokã©mon and other things gaming.