nintendo 3ds pokemon sun and moon

nintendo 3ds pokemon sun and moon

*intro music* what's going on, guys ! etika from the etika world network here, and what is up to the new niggas that had joining on board as well too shit has been kind of crazy within the last few days i mean in just a day we got like fucking over one thousand three hundred subscribers in one fucking day like i said that's fucking insane man but i got to be sayin' i'm really thankful sooo uh... thank you guys anyways, today we need to talk about sun & moon. that's the last time i think i'll mention that for a little while

'cause you know i don't want to be bragging this shit. but i'm really thankful to the new niggas that are on-board but sun & moon informations has come out today and there are 2 topics that we need to discuss on it the first one being *(snow) inhalation* a really funny one a hilarious one if you didn't see-- you couldn't tell by the thumbnail or the title

this regards the 3d functionality of pokã©mon sun & moon, and this is a fucking hilarious topic right here (no shit) i want to give a big shout-out to my man edwardo for linking me to this article on twitter. of course i have it in the description so you can check it out for yourself but this is a topic that i needed to talk with you guys about (that's news) i only saw the title, i did not read this ahead of time so this is gonna be a first time reaction thing but apparently, judging from this

it says : "there is no stereoscopic 3d in pokã©mon sun & moon" i don't know about you niggas but i can think of a couple of reasons just to why this the case but anyways going back to the article itself let's take a look at this man so, one of the nintendo 3ds' major selling points won't be a part of pokã©mon sun & moon this is just fucking hilarious *big loud ass laugh (because it's hilarious)*

nigga-- you kn-- you want to know why i think this is just so funny you want to know why i can't stop laughing at this bullshit because pokã©mon games on the 3ds are hilariously bad at managing framerate whenever you're inside of a pokã©mon battle and that's with 3d off nigga when the 3d's on, you get hilarious bullshit like this *video plays* it's gonna be intrusting *laugh* i don't know how this is gonna go at all and there's also something else i want to try it too

uuuhm-- i still kinda want to try a full battle of moltres uuuh, and i also want to try a single battle but that way we can unable 3d~ *laugh* all right so right off the bat, this is pretty bad, as you can see uuuhm good lord this is awful *laugh* the framerate dropped to a nice 10 right now ooh my goodness this is bad uuuuh, yeah that--that's the problem

to get away from all these guys all these guys to primo-evolve oooh man uhm 'cause i mean even right now this is pretty bad i-- i don't have-- i don't have really have a tester or a way to tell what the exact framerate is right now but it--it's pretty bad jeez-- you guys saw how slow that was!?

ooh my goodness oh right hyper beam *hyper beam sound effect* oooh so really bad as a matter of fact i don't even know if the 3d was on in that video but you get my point, right ? the 3d functionality is definitely not a fucking help for nintendo games whenever they're running on that thing the 3ds is not really all that super powerful to begin with

but then you turn that shit on and then you have a bunch of pokã©mons on the screen at the same time it fucking explodes man ! but let's continue reading this article sooo... while many people now play 3ds games in 2d anyway i'm sure some fans will be disappointed to know that stereoscopic 3d will only work in one of sun and moon's mini games so only one mini game !? that's crazy !

is it this hilarious the 3ds, the principle that the console is built apon something that nintendo promoted and pushed from the fucking conception of this thing is not going to be included as a feature in one of their most major releases possibly the most important! the most important release for nintendo this year on the 3ds and it's not gonna include 3d how ironically hilarious is that !? let's continue reading this man pokã©mon x & y only really used 3d during its battles, but according to both gamexplain and ign

this is no longer an option in the upcoming games so gamexplain, i really want to give a shout-out to them and ign for getting on top of this and getting to the-- to the details, to find out this interesting tit bit of information here oddly, 3d gameplay will only be available in a photography side-quest what the fuck nigga !? oh-- yo you know what i think it's the one where you have to like take pictures of pokã©mons kind of like that pokã©mon snap-looking thing that we saw, one of those thing sun and moon has a bunch of stuff going on for it man but this is so insane guys you know-- but i understand, even with the new 3ds' hardware

pokã©mon sun & moon probably use up a lot of ressources sooo they have to make compromises at some point or another this is just a hilarious one i'm sorry that i'm making fun of them so much but the 3d, which no one ever use is now being taken out so that defeats the purpose of the 3-d-s *laughes* imagine if nintendo actually use the founding for the 3d ster-- stereoscopic 3d of the 3ds to actually program something else for it instead of that which is a feature that's not being use by people

and now it's completely being taken out of the game by a major triple a developer for nintendo consoles the irony-- oh my god the irony nigga "will you miss seeing battles in 3d ?" will you miss seeing in 3d ? nigga *loud laugh* hell nooo nigga anyways, gamexplain says : "since i've seen a couple of people ask..." let's zoom in on this so we can all get a better view of this shit gamexplain says : "since i've seen a couple of people ask: stereoscopic 3d did not appear to be an option in battles during our hands on time with sun & moon" and : "hey! we were told 3d only works in the pokã©mon snap-like mode. not in battles." sooo...

there it is, man... you guys heard it from people who have early access to the game itself and not only was it deduced from someone who played a demo or an early version of the game, but they're saying that they were told specifically by a representative of these companies--uhm--pokã©mon company, or nintendo that it is not going to be available the way it was before hand only in the pokã©mon snap-like mode, and not in battles that's crazy look at that, man : had any--could anyone foresee that ? could anyone know ahead of time that that was going to be something which happen with pokã©mon sun & moon the game is so massive in comparison to the previous titles

and it will probably have a lot of stuff going on : improved animations, improved uuuhm--improv--improved attack animations as well too pokã©mon animations and attack animations, so... you know damn well that thing will probably overheat and explode the last thing that nintendo needs, is a galaxy note 7-type scenario with the fucking 3ds anyways, we have something else that i wanted to talk about as well and it's in regards to new pokã©mons that were revealed earlier today and this one is somewhat interesting but we did not get follow-up like we were expecting apparently, on serebii there is a new pokã©mon alolan form revealed, which is grimer

who's going to be a poison and dark type as well as other informations, like type: null apparently evolving into a new form that's kind of interesting, because type: null's really, like-- the concept behind him is so crazy and we know he evolves into something just what the fuck must that form look like !? i-- i don't know man but type: null, super interesting pokã©mon and now that we know it gets an other form big plus there and then we also have some other stuff too

do you remember that uuh-- that dragon pokã©mon with like the uuh-- the yellow stuff on its head it looks kind of cool, its name was jangmo-o jangmo-o jangmo-o also has an evolution which is apparently dragon/fighting type we haven't seen the pictures yet but serebii did say coro-coro leak sooo this is all apparently gonna be coming up soon we just haven't seen the pictures so i mean guys, what do you think of the sun & moon information ? what do you think of the 3ds thing men ? what do you guys-- i-- i'd love to talk to you dudes in the comments about this

to me, it's classic it's golden man (it's news) the irony, insurmountable but, i'll talk to you guys in the next video take care of yourselves, and of course, as usual, please, have yourself a damn good one peace (etikanotanewschannelnetwork out)