marshadow pokemon

marshadow pokemon

pokemon sun and moon have been the topic ofmany theories since their release, and today i wanted to go over 3 mini theories that ihave come up with myself. if you enjoy these little theories, be sureto leave a like and subscribe for more pokemon theories. as always, i’m pokemon insider, and let’sget started. fossil pokemon have been a big part of pokemonsince the first generation, and they are usually based on very old prehistoric creatures suchas the trilobite or tyrannosaurus rex. however, sun and moon didn’t introduce anynew fossil pokemon, which is the first time this has happened since generation 2.

the reason why there are no new fossil pokemoncomes down to what the alola region is based on, hawaii. according to scientists, the hawaiian islandsrange from 300,000 and 4 million years of age. this seems like a really long time, but incomparison to the age of some of the fossil pokemon, it is nothing. according to the emerald pokedex, kabuto hasbeen around for 300 million years, 1,000 times as old as parts of hawaii, and cranidos’pokemon diamond dex entry states that it is about 100 million years old.

this makes gamefreak’s choice to not includeany new fossil pokemon valid because there wouldn’t be any native alolan pokemon thatcould be fossils. the pokemon marshadow is completely shroudedin mystery. even its pokedex entries don’t provide muchinformation. its pokemon sun entry states, “able to concealitself in shadows, it never appears before humans, so its very existence was the stuffof myth.” however, i think i might have found a basisfor this mysterious pokemon. in hawaiian legend, there is something callednightmarchers, which are said to be the ghosts of ancient hawaiian warriors.

the name night marcher (emphasis on marcher)is very similar to marshadow’s name. additionally, the fact that these nightmarchersare said to be fallen warriors would fit with the fighting and ghost typing of marshadow. since we still have very little informationon the new pokemon, i think finding this possible connection is important. perhaps marshadow will have some sort of connectionto the hawaiian legend that is the nightmarchers. pokemon sun and moon did something very newwith their legendary pokemon by making them an evolutionary line, starting with cosmog. one interesting question i have about thisevolutionary line is why cosmoem is so heavy.

cosmoem is only 4 inches tall, but it weighsa whopping 2204.4 lbs, making it the new heaviest pokemon. but why is such a small pokemon so heavy? i think the reason for cosmoem’s weightis based on astronomy and the big bang theory. according to pokemon sun’s pokedex, cosmoemwas called the cocoon of the stars, which sounds a lot like the start of the big bang. it was incredibly dense and hot, and it resultedin the creation of the universe. cosmoem is responsible for the creation ofeither solgaleo or lunala, which represent either the sun or the moon, which would makeall this come together.

another interesting bit of trivia that wouldpoint to this conclusion comes from pokemon sun’s pokedex, which states, “motionlessas if dead, its body is faintly warm to the touch.” this could be a hint towards the high temperatureof the pre-big bang universe. so, what do you think of these mini theories? let me know in the comment section along withany suggestions for future videos. thank you so much for watching, and if youenjoyed, be sure to leave a like and share the video with a friend. if you want to see my previous video, youcan click on the annotation on the left, or

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