magearna pokemon

magearna pokemon

well that's unexpected apparently theash cap pikachu from the pokemon movie event can be shiny in pokemon ultra sunand ultra moon wait what did i just say okay let's go deeper in this cuz itsounds really crazy so we have this tweet right here well shiny ash hatpikachu game freak made mistake tested in version 1.1 and there it is a shinypikachu kind of like that that image on the bottom kind of boggles the mindbecause it's the red star it is the shiny star that pokemon is identified asa shiny by the game but the sprite doesn't represent it a shiny pikachu isa much more orange color but the thing is there is no program sprite for thispikachu and it actually works like i'm

wondering if there is some kind of likeweird thing that game freak put in place just in case someone hacks their gamejust in case someone like modifies their game to wear a shiny if there is novalid shiny sprite it won't just crash the game like that's something you couldexpect from a lot of older games like paper mario if there's an invalidregistration but it seems like the game is able to catch up with it and eventhough there is no existing shiny sprite this pikachu is shiny and the crazything is you don't need glitches you don't need anything strange to do itthis is just a regular shiny hunt because it is improperly coded so that'sthe reason why this video might be a

little late as you can see this tweetcame out february 6 and we're now almost a week later and that's because i wasstill trying to get the information about it that when i first heard aboutit i heard that was like orangey method only and i'm not going to talk about therng method it's against the rules that's also why i was against covering this inthe first place because i was hearing about this like oh so what you're sayingis someone hacked their games started doing some really crazy orangey stuffand it spat out an impossible pokemon except that's not the caseso someone else told me that no it's actually a glitch there so i wasthinking okay what crazy steps do you

need to do to manipulate the game tohave a glitch out and create a shiny pikachu in either case that's not reallythat interesting either however the most interesting thing about it is that thisis a completely normal in-game occurrence that you can shinyhunt for right now and the more mind-blowing part is i haven't seenanyone blow up about this there might be a twitter video somewhere there might besome common somewhere some of people saying guys is my game broken my ashpikachu that shiny when i throw it out into thebattle it gives me the shiny animation but it doesn't look shiny what wentwrong because for a while it was assumed

that all of these like random in-gameevents were shiny locked but this one is actually just a simple programming errorerror original trainer id center is after the pokemon id generation as wellas the shiny lock part so here's how it breaks down for this pikachu pokã©mon idgeneration shiny lock enforced then the trainer id and shiny id got set that waycould line up with yours however if you have a trainer id orshiny id the same as ash's trained rd shiny id you're not going to get itbecause then the event kind of screws up so what's supposed to happen is that itsets the shiny id and then it does the id generation if it is supposed to be ashiny lock pokemon

such as the mcguiness such as the ashgreninja then it's not going to let those numbers be the same if it doesroll for a shiny it just cancels it out and says no this is not allowed to be ashiny pokemon so we can see here's my gear know when it's properly set andthen also the same for the greninja so as we can see these shiny lobsterapplies to mckiernan so it's not like this is a problem with pokemon ultra sunand ultra moon it's specifically this pikachu event because all the otherthings were programmed properly same with the greninja so ash greninja isshiny lock properly trained or id was set before the ecm pid generation andthe random non-shiny pid will be copied

and then transferred to the main game soit did a lot of weirdness but it's actually still going to work and then wehave another problem ownership is messed up a nice job gamefreak so i have no idea what i'm looking at but apparently you're increasing thefriendship and affection with ash not yourself as long as you don't trade itor move it to the bank so i guess what you have to do is trade it away and thentrade it back or put in the pokemon bank and then put it back or else it stillregisters as ash's pokemon and that means unless your trainer id is ash'strainer id it's not going to gain any friendship or affection with you thatwould be really weird if someone like

thought they were gaining affection witha pikachu and then tried to use return or something and it actually justdoesn't work for dame's i might want to test that out later this is a reallyweird thing but yeah it looks like there's a there's a lot of weird errorsgoing on now what if you want to shiny hunt for this ash cat pikachu well likei said it's an average shiny hunt can do it you're just not going to getthe verification that's a shiny sprite immediately you have to check the statsand as the red star if the shiny ids lined up and it's the shiny pokemon sothe interesting thing about this is that also in-game gifts are not affected bythe shiny charm so if you're doing some

like sil valley toy poll pikachu of thesurfing pikachu and stuff like that those aren't affected by the shiny charmsame for this that this is still an in-game gift that can be a shiny pokemonso that means it's not affected by the shiny charm which means if you don'thave it you can soft reset for it if you had a shiny charm that didn't make youany more likely to get lucky and then discover it also comment down below ifyou have a shiny pikachu if you've seen someone with it because it's possibleand it could have been just like a really weird thing but that yeah that'swhat happened and then i want it in this video just talking about some of theother weirdness like magill knows shiny

lot as an event but we have shinysprites we also have like the pokeball mogera now this event hasn't happenedyet for the seventh generation so are they going to just like squeak this oneout before we get to the 2018 nintendo switch gamei don't know this could just be like a zzzz floette that the extra forum isnever released and none of that happens even though it is still inside of thegame i don't think that that means that like this game was rushed or thenintendo switch game has rust or anythingit means they had an idea it might have happened but then it didn't just kind oflike how we saw the a shiny sprites for

all of the ultra beasts and especiallywe still even have shiny sprites for cosmo evolutionary line and a legendarypokemon in pokemon sun and moon in the seventh generation but they haven't beenreleased so yeah there's like some weird things to where the pikachu the one thatseems like it was impossible just absolutely impossible to have a shinyform of ink on because the sprite doesn't exist that actually turns out tohave a shiny but then with pokã©mon like madeira and the legendaries that haveyou know actual viable shiny sprites inside a game but are just coded to notbe shiny we didn't like this weird section now wonder if this is gonna befixed according to this guy it was not

fixed in 1.2 i think he goes down andsays that later yep exactly it appears not patched in 1.2 so this is still notpatched unless you update to 1.3 and they fixed it in 1.3 you can still shinyhunt for the shiny ash cat pikachu and that will just be a crazy relic and areally interesting thing to go for now just in case if people are wondering howyou can actually obtain this pikachu event all you need tooh c'mon ultrason ultrasonic sclusively because it's not like a code it's notlike you got an exclusive one-time code card when you went to the movie it'sactually just a shared qr code that this qr code is hard programmed into the gamethat the duration is from whenever on

words that the duration is always activeinside the game because whenever it recognizes that qr code it doesn'treally care about the date it's just supposed to go and spit out the pokemonsame thing for the miggy r now so actually i wish they did more qr codepokemon events throughout the history of the seventh generation so it would havebeen really cool that instead of having a shared code for like one of thesemassive wi-fi events you could do something like this however data miningbeing able like reverse engineer the codes could also be a pretty bad thingso these were kind of not that common but still some that works oh yeah allyou need to do go into bold pedia or

just like you know take a picture ofthis video right here and that is going to be how you can get pikachu inside ofyour game but there is a little it's a little different than you would expectso actually i have to do is go to the menu so press x go on over to the qrscanner and then you take a picture through the qr scanner and that's howyou actually end up with the code so you do it just like thatand that is going to give you the pikachu so when that happens it'll sayyou can go whoa whoa whoa that got really scary okay so after you scan itsays you can pick up the pikachu from a delivery man remember to save your gamebeforehand if you're going for the shiny

hunts um yeah i don't know who hasn'tclaimed the pikachu by now but or at least who hasn't activate the event ijust haven't soft reset for the pikachu and i guess good thing i haven't so yeahyou get a little bit of animation right there you can go check the pokemon andsee if it is going to be shiny so level 21 pretty wing got all that movie stuffgoing on and it's not a shiny so that's pretty much it guys comment down belowtell me what you think about this because honestly this is one of thoselike amazing deepest lore coolest things ever to me at least because we have ashiny pokemon that does not show a shiny sprite at all it's slightly reminiscentof the generation 1 shiny hunting

because you can shiny hunts in thegeneration 1 pokemon games that is maybe my favorite bit of pokemon trivia in thehistory of pokemon so what happens is like back then it wasworking with ivs i've done a lot of videos talking about itso with this it's like yeah there's there's something still happening in thebackground the shiny ids still still rollingbecause it was improperly set for this pikachu and that means if you get reallylucky you can get it no shiny charm required it's just gonna be yourstandard shiny hunts and you're good to go so tell me for gonna shine you onsomething if you've seen or maybe even

obtained this for yourself and all kindsof fun stuff like that unfortunately with the massive mountain of hackingthat's gonna be a thing i'm not sure if this is legal or illegal to trade onlike the gts or wonder trade or something so now that this informationis out going to be a lot more hacking which is going to devalue something thatis honestly really amazing and really cool and then it just kind of makes youthink about everything else that's going on now i'm not saying like oh what ifthese pokemon aren't really shiny locked now everyone's gone through the code onthis one these are actually hard programmed not to be shiny i mean it'slike the other events you know greninja

is working as intended mcgahren isworking as intended the pikachu just had like a weird thing where two values wereswitched around and it's the difference between a shiny lock and a non-shinylike pokemon i'm just think about zero or what's gonna happen with zero or arewe going to get the event before the nintendo switch is it just a placeholderis it a teaser because we had the announcement from the nintendo switchpokemon game before pokemon ultrasonographer moon came out is it aflex pokemon i'm thinking that's both generation seven generation eight it's ageneration 7 pokemon if the eighth generation games are delayed generationeight pokemon if everything is working

as intended and then will we ever seethese got luxury we know the zygarde chinese coming up who ever see all theseother guys shiny i don't know shiny pokemon discussionspretty fun and as the list grows as the restrictions kind of come in it's reallycrazy to break down the game on this level and figure out what's going onsome guys in enjoy the video hope you all have a nice day thank you very muchfor watching