magearna pokemon qr code

magearna pokemon qr code

yo, what's going on youtube, it's your boydan, aka adrive bringing you guys more pokemon news about the pokemon magiana which we justheard about and i know i just released a video about it with the pokemon silhouette but wehave more information about this pokemon now including a full screenshot which you cansee on your screen right now. okay so here is what we know first of all this thing looksridiculous, it looks like it's probably a fairy or a steel typing together, but maybeboth? i don't know for sure, that's just my speculation, we don't have one hundred percentconfirmation on what type it is yet but it is called magiana. it is classified as a man-madepokemon, so it was created by human hands over 500 years ago. one other thing to noteis i guess the bottom corner picture shows

volcanion chasing this pokemon magiana ormagiana. only volcanion knows its secret. so now we are starting to think that thisthing might be an event legendary or something like that. kind of in the middle of the two,i'm not sure. it could be like the base 100 legendary that we see, you know, throughoutthe previous games, we had pokemon like, let me try to give you an example, manaphy ormew, or celibi. those all have the 100 base stat totals. so maybe this is the pokemonthat will be that for pokemon xy, potentially z now, i don't know. i don't know whetherthis is gen 7, i don't know whether this is gen 6.5. i don't know what's happening next,southern kalos? it looks like diancie mixed with klingklang. i have no idea. but thisis super duper hyped and i'm going to keep

giving you guys more and more informationas i get it throughout the rest of the day and of course through the generation 7 be sure to subscribe if you haven't yet and definitely give me your opinions in thecomment section below. i'll be reading them and responding to them and trying to get moretheories and more ideas out of you guys, so we can try to get to this, because this isfun man! i don't know, it's fun. i think it's fun to speculate. i'm just super hyped fornew pokemon and stuff! you guys should be too! that's it for me guys, i'll get you guysback on the next announcement when i hear something. yo guys just wanted to throw thislittle tidbit on there as i just got more information in, obviously i'm getting a lotof my sources from, so props to

joe of course. we just found out that thisnew pokemon here, magiana is actually going to be in the new pokemon movie with volcanion,so it's a tentative translation volcanion and the exquisite magiana, of course thattitle is potentially changing but it's very interesting to note that this pokemon willlikely be the star of the new pokemon movie with volcanion. speculate away in the commentssection and i'll catch you guys later!