demo sun and moon

demo sun and moon

hello everyone today's video is adifferent from the usual theme battle videos it's a discussion one that i feltthat i really should do cuz this matter made me think a lotwere really pokemon sun and moon big demos for ultra sun and ultra moon ??and does that really explains the reason why gamefreak didn't make a demo for ultra sun andultra moon ? well let's see : the first time i got this feeling while playing ultra sun and ultra moon was when isaw necrozma in the new crater they added on mount lanakila. i know it's adifferent dimension and that it is normal to have some differences but thatwas like the spark that made me begin thinking about sun and moon being thedemos for ultra sun and ultra moon. then when

i saw the doors in lusamine'smansion that didn't have any usage in pokemon sun and moon being used in theteam rainbow rocket post-game episode in pokemon ultra sun and ultra moon, this time itwas really obvious and there was no escaping from it : the rainbow rocketepisode was at least thought of or maybe even ready in the making of pokemon sunand moon. so why didn't gamefreak put it in sun and moon ?? why did theyintentionally leave it out ?? the third thing is the empty places that were inpokemon sun and moon they thought about the alolan photo club feature beforehandi think, but they didn't implement it in pokemon sun and moon and they left itout, left it behind for pokemon ultra sun

and ultra moon. i don't mean that pokemon sunand moon were bad don't get me wrong, i really enjoyed playing sun and moon. buti feel that they were made incomplete on purpose by gamefreak. gamefreak wastesting and seeing pokã©fans reactions with them before releasing ultra sun andultra moon. and that's what demos are generally for. so i think sun and moon were really big demos for ultra sun andultra moon. as i said don't get me wrong i don't say that they werelike bad or something i really enjoyed them and i really loved the gen 7 games. sothat's it. i wanna hear your opinions guys: do you agree with me ?? or do you seethat sun and moon weren't demos at all ?? is there something i missed that canprove that sun and moon were really

demos for ultra sun and ultra moon ?? pleaseleave your opinions in the comments section and let's have a bigdiscussion about this !! also please subscribe to the channel for morepokemon content, that will be so awesome of you and will help me out a lot !! andleave a like on the video if you really enjoyed. thanks everyone for watching andsee you in the next video :d