pokemon prism rom

pokemon prism rom

a lot has been dated in the pokã©mon world at the very beginning. we’d think discovered their nature. we proclaim ourselves experts of all that surrounds them, and we are fully convinced that they are the ones who serve us. it isn't strange for a human being to name as "theirs" everything he thinks he is keeping under control. but, what can you certainly know about creatures whose beginnings we know nothing about? who are the true “creators” of the earth we tread, the life around us, and all the merits that in our ignorance we have attributed ourselves? what is the history of the pokã©mon?

legend has it that, at the beginning of times, everything was chaos and the mass of the universe was compressed into a small point of high temperatures: an egg, that would be the symbolic representation of the beginning. arceus was born from this egg, causing a big explosion and thus, the expansion of the universe. this mysterious pokã©mon gave form to the cosmos, thanks to its 1000 arms. also created other pokã©mon so that they helped him build it. according to this theory, pokã©mon were the true creators of our whole world, even if we know this, we can't explain it with certainty.

it started by creating mew, an ancestor of all pokã©mon, whose dna contains the genetic code of all of them, so it is able to use any technique. both pokã©mon were present during the creation process.after this was born simultaneously dialga, creator and guardian of time, able to control the flow of the time with each of its beats, and palkia, its eternal rival and creator of space and dimensions, to which gives stability with his breathing. legend said that if both pokã©mon confront each other at the limit of their dimensions, in other words, in the space-time hole, an enormous cataclysm will unleash that will bring about

the destruction of the universe. as a mediator giratina appeared, able to control the antimatter and intervene between both pokã©mon if were necessary. due to its frightening appearance, it was erroneously thought that this pokã©mon had been banished by its violence to the distortion world, a dimension in which neither space nor time exist, and whose laws defy common sense. however, it's possible that it created that place and moved there voluntarily, to separate the matter from the antimatter, because the clash between them could destroy the planet. the world at that time was hostile yet. in consequence,

kyogre, groudon and rayquaza were born to set the planet in order. kyogre was in charge of creating the oceans, lakes and seas. taking into account that water is our natural source of life, we can become aware of the important labor of this majestic pokã©mon in our world. groudon would take care of the continents and emerged lands, and rayquaza of the sky and its atmospheric changes. in keeping with this legend, they are the true builders of virtually everything we see around us every day. however, groudon and kyogre were too proud; they fought to conquer the planet, after having built it.

rayquaza, the most powerful of the three, descended from the heavens, putting an end to the fight. since then, it has made sure that both pokã©mon coexist in harmony.in the center of the planet, after the work of groudon, there were elements at very high temperatures, from which emerged heatran, a pokã©mon prepared for that habitat so extreme. it lives in the depths of the volcanoes and can make them erupt, for which it is awarded the title of guardian of the volcanoes. it look like that this antimatter separated during the creation of the universe was reached by an alien virus that roamed through space, and after an explosion

explosion a meteorite came into contact with the earth's atmosphere, giving rise to deoxys.later, arceus decided to create ho-oh as the representation of the sun, protector of the skies and living image of the rainbow, and lugia as a symbol of the moon and guardian of the seas and storms. consequently, it granted life to cresselia and its counterpart darkrai, pokã©mon related to light and darkness, respectively, dreams and nightmares.at this point of the story, the mass of land and sea resulting from the creation of groudon and kyogre, although already formed, was too coarse and irregular. arceus created regigigas, by the necessity of modeling it,

who thanks to its tremendous force could move the continents. and from clay, ice and magma gave life to the legendary titans: regirock, registeel and regice. after that, it retired to an old ruins and entered a deep sleep, and it wouldn't wake up until its creations needed help. once was create the environment, the climate, and the circumstances in which life would developed, it was the turn to create life itself. the set of beings that would conform the planet. therefore, arceus granted to xerneas and yveltal the power of creation and destruction, respectively. as a balancing act of the universe,

while xerneas shares its energy, yveltal snatches it. xerneas would come to represent the incarnation of life that arceos created, while yveltal represents the incarnation of death. according to legend, when xerneas feels its end is near, its horns light up and release the remaining energy, sharing it with all living beings close to him. after this, it becomes a withered tree, located in the middle of a newborn forest. on the other hand, yveltal, when his life is extinguished, extends its wings and the feathers of its tail emitting a crimson glow that sucks the vital essence

of everything that surrounds it, accumulating energy for itself, later to be transformed into a chrysalis and hiding in the depths of the mountains.in case the ecosystem is in danger, zygarde will appear. pokã©mon with the ability to divide into different cells and fusion theirs, revealing its secret power to maintain the balance of the whole world. and so, finally emerged life on the planet.in the sea appeared pokã©mon like omanyte, kabuto, lileep, relicanth or tirtouga. in the same way was born manaphy, the prince of the sea, who helped by its babies phione,

took care the oceans that kyogre had created, preserving order and serenity in them. later, many more aquatic pokã©mon would appear in the seas, and thus they would be filled with all the species that we know today. on the other hand, on the mainland, shaymin and celebi appeared to preserve nature, which would allow several pokã©mon to abandon the oceans and colonize the land. the latter pokã©mon, also known as the guardian of the forest, gave rise to the seasons of the year, in addition to being able to travel in time. thus appeared aerodactyl,

anorith, cranidos, shieldon, archen, genesect, tyrunt and amaura. millions of years later it was the turn of one of the most interesting moments of this story: human life arose. it is still unknown whether this origin finds its roots in a process of evolution, or it was arceus who directly intervened on our development. but for obvious reasons even our own existence, as a species, thanks to the pokã©mon. because of the evil between humans, the lake guardians was created, formed by uxie, mesprit and azelf, who would be responsible for providing them with feelings such as knowledge, emotion,

and willpower, respectively, so that could live in peace and harmony with the pokã©mon. next to them, to jirachi, with the gift to fulfill any desire. with all of this, one could take for granted the world as such. very slowly, over the years humans and pokã©mon were evolving. in terms of values and the development of a real morality, they learned to live in a serene balance between themselves; helping and progressing together. this joint work gave rise to the different regions that we know today. among the regions was hoenn. the legend tells that a meteorite fell on the surface, giving rise to the city of arreociolis and breaking earth's crust,

releasing an energy that awoke in groudon and kyogre what is known as primal reversion, causing them to regain their true power. again, both pokã©mon fought for weeks, endangering the life of the living beings of the region, so, frightened, begged in front of the meteorite the end of this dispute. from the heights of the sky, rayquaza descended, who underwent a so far unknown change, the megaevolution, intimidating these two primal creatures and mitigated their power.contemporary to this catastrophe was the war that took place in kalos. the king,

disagree to this battle, ended up losing what he most cared about; his partner. however he refused to accept this, and he sought a way to return his life, so he built a machine. thus, using the power of xerneas and yveltal, coupled with a great deal of energy, he revived his friend, and granted both of them the gift of eternal life. blinded by rage and suffering, he transformed the machine into a ultimate weapon, and fired a bolt of lightning to exterminate any trace of life that might exist, and thus cleanse the world of those who had caused him so much pain. however, his pokã©mon discovered that in order to

bring it back to life, many others had to be sacrificed, so he abandoned the king, destined to wander eternally for their sins. it is believed that this ray of light coming from the weapon came into contact with the different evolutionary stones and were transformed in mega stones. thus, the first pokã©mon that managed to transform the feelings of his trainer into energetic waves, using the power of these unknown stones, was lucario, the aura guardian. the origin of unova region comes from the friendship between two twins and a powerful pokã©mon, in order to live in a place full of peace and harmony.

however, the twins decided to split their paths later. while one of them seeks the absolute truth and the meaning of existence, the other pursued the ideals of life and presented a less absolutist perspective to the world, which caused confrontations. as a result, reshiram and zekrom were born, the result of the separation of that powerful pokã©mon. a separation that represented the ideals of each of the boys. the battles between them reduced the region to ashes, until finally the humans managed to free it of the oppression of that fierce battle,

enclosing them in different orbs.when the original legendary pokã©mon that gave rise to reshiram and to zekrom divided, the empty shell that remained gave rise to kyurem, which explains its capacity to absorb both pokã©mon. therefore, if kyurem absorbes both reshiram and zekrom, the original and unknown legendary pokã©mon would appear again.to this day, the greatest uncertainty about the creation of the universe lies beyond what we know. beyond what we can achieve. outside the planet there are totally unknown creatures to us, of which, at the moment, we do not know its origins.

there is talk of the ultra space, an alternate universe similar in appearance to what would be dark and lonely caverns, home to mysterious creatures of which hardly know anything, dubbed as "ultra beasts", feared due to its enormous power because they could pose a threat to the planet. at the moment, there have been sighted in the region of alola some like nihilego, buzzwole, pheromosa, xurkitree, kartana, celesteela and guzzlord. the information we have about this strange dimension is scarce, as well as the consequences it produces in our world, but it is known of its existence because strange portals

have been sighted, we have known as ultra wormhole, through those who access our dimension and tears the space, providing an extraordinary power to the pokã©mon that are exposed to the energy of these, known as 'totem pokã©mon'.another pokã©mon that has a undeniable relationship these creatures is cosmog, a nebula that seems to come from another world, formed from cosmic dust and ether, with the ability to absorb light and specks of dust to grow. little by little, it accumulate substance until it became cosmoem, a warm, immobile and heavy being whose interior seems to be formed by dark matter. it looks like the formation of a star.

cosmoem, after coming into contact with two powerful energies, as the two celestial bodies of our planet and feeding on them, would give rise to solgaleo and lunala, heralds of the sun and the moon, respectively, representations of the stars and constellations. while solgaleo thanks to the shine emitted by his body is able to make the deepest night seem like day, his counterpart lunala devours the light and can provoke in full day the absolute gloom. they have on their foreheads a third hidden eye that, when opened, releases its true power and allows them to move to another dimension. this is the only common feature that

they seem to maintain with the ultra beasts, because their behavior is very different from this creatures, so it isn't known if they are also ultra beasts. usually, creatures from ultra space are characterized by aggressive behavior and are a threat to our planet. however, solgaleo and lunala are truly venerated and treated as gods by people. to protect the region, they created guardian deities, located on each of the islands that form alola region, thus ensuring the safety of each and every creature: tapu koko, able to invoke storm clouds. tapu lele, who can heal the wounds of those who touch

his scales. tapu bulu, which controls the growth of vegetation. and tapu fini, able to create water that purifies the body and mind of the one who takes it. in a hidden place in the deepest part of the earth, there is necrozma, a pokã©mon that reminds us of the ultra beasts, but he doesn't detach that aura that characterizes them. he does not seem to have any living tissue in his body, but appears to be animated by some form of psychic intelligence. it feeds only on light, which refracts like a prism. it is believed that it came to our planet long ago, in search of a home, and it lost little by little all link with the energy of the ultra beasts. it has an enormous force

feared by all who have seen it, because it is incredibly destructive without apparent reason, able to vaporize any creature that approaches him with a laser. it might even have to do with the formation of z-crystals, charged with a mysterious and unknown energy, similar to those of totem pokã©mon. it is possible that this strange behavior is due to the fact that he suffers from a constant deep pain due to the different conditions between his dimension and ours. it is believed that the arrival of ultra beasts awoke him from the lethargy in which he was, which would further affirm his connection with them.

arceus created hoopa probably to control the interdimensional passage, who moves through rings used as portals. according to the legend, this pokã©mon appeared in a town and destroyed it due to its enormous and uncontrolled power. so humans decided to seal it in a prison bottle.ho-oh and lugia were two very revered pokã©mon in johto. when humans settled in the towns and cities of that region, they created two towers for them, the bell tower, where ho-oh lived, and the brass tower, where lugia was located. however, one day a great storm struck the city where were the two towers, causing a fire in

the brass tower, which, after that, became known as the burned tower. there three innocent pokã©mon were trapped in the flames, and died. ho-oh seeing this decided to use his power to revive them, giving them new forms, a new identity. in this way, they were now known as the three legendary beasts: raikou, entei and suicune, which represent the lightning that burned the tower, the flames that consumed it and the rain that put out the fire, symbolically.lugia, on the other hand, moved to the whirl islands. it was the guardian of the three winged mirages: articuno, the bird of the cold; zapdos, the bird of the storms; and moltres,

the bird of the heat, responsible for the seasons. however, they ended up fighting each other for the control of the three islands, creating a sudden change in the global climate. lugia, seeing this, decided to intervene and left the humans a musical instrument with which they could invoke him to stop another possible future fight. with this, birds and beasts lived in harmony until posterity. however, human beings, still helpless, didn't know the universe around him. they were times of darkness in our life. therefore, it's said that arceus created latios and latias, protectors of the skies and to help us to progress,

trying to evade natural catastrophes. although absol's initial mission was to warn humanity of possible cataclysms, in our ignorance, we attribute him the name of being a carrier of misfortune. this is how the current bad fame of this pokã©mon arised. the numerous and terrible human wars didn't end, among which a group of pokã©mon known as the swords of justice had to intervene to save other pokã©mon from the devastation that had formed. from that moment, the trio formed by terrakion known for

his strength and endurance, virizion for his speed and justice, and cobalion, leader with body and steel heart, and his apprentice, keldeo, decided to stay away from humans and hide. the chaos continued, and even some pokã©mon contributed to it with their disputes. thus, the numerous battles between thundurus and tornadus to take possession of the storms caused serious damages in the region, and for that reason the abundance pokã©mon landorus appeared, acting like mediator between said pokã©mon, and helping the humans to preserve their harvests.as the number of inhabitants increased,

there was a growing need for land on which to reside. for this reason, volcanion appeared, a pokã©mon able to generate steam in its interior and to to expel suffocating jets with which to pulverize the mountains, turning them into plains. the progress of humanity experienced a huge increase. arceus propitiated this development giving life to pokã©mon like victini or meloetta. victini was a pokã©mon that attracted good luck and victory to everyone who surrounded it. meloetta, meanwhile, was in charge of giving us arts such as singing and dancing, among others. it's able to control the feelings of those who listen to its melody, being able to fill of happiness

to the surrounding pokã©mon. on the other hand, diancie originated from a carbink mutation. it's able to create diamonds from nothingness that it uses to protect itself, compressing in its hands the floating carbon of the atmosphere, and it seems to be the most beautiful of this world, giving rise to the concept of beauty. this was, in theory, the beginning of the endowment of creativity in our society.in order to communicate, humans invented writing, which has its origin in the ruins, places habited by the unown, so it is possible that letters they were inspired by these mysterious pokã©mon. at first glance they do not seem very powerful, but when

they join together they are able to create and decompose the reality to their liking, helping arceus in his work when he wasn't here.finally, when the work work of the original one, the alpha pokã©mon, was completed, he moved to its own dimension, where it rests to recover the power lost by creation, and would only show himself if the universe were in serious danger and none of the existing legendary pokã©mon could do nothing to solve it. but before that, it gave the world some laws to follow. forces and energies that cancel each other. therefore, elemental types were created, which would influence the power that some would exert over others,

creating a balance between species. the essence of these would be concentrated in tables, from which only he could extract all his power, except the normal type because it was the basis that he used to create the others. as we all know, there are pokã©mon that are outside the work of arceus in the theories elaborated until today. first, those that were the product of human creation or modification.as science advanced, human ambitions grew larger and larger. despite the efforts from the lake guardians to keep us in a state of serenity, our nature became more complex and difficult to deal with. corrupted by

the lust and power, the bonds of friendship of pokã©mon and humans were broken and were lost in time. we dominated to those who were our only friends, once, at the beginning of history.humans longed to get the most powerful pokã©mon ever. a pokã©mon ready to fight and destroy everything in its path. thus, from the mew dna, mewtwo was born, a creature with an extraordinary psychic force. him, enraged and confused by the circumstances that led to their creation, destroyed the laboratory in which it was created and escaped. it developed a strong

hatred towards humans and to the pokã©mon that were under its orders. but mewtwo wasn’t the only pokã©mon created by humans. there were many more, including genesect, modifying an ancient fossil that would incorporated technological weaponry and a cannon, in order to get a strong pokã©mon to control, as they were the the most fierce and effective hunters of his time. also magearna, who has the power to perceive the emotions and feelings of others, thanks to the soul-heart of his chest, a device that feeds on the vital power of other pokã©mon

making it maintain its personality and memories, besides being also the key of a weapon that is used like mechanism of defense if it were necessary, eliminating anything that is considered a danger.not content with this, humans still longed to create a powerful pokã©mon. that's how type: null originated, a completely synthetic way of life. it is a kind of chimeric pokã©mon whose genetic material seems to come from creatures of different elemental types, inspired by the ability of arceus. the mission of him was to combat the ultra beasts and

the threat they pose. nevertheless, the specimens created suffered some rejection to the fabric, becoming completely crazy, reason why they were equipped with masks that kept under control its latent power, and discarded in the first instance like failed experiments. however, when these creatures get a partner worthy of their full confidence, they will destroy the heavy mask and sharpening their senses, evolving in sylvally.this is all we know about our world so far.however, there are still many unknowns about the creation of the universe. the appearance in our world of creatures

in which arceus has not intervened are a obviously example of what remains to be discovered. parallel universes which coexist at the same time, independent of each other. with its physical laws. multiverses. megaevolution is still a mystery, but it seems to affect the fabric of reality and bring about changes in it. if time is infinite, chances are that all possibilities will come true, each being a parallel universe. a universe where we ourselves are totally different. perhaps, even before this universe that we all know, there would have been another. a universe that contracts and expands,

that dies and is born, infinite times.