pokemon colosseum walkthrough

pokemon colosseum walkthrough

hey guys supremerk9s here and today's video is all about the new trailers for pokemon ultra sun and ultra moon and what it means for us shiny hunters, and i gotta say it's good things. now if you haven't seen the trailers yet then you really need to go do that first before you watch this video because all three of them the two japanese and one english just they give us such an info dump that if you're not paying attention if you haven't seen it yet you're gonna have no idea what i'm talking about and why i'm so excited now for everyone that has seen the trailer you guys saw that they kind of gave a head count on all of the legendaries that are gonna be found in these games. literally every single one, but unfortunately that's not including the mythical pokemon which i'm not gonna get into the debate of what's legendary and what's not

i consider them mythical legendary so many people are like "no they're just mythical pokemon", but like if you're using that logic how is mewtwo a legendary pokemon which is based off of mew, the mythical pokemon like no, they're both legendaries. but anyways these trailers showed us all of the legendary pokemon that are in these games and some of them are version exclusive a lot of them are not still which is really exciting and what's even more exciting is they showed us exactly how you will encounter them. it's using the ultra wormhole which is perfectly fine and at first i was kind of worried because i didn't really enjoy the mirage spots. the little slit reaching your hand and pulling out a legendary didn't really work for me, but they showed us these encounters and holy freaking shinx guys did you see the silhouettes of the suicune, of the mewtwo? it's unlike anything else

it's perfect! the only thing that i've ever asked for when encountering a legendary is that it feels legendary when you're encountering something that's supposed to have just this this aura of like. "holy freakin crap. i can't even believe i'm here right now" it really should have that and i think that they fixed it in these games guys i really do because omega ruby alpha sapphire it just you know it didn't work but this having that silhouette there having them actually right there in front of you being able to see that's a legendary pokemon that is what i'm going to encounter that works so so so much cooler and now the question that basically every single shiny hunter was asking themselves while watching these trailers

will they be able to be shiny? this is a huge question that is gonna go unanswered probably until we get the games in our hands and someone actually takes the time to go for it you need to actually do it and that also runs the risk of them just wasting their time because you can't find them but because it is so similar to the mirage spots in omega ruby alpha sapphire it really seems like we're gonna be able to hunt these shiny pokemon in these games and for two reasons that's really amazing for one i, in a previous video called "the truth about shiny legendaries" kind of said there was no freakin way we were ever gonna get shiny legendaries like we got an omega ruby alpha sapphire "being able to shiny hunt legendary's in games guys,

open your eyes a little bit. it's done. we can't do it anymore i love trying to get excited about it, but bottom line is we just really can't anymore" and right now it's looking like i couldn't be any more wrong and i'm gonna be the first one to say i'm happy about that i am genuinely excited to be wrong about this and that's usually not anything i would ever say but because it has to do with shiny legendaries and being able to hunt them in new pokemon games and it's something that i never thought we'd be able to do again um heck yeah, i'm freaking happy to be wrong and the other reason it's so exciting is yveltal and xerneas are on this list they're showcased in the wormhole which means if they are huntable this will be the first time that we can

legitimately hunt and get our own xerneas and yveltal shiny instead of just you know getting the event one which is fine if you got the event one, but i'd rather hunt for it, so it's perfect for me. i'm i, i-i, i'm gonna cry. i will cry if i'll be able to hunt these and now aside from all this excitement there's still the wonder if the main story arc legendaries and pokã©mon will be huntable and i'm gonna stick with the answer that they're probably not gonna be able to. this includes solgaleo, lunala necrozma, those go without saying probably the ultra beast which is super annoying because they're also in ultra space which is the ultra wormholes i'm pretty sure and there's like a million of each, so why can't you hunt them? but we're getting the other legendaries

so that's perfectly fine. also zygarde is looking like he's on the list for not being able to be hunted he's also featured in the trailer, but he's not in the wormhole at all he's just in a cave and so it's very much seeming like you can encounter him but he's probably gonna be part of the main storyline so sadly we probably won't be able to get the shiny zygarde and that really sucks for me because that's my favorite out of all of them out of all of the ones we can't hunt right now zygarde is number one on my list. once again i'd love to be proven wrong about that, but it's really seeming like that's gonna be the answer but as long as we do get to hunt all of the other legendaries in the games in the ultra wormhole i am gonna be completely ecstatic these games are like 120%

better than i've ever expected when they first came out i was not excited at all. i did like pokemon sun and moon but not enough to play a second version of it and that was legitimately what i thought these games were going to be with like a few tweaks like "oh you can now find oddish in the route that you used to find metapod" like stupid stuff like that i thought it was gonna be the case but after watching all of these trailers it really seems like everything in these games is pretty much gonna. be fresh. it's gonna be brand new and exciting so i'm super pumped about it i want to get your guys thoughts on it. are you excited to hunt these legendary's? which ones

are you gonna go after first if we can hunt them and do you think the main storyline legendaries will still be locked there are so many questions rushing through my brain right now? i'm sure it's the same with you guys so i kind of wanted to just do a little bit of a smaller video less edited less scripted just kind of a discussion to talk about all of the exciting things coming our way in less than two weeks but i'm dead serious when i say i really want to get your guys's opinions to leave them in the comments below tweet me i always see the tweets and i usually respond so i wanna i want to talk about this with you guys so anyways that's gonna do it for this edition of my videos i hope you enjoyed this a little bit of a discussion if you did

please give this video a thumbs up if you're gonna hunt any of the legendaries yourself also, give this video a thumbs up as far as real life goes. i am not currently in america my wall is the yes, they're normally white your eyes are not strained. i am currently in france for paris games week i got to meet so many of you guys at this convention so if you did end up coming out then thank you so much it's really a lot of fun to get to see you guys in person. it's not just between a screen anymore i like to go to conventions and see that, but once again thank you guys so much for watching more videos are coming very soon, but until next time. this is supreme rk9s signing out see you guys later