#206: Dunsparce

I don't really want to review this Pokémon. I thought I didn't mind Sunflora and Wobbuffet's existence, until I reviewed them and found out that they're actually quite bland. Dunsparce, on the other hand, I have never liked. Sorry for the people who like this Pokémon, but I think you'd better brace yourselves, because I'm not going to be nice.

Dunsparce in the anime.
And before we get right down to business: no, I don't think Drampa will be Dunsparce's evolution.

So, what will I discuss first? Its dumb flavor or its competitive use? Well, let's start with the worse; maybe I'll find some redeeming competitive qualities in the end, although I doubt that somehow. Anyway, Dunsparce is based on a mythical Japanese serpentine creature that is called a tsuchinoko in Western Japan and as bachi hebi in Northeastern Japan. There are a number of people in Japan who claimed to have seen such a creature, so it's very much like alleged sightings of the chupacabra in Latin America or better-known bipedal creatures like Bigfoot in North America or the Yeti in the Himalayas: mostly tall tales and zero evidence. The fact that Dunsparce has wings, might be a reference to the Feathered Serpent, a prominent supernatural entity or deity in many Mesoamerican regions (it was known as Quetzalcoatl among the Aztecs, as Kukulkan among the Yucatec Mayas and as Q'uq'umatz or Tohil among the K'iche' Mayas).

Some very realistic interpretation of Dunsparce. Although it's based on a supposedly
terrifying creature, the end result is pretty dumb.

It also shares some traits with bumblebees - bachi hebi is literally 'bee snake', so go figure - and its stripes, tiny wings and stinger-like tail sure point that way, as does the fact that, when detected, Dunsparce likes to burrow into the ground backwards in order to avoid capture. Go figure. It is even capable of floating a little using its tiny wings, yet Game Freak have failed to make it a ground/flying type. And even though two seperate Pokémon of that type combination in one generation would have been redundant (in fact, Gligar and Gliscor are next in line), it would have fit Dunsparce greatly: it learns a ton of ground-type moves that fit its flavor, including Earthquake, Drill Run, Dig and Bulldoze, and is the only non-flying type capable of learning Roost naturally. It is even classified as the 'land snake Pokémon' in the Pokédex. Admittedly, it doesn't learn any other flying-type moves, but Bounce is the only flying-type move Gyarados can learn and it doesn't even get it by level-up, so that says nothing.

Fans have anticipated a Dunsparce evolution for some time now,
and this is approximately what it should look like according to
them. What its typing is, you say? Normal/dragon or dragon/flying.
No, Dunsparce will have to do with the mediocre normal type instead, and while there are some very good normal-type Pokémon out there, Dunsparce is not one of them. It possesses some considerable bulk; its HP is a very passable base 100, but its defenses leave a lot to be desired. It's perfectly capable of taking a few hits, but considering the tier it resides in (PU, which can be seen as an extension of the NU tier, only shittier - with the exception of Luxray, so I think I'm gonna sue Smogon) there are a few better options, even unevolved Pokémon that benefit from the Eviolite. Didn't I say I would try to find some redeemable qualities? Oh no, wait, I said I might find some redeemable qualities upon research. Well, I found some: Dunsparce's Serene Grace ability doubles the chance of additional effects happening. That means Body Slam has a 60% chance of paralyzing the foe instead of a 30% chance. Glare is a support move that paralyzes the foe anyway, but there are other Pokémon that can pull it off much faster, including Arbok and Serperior. The perfect moveset would therefore be Stealth Rock for setting up an entry hazard, Body Slam for a 60% chance of paralysis, Magic Coat to bounce back support moves to the opponent (which prevents Dunsparce from becoming Taunt bait), and Roost for healing. Combine it with a Careful nature to maximize its special bulk and the held item Leftovers for a bit of recovery every turn, and Dunsparce might live long enough to pass it on.

Dunsparce is so dumb that I don't even want to like it. It's supposed to be based on an allegedly terrifying creature roaming around Japan, but instead it just looks stupid. The facts that 'stupid' is even in its name - 'dunce' is a synonym for 'fool' or 'idiot' - and its tail has the shape of a dunce cap really don't help, either. I won't equal Dunsparce to monstrosities like Lickilicky or Mr. Mime, but its rating is definitely going to be quite terrible.

Rating: 1.5/5