Pokémon the Series: XY is the seventeenth season of the dubbed version of the Pokémon anime. It follows the conclusion of the third and final dubbed season of Best Wishes series, and as such is the first dubbed season of the XY series. The season follows Ash as he continues his journey, venturing in the Kalos region. It debuted with a special showing of its first two episodes on October 19, 2013, following the showing of Genesect and the Legend Awakened on Cartoon Network.
It began on January 18, 2014 with the dub premiere Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!, and concluded on December 20, 2014 with Bonnie for the Defense!. It originally aired in the United States as part of the 2014 Cartoon Network Saturday morning line-up.
It is preceded by Pokémon BW: Adventures in Unova and Beyond, the last season of the Best Wishes series dub, and is succeeded by Pokémon the Series XY: Kalos Quest.