It's been almost 10 months since I started this blog and I've only now managed to complete reviewing the Pokémon from the Kanto Pokédex. But there are five more generations of Pokémon to come (six if you count the upcoming games Sun and Moon), and next up are the Pokémon from the Gold/Silver/Crystal era, so I'm definitely not done yet.
This is the Japanese promotional flyer for Pokémon Gold and Silver. Chikorita still had a yellowish body. which was changed into light green in Pokémon Crystal. |
Let's start with the first Pokémon in the Johto Pokédex, shall we? The very first generation started with the grass-, fire- and water-type starters, respectively, and Game Freak have upheld that tradition ever since. I never liked Venusaur, but from Johto to Unova my favorite starter Pokémon was always the grass-type starter, until Greninja broke the streak in 2013. Chikorita, however, is often perceived as the worst starter Pokémon, something I do absolutely not agree with. Okay, it has to be said that all Johto starters were a little underwhelming, especially because their stat distributions aren't quite right. Meganium is a defensive Pokémon that doesn't really have attacking prowess, which is often quite necessary in normal playthroughs, and Feraligatr was a physical attacker that could learn mostly special-based moves. At the time, the type determined whether moves were physical or special and the water type was still entirely special-based in Gold and Silver. But the worst starter is and will always be Venusaur, at least in my own very humble opinion. That ugly smallpoxed reptile snatches all the love away from Meganium, especially since it got an even uglier Mega evolution, but Meganium really doesn't deserve all the hate it gets. While there are grass-type Pokémon that are either physically bulky or specially bulky, Meganium can be both: just invest EVs in HP and either defense or special defense. You can slap a Calm or Bold nature onto it, respectively, and make it hold Leftovers for some recovery every turn, which only add up to its natural bulk and make it a tough opponent to take down. If you're not going for a sun team, which I don't really recommend in the first place, you might want to ignore its hidden ability Leaf Guard and go for its normal ability Overgrow instead, which powers up grass-type moves when Meganium's health gets below ⅓. That might come in handy when you're using Giga Drain.
Meganium. |
Even though it's true that it is outclassed by some other bulky grass types, it has to be said that Meganium has some pretty sweet moves in its aresenal that makes it stand out. First off, it has access to Aromatherapy, a move that not too many Pokémon can learn and that heals every Pokémon in your team from a status condition. Synthesis is more common, but it provides for some decent HP recovery, while Giga Drain does damage and restores Meganium's HP by half the damage done. That makes it a pain in the ass even more. As for the last slot, you could teach Meganium Dragon Tail or Toxic or whatever, but it has access to an even niftier move: Counter, wich deals double the damage done to Meganium by a physical move. If you have a physically bulky Meganium and you are certain you can take a hit from a strong foe, you can just hit Counter and blow them the fuck away. At least you'll have the element of surprise. Safer options are the screens, which raise the defense (Reflect) and special defense (Light Screen) of the entire team. And although I am not really into competitive play, I once surprised my opponent with - believe it or not - a physically offensive Meganium (Adamant nature, holding a Choice Band) with a moveset consisting of Petal Blizzard, Earthquake, Iron Tail and Outrage. Not exactly a common way to use it, but it put in some work and I had a lot of fun with it. I still recommend using Meganium as a support Pokémon, though.
One big, happy family. |
But what about its flavor? Well, Chikorita and its evolutions are obviously based on sauropods, humongous dinosaurs with very long necks, long tails, small heads and pillar-like legs (you probably remember the brachiosaurus from
Jurassic Park, right?). Or at least Bayleef and Meganium do; Chikorita looks more like a pear, with that leaf on its head and its body shape. It uses the leaf to determine the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air and to give off a soothing aroma. That aroma intensifies when Chikorita evolves into Bayleef: the fragrance wafting from the curled-up leaves around its neck gains a spicy scent that exhibits various beneficial effects on itself, nearby people or other Pokémon who inhale it, having a combination of energizing, stimulating, mood-improving and healing effects. This is kinda curious, because Bayleef's vegetable part is based on the leaves of the bay laurel (bay leaves), and rather than spicy they have a bitter and herbal taste similar to thyme. Admittedly, the oil extracted from these leaves is used for healing and as a stimulant in aromatherapy. Meganium's fragrance, on the other hand, is almost hallucination-inducing. It gives those who stand near the impression of being in a clean and lush forest, while it retains the calming and spiriting effects of Chikorita and Bayleef's aromas as well: it contains a substance that soothes aggressive feelings. Also, Meganium's breath can revive dead grass and plants. No mean feat!
This realistic take on Chikorita, Bayleef and Meganium is amazing! |
Meganium is love, Meganium is life! Literally, hahaha.
Anyway, on a more serious note, the main reason why I love Chikorita and its kin is BECAUSE THEY ARE FRIGGIN' DINOSAURS!!! Their designs are also very well-thought-out and you're probably just calming down by looking at them. Unless you hate Meganium, that is, but I don't know why you
would hate it in the first place. Also, I always enjoyed Ash's Chikorita (later a Bayleef) when it was on TV, being the feisty, stubborn little thing it is. To all the haters out there: I am giving these Pokémon a perfect rating, period.
Rating: 5/5